

When Zack Wallace’s uncle offered him the chance to fulfill his dreams with a job flying for his Alaska charter service, no way was Bailey George going to hold him back. Flying was Zack’s life. Which is why she never told him about the unexpected, unplanned pregnancy. Or answered his letters or returned his calls. Instead, she moved away, got her law degree, and raised her son with the help of her family and friends. When Bailey is charged with running a retreat for her law partners at Casa Blanca Resort and Spa at Barefoot Bay, the last person she expects to run into is Zack. But any chance of a future comes to a shrieking halt when Bailey’s son, the image of Zack, shows up at Barefoot Bay. Part Two It was bad luck that had Robin Hanna working late the night her boss, already in trouble with the feds, had two late visitors. Worse luck for him when they shot him dead. In less than twenty-four hours the FBI whisks her out of town and off to the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa in Barefoot Bay, Florida. If she has to hide a way, she gives thanks for the hiding place they picked…a luxury resort. Trey DeMarcus. He had his life all mapped out: a beautiful wife, a career in JAG, and then retirement to Montana, a state where he’s always wanted to live. Neither his wife nor the law practice worked out and now he’s at the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa, trying to figure out his life. When these two meet up, they have nothing in common except lives in chaos. Then Barefoot Bay works it’s magic, and soon the electricity between lights up the sky. But first she has to escape the killers on her track.

Desiree Holt · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 2: PART ONE

Zack picked her up and sat down on the couch with her on his lap, turning her slightly so he could see her face.

She laughed. "You'd tell me before you pop."

"Well, you know how crazy I am about flying." He grinned. "Addicted, right?"

She forced a smile. That was the damn truth. "Of course. And you're good at it, even if I did get airsick at first."

One of the first things Zack had done when they started seeing each other was take her up in a small plane he'd rented from a nearby airfield. She knew his father and his uncle owned a private charter service and had taught him to fly when he was thirteen. He received his pilot's license at sixteen and never lost his hunger for flying. His father had passed away four years ago, and his uncle had sold the business and moved away. She wasn't sure where. Maybe he was going to give Zack some free flying time as a graduation gift.

"Remember me telling you last year how my uncle sold the business after my dad passed away?"

What on earth? Of course, she knew. But Zack was fairly vibrating with excitement.

"Is he flying to your graduation and giving us a ride in his plane?"

"Better than that. He just bought a charter business in Alaska. Alaska, Bailey! Holy shit!"

The butterflies were turning into a knot strangling her insides.

"But this is even better, don't you see? I can start flying full time right away." He cupped her face and planted a hard kiss on her lips. "It's my dream."

"So this is what has you so excited?" She was doing her best to remain calm.

Please just be for a visit.

"Do you want to go and visit him?"

"Better than that. He wants me to come work with him." Zack threw his head back and laughed with unrestrained joy. "Can you believe it?"

Every muscle in Bailey's body tensed, and she did her best not to throw up. She swallowed and wet her lips.

"Move to Alaska? Zak, what about the Air Force? All your plans. Our plans?"

"But don't you see? This way I can start flying right away. Full time!" He grinned, his eyes sparkling. "And all that uncharted open space in Alaska. God, Bailey. Just think of it."

She was, only not the way he was.

Alaska. Oh god. How can I tell him my news now? What am I going to do?

"Wow. That's really great, Zack." Did he notice the muted enthusiasm in her voice?

"I can't believe it. He says he flies customers into the remote north of the state, or takes them on sightseeing trips. Sometimes, he's even called on to serve as a medevac service if someone out there is sick. He says every day is an adventure, and I know he's right."

"That's so great, Zack."

He must have caught the slight lack of enthusiasm in her voice because he pulled her into a hug.

"This doesn't really change things much, babe. I promise you. I figured we could talk tonight about how we want to handle this."

She was nervous about asking the next question. "What about our plans?"

"Not a problem." He cupped her face in his palms and smiled at her. "Our plans are still good. We just make a few adjustments."

"Adjustments?" She tried to read his eyes. "Like what?

"For one thing, do you want to stay in school here or transfer to the University of Alaska? They have three campuses, so I know something would work." What she saw in his eyes was unbridled excitement and anticipation. "Bailey, sweetheart, a chance like this doesn't come along every day." He brushed his mouth over hers. "Like I said, we can check at the University of Alaska for a program for you. See what works."

No, Zack. I can't go to Alaska with you because I'm having a baby. Your baby. That means a lot of changes in your life, just when you least need them. I won't be the one to make you give up your dream, flyboy. I could never live with myself.

"When did you talk to your uncle about this? It must have just happened."

"He called me while I was at the library. I went to Baba's Coffee because it was so close, and we Skyped from there and discussed everything." He almost vibrated with excitement. "He's got three planes and is short one pilot. They fly all over Alaska. Everywhere. He wants me to come up right after graduation."

"That soon?"

"Uh-huh. And I want you to come with me."

Not happening, Zack.

"I think you should go first," she told him. "Check it out. Make sure it's really what he says."

"I know my uncle. He's right on about this." He gave her another quick kiss. "I can work for him for a couple of years, and, with what he's paying me, we can sock away a bundle. You can go on to law school. When you graduate, we can decide what we want to do next, but we'll have the bucks to do it."

He jumped up with her still in his arms and whirled her around again.

"And guess what?" His lips curved in a wide grin. "There's a garage apartment at his house that he says we can have rent free. Isn't that great?"

Bailey hoped she wouldn't throw up, and not from being spun like a top. How could she tell him there was no way she was going with him without telling him about the baby? He didn't need that right now. He was so excited, and it would just drag him down. She'd hoped this would be something they both looked forward to, unexpected as it was. But flying was in Zack's blood. She'd known it all along.

"Yes, great," she managed.

"So what do you say?" He stood her on the floor in front of him. "Are you game for this? Think what an adventure it will be."

Bailey forced a smile. "Yes, it will. Oh, Zack, I am really happy for you."

The sad part? She really was.

"For me? For us, you mean."

"Yes." She dug up some enthusiasm. "For us."

"Come on. Let's celebrate." Then he frowned. "Wait. You set the table so nice and everything. You said you had something to tell me, too."

She shook her head. "It can wait. It's not nearly as exciting as your news."

"That doesn't matter. Come on, babe. Let's have it."

"Later. Let's eat and celebrate your exciting wonderful news."

"Okay. If you're sure. Let me just take a quick shower."

I won't cry. I won't cry. I won't cry.

Bailey repeated the words over and over like a mantra as she readied the food for the table. Somehow, she would get through tonight, the next couple of weeks until graduation, and then sending Zack off to realize his dream. And then, with painful brutality, she'd have to cut him out of her life. She would not make him give up his dream.

It wasn't just the idea of having her life upended and moving so far while she was pregnant. The last thing Zack needed as he began this adventure was a wife and a baby to distract him. Oh, he night think it would work. But when he was off flying remote Alaska for days at a time, he needed to think about the plane and not a wife and newborn. He needed to be free to do this. If she told him her news, he'd give up this dream, thinking he was doing the responsible thing. But, if that happened, they'd both always have regrets.

Now she just needed to figure out how to handle the rest of her life.