

When Zack Wallace’s uncle offered him the chance to fulfill his dreams with a job flying for his Alaska charter service, no way was Bailey George going to hold him back. Flying was Zack’s life. Which is why she never told him about the unexpected, unplanned pregnancy. Or answered his letters or returned his calls. Instead, she moved away, got her law degree, and raised her son with the help of her family and friends. When Bailey is charged with running a retreat for her law partners at Casa Blanca Resort and Spa at Barefoot Bay, the last person she expects to run into is Zack. But any chance of a future comes to a shrieking halt when Bailey’s son, the image of Zack, shows up at Barefoot Bay. Part Two It was bad luck that had Robin Hanna working late the night her boss, already in trouble with the feds, had two late visitors. Worse luck for him when they shot him dead. In less than twenty-four hours the FBI whisks her out of town and off to the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa in Barefoot Bay, Florida. If she has to hide a way, she gives thanks for the hiding place they picked…a luxury resort. Trey DeMarcus. He had his life all mapped out: a beautiful wife, a career in JAG, and then retirement to Montana, a state where he’s always wanted to live. Neither his wife nor the law practice worked out and now he’s at the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa, trying to figure out his life. When these two meet up, they have nothing in common except lives in chaos. Then Barefoot Bay works it’s magic, and soon the electricity between lights up the sky. But first she has to escape the killers on her track.

Desiree Holt · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 18: PART ONE

"You didn't come to the restaurant for breakfast, you didn't order room service, and no one has seen you since last night."

Bailey looked at Lacey standing in her doorway. The last thing she needed was someone watching her life fall apart.

"And you look like hell," Lacey continued and nudged Bailey aside so she could enter. "At least let me fix you something from the single server in the kitchen. Or maybe I should just give it to you intravenously."

Bailey didn't want to offend her friend, but she wasn't in the mood to see Lacey or anyone else. Except maybe the two people who didn't want to see her. Lacey led her out to the patio and pointed to a chair at the umbrella table.

"Sit. And don't move."

Bailey sat, mostly because she didn't have the whatever to argue. When Lacey handed her a full mug, she took it with shaking hands and gingerly sipped at the hot liquid.

Lacey sat in the chair across from her and studied her.

"Warren Blake was asking for you this morning. Wanted to know if I'd seen you. I gave him some lame excuse, which I think he bought."

"Oh hell." Bailey closed her eyes. "I'd better go find him."

"Yes, but not just yet. Like I said, you really do look like hell. Actually, like someone who's been crying for a week. Now, I know up until dinner last night you were wearing a smile, so what's going on? What's happened to throw your life into such an uproar?"

Bailey took another fortifying sip of coffee and tried to smile. Too bad her lips wouldn't obey her instructions.

"I think I have totally screwed up my life." Tears gathered in her eyes again. "I've made a real mess, Lacey, and there's just no way to fix it."

Lacey flipped a hand at her. "I refuse to believe that. How do you think I felt when a hurricane blew through here and destroyed the only home my daughter and I had, along with nearly all our worldly goods? Come on. Let's figure this out."

At once, Bailey felt ashamed of herself. Lacey had survived a disaster with her grit and sense of humor intact and come out on top of everything. And here she was, poor Bailey George, crying over a situation entirely of her own making.

Bailey sighed. "I can't blame anyone for this muddle except myself. Maybe that's the worst part of it. I was very, very stupid, and now I'm paying for it."

"Would it have anything to do with the fact your son and the hunk who had you in a lip-lock the other night look enough alike to be father and son?"

"Everything." She took another sip of coffee. The hot liquid didn't solve her problems, but it was indeed making her feel a little better. At least it was helping her brain to settle.

Lacey leaned forward in the chair. "Bailey, you and I have become good friends. I don't want to presume on the friendship by sticking my nose in where it isn't wanted, but they didn't look any happier than you do. Maybe if you tell me about it, I can figure out a way to help you fix it."

"I don't think there's any fixing here." Bailey brushed at her tears with the heel of her hand. "I'm not sure either of them will ever speak to me again, and rightfully so."

Lacey gave an unladylike snort. "Listen. We've all been there, done that. You should ask Zoe Bradley what deliberate chaos her life was and how it almost cost her Oliver. In fact, for a while, she lost him to someone else. Or Jocelyn Palmer, who very nearly lost both Will and her dad. Come on, girl. We've all made mistakes compounded by youth and stupidity. So, give."

What can it hurt? It's all probably going to come out anyway, especially after Michael pushes me out of his life and Zack gets the hell out of here.

She fixed another cup of coffee for herself, sat down again, and let it all out. The whole story. All of it. What she did and why. To Lacey's credit, she never said a word, just sat quietly and listened. Bailey talked. And talked. And talked. When she'd related every last unpleasant detail, she sat back in her chair, exhausted.

"So you see? I thought I was doing a good thing and ended up making things worse than I ever could have expected."

Lacey nodded. "I agree it's a mess, but not really the biggest. Was what you did stupid? In retrospect, yes. But, come on, Bailey, you were barely twenty years old. You loved this man and believed in your heart Zack would choose duty over desire. So you wanted to do the right thing for him."

"He asked me why I never got in touch with him later. You know. After a while."

"Call me curious, but why didn't you?"

Bailey sighed. "Call me a coward. I was afraid of so many things. That he'd be as angry with me as he is now. That he'd hate me for keeping it from him. That maybe he'd even try to take Michael away from me, and I could not have handled that." She blew out a breath. "In the end, it doesn't matter. Because I've lost them both anyway."

Lacey shook her head. "I'm not convinced of that. I've never seen two people look so miserable as those two men.

"Do you know where Michael is now, by any chance? I tried his cell, but he's not picking up. And he's ignoring my text messages."

"Rumor has it he spent the night in Zack's suite. I saw them just getting a table for breakfast before I headed over here."

Bailey sniffled "They're probably tearing me apart."

"No. Uh uh. I don't believe that. He's had a bad shock-they both have-but he's not going to turn away from you. I know for a fact your son loves you the way every mother hopes her kid will love her. And if Zack really hated you and wanted nothing to do with you, he wouldn't still be hanging around the resort. He'd have hightailed it out of here and maybe taken Michael with him."

That started a fresh spate of tears. Lacey got up and brought her a wad of tissues, which she stuffed into her hand.

"I don't know how to fix this, Lacey," she told the other woman in a tearful voice.

"You aren't going to fix it sitting here watering the world with your tears and looking like ten kinds of disaster. I want you to get up, shower and dress, and put on your makeup. Pretend you're going out on a hot date."

"Hot date. Right." Bailey made a sound between a hiccup and a snort.

"I mean it, Bailey." She looked at her watch. "Be ready in thirty. I'm sending the golf cart to bring you to my house. I'm not sure you're ready to be in public yet, especially here at Casa Blanca."

"Oh god," Bailey groaned. "They'll be up there, won't they? I can't face them now, Lacey. Maybe not ever."

"You'll have to do it sooner or later. But, first, pull yourself together then we'll see what's what." She walked to the door. "And do not flake out on me, or I will come back and drag you out in front of people."

"Uh, okay. I'll do my best."

But, after Lacey left, she sat for a long moment.

Too bad I don't believe my best will be enough.