

When Zack Wallace’s uncle offered him the chance to fulfill his dreams with a job flying for his Alaska charter service, no way was Bailey George going to hold him back. Flying was Zack’s life. Which is why she never told him about the unexpected, unplanned pregnancy. Or answered his letters or returned his calls. Instead, she moved away, got her law degree, and raised her son with the help of her family and friends. When Bailey is charged with running a retreat for her law partners at Casa Blanca Resort and Spa at Barefoot Bay, the last person she expects to run into is Zack. But any chance of a future comes to a shrieking halt when Bailey’s son, the image of Zack, shows up at Barefoot Bay. Part Two It was bad luck that had Robin Hanna working late the night her boss, already in trouble with the feds, had two late visitors. Worse luck for him when they shot him dead. In less than twenty-four hours the FBI whisks her out of town and off to the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa in Barefoot Bay, Florida. If she has to hide a way, she gives thanks for the hiding place they picked…a luxury resort. Trey DeMarcus. He had his life all mapped out: a beautiful wife, a career in JAG, and then retirement to Montana, a state where he’s always wanted to live. Neither his wife nor the law practice worked out and now he’s at the Casa Blanca Resort and Spa, trying to figure out his life. When these two meet up, they have nothing in common except lives in chaos. Then Barefoot Bay works it’s magic, and soon the electricity between lights up the sky. But first she has to escape the killers on her track.

Desiree Holt · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 15: PART ONE

Oh god!

And that was another memory he'd never gotten out of his mind. If he didn't stop her, he'd be the only one having all the fun in a minute.


But she was determined, pushing his jeans and boxer briefs down his legs. When she wrapped her hand around his shaft, he nearly lost it. He threaded his fingers through her hair and tried to push her back, but, just as he remembered from all those years ago, when she got something in her mind, there was no deterring her. And damn, but he really wanted to feel her mouth on him.

He spread his legs to brace himself, cradling her head in his palms as she traced the length of him with her tongue and lapped at the swollen head. She slid her fingers up and down his length in the way she knew would drive him nuts, adding her tongue now and then. When she took his entire cock into her mouth, tilting her head back to accommodate him, he ground his teeth and reached for every bit of self-control.

His balls ached, and his shaft throbbed as she took him deep, sucking and licking, and he began to rock back and forth. Jesus! There was no stopping it now. He'd already been close from the moment he walked into the villa, so it hadn't taken much to bring him to this point.

"Bailey. God!"

He grasped her head as he rocked back and forth, eyes closed, every nerve on fire. When he tried to pull back, she merely grabbed his cock hard and slid her hand between his thighs, cupping his balls.

"Oh Jesus, Bailey!"

He tightened his hold on her head as he exploded, filling her mouth. He closed his eyes as he just lost it and spasm after spasm shook him. Her hot mouth around him drew every drop from him until at last he was drained and weak. Bailey rose with a self-satisfied grin on her face, took his hands in hers, and pulled him onto the bed with her.

He tugged her into his arms as he yanked the sheet up to cover them.

Bailey pushed herself up on her elbow. "But, Zack. You can't go to sleep now. We're not done yet."

He trailed his hand up and down her back. "Sweetheart, I don't think we can make up for twenty-four years in one night." He laughed. "Although I'm game for trying. Besides, we've got lots of time ahead of us to enjoy it."

Because, after he got out of her what was making her so skittish, he was going to do his damndest to talk her into marrying him. Naples was a high-dollar community, and most of the guests who came to Casa Blanca were pretty flush. He'd have to investigate more, but he was sure he could make a good living in this area. Besides, he'd already made a bundle and more, and invested a lot of it very well. Cash flow wasn't a problem.

Very romantic, asshole. Thinking of cash flow when you're in bed with a naked woman. In fact, the naked woman of your dreams.

Bailey rested her hand on his chest, her fingers sifting through the hair and brushing his nipples. "What are you thinking of? Your brain is working too hard for a man in bed with a naked woman."

"I'm thinking we haven't seen each other for more than two decades, and we've spent most of our time together in bed. I really want to find out everything you've been doing all this time." He paused. "And maybe why you really cut me out of your life so completely."

Again that funny look flashed in her eyes, but it was gone so fast he wondered once more if he'd just imagined it.

She pressed herself against him, her breasts soft against his hard chest, the feel of her body against his both familiar and new. Okay, so no talking. At least right now. He still had plenty of intimate time to make up for.

"I don't think there's much life left in it right now," he joked. Then he shifted and rolled her to her back. "But I can think of ways to pass the time until it wakes up again."

He nudged her with his hand, and she let her thighs fall open, giving him the access he wanted, and he moved his fingers between her legs. The moment he slipped his hand between her thighs and found her sex, hot and wet and waiting for him, her eyes glazed over and her lips parted. He pinched her clit, drawing another gasp from her, then stroked hard on either side of it.

"Ohhhhhh." The sound was a long exhalation, a sound of her pleasure he'd never forgotten.

She tried to close her thighs around his hands and squeeze, but he refused to let her. Instead, he cupped her and used his thumb on her clit, rubbing and caressing until she was squirming and pushing herself into his touch.

"Please," she begged.

"Please what?"

"Inside me. Please. Now."

He slid two fingers into her slickness, and she pushed herself down on them and rode them, her face wearing that intense, blissful expression that always made him so turned on. He thought he could probably do this all night, bring her just to the brink of orgasm, teasing her. God, he loved the feel of her, the tightness of her muscles, the heat of her. Unbelievably, his cock was hard again and demanding attention.

When he withdrew his hand, she gave a cry of protest.

"Hold on."

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips, grabbed a condom from his pants pocket, and rolled it on with hands that stunned him they shook so hard. At last, he was suited up. He spread her thighs, positioning himself between them and bending her knees to give him the greatest access to her. He sucked in a breath at the sight of her swollen, wet pink flesh. Then, gritting his teeth to give himself some self-control, he pushed himself into her with one long, slow roll of his hips.

"Oh god!" Bailey whispered the words as he filled her completely.

"Look at me, Bailey. Don't close your eyes."

Their gazes locked, and, for Zack, it was almost like looking into his own soul. How could she not see how connected they were? That they were practically one unit.

Then he moved, slow strokes at first, in and out, feeling the drag of her wet flesh against his dick. Then faster, and even faster, the rhythm steadily increasing. Her hard nipples pressed into his chest, arousing him even more, if that was possible. He watched her for when she was close to release, let his body feel hers. He knew all the signs. They were as familiar to him as if they hadn't been apart all these years.

When he felt the spasms begin inside her, he stepped up the pace, thrusting and retreating, each time faster and harder. The moment he felt her release, he allowed himself the same thing. Bailey wound her legs around him, digging her heels into the small of his back, keeping them connected as tight as possible. They fell over the edge together, bodies shuddering and shaking with the force of the orgasm. And all the while, their gazes were connected, as if they could see inside each other. When he saw the expression of intense pleasure on her face it only increased his own response.

Zack had no idea how long the spasms continued, barely aware when they began at last to subside. The heavy beat of his heart slowed, and he was able to draw air into his lungs.

He smiled down at Bailey. "Wow!"

She gave a thready little laugh. "Wow, indeed!"

She lowered her legs, and Zack eased himself from her body with great care. He disposed of the condom in the bathroom then crawled back into bed with her. She was soft and pliant in his arms and smelled exotically of jasmine and sex. This was all he wanted in the world. Somehow, he'd have to find out what had happened so long ago-and since-and convince her they belonged together.

And he had only until Sunday to do it.

"Sleep, sugar," he whispered, spooning around her. "Rest. The night is still young."

And he was far from done.