

Akai began to wake up. While laid on the ground, he turned his head with almost closed eyes. He saw the destruction of the campsite. The bodies of dragonslayers burned and melted. He looked up and saw Jezeboyah flying above. Akai smiled and gave one cough before getting himself up.

"I guess I didn't need to save you, then. Well, let's get you back to Mt. Geolith and tell everybody that you're safe." Akai said aloud to Jezeboyah.

The red dragon didn't listen. It's eyes stared at the town ahead. In a couple of seconds, Jezeboyah began flying towards the village. Akai was confused and ran ahead. Akai stopped and watched what Jezeboyah was about to do.


As the red dragon approached the town, people stopped in their tracks and looked. The dragon flew straight towards them. In an instant the red dragon spit red flames straight at the town. Everybody dropped everything and ran. Screams could be heard all around. The dragon shot flames at the buildings and homes as it flew overhead. Innocent families screamed as they were being burned alive. The red dragon landed on top of a women carrying a baby. It ate them whole. The dragon swallowed them and then started to spray fire around the town once more. It flew right back into the air burning everything that it saw.


Akai watched in terror from the campsite. He could overlook the town being burned. Small screams could be heard before they were stomped out.

"No. It can't be." Akai said to himself.

Akai knew he had to do something. Jezeboyah would never have done this to innocent people. Akai would never believe that an ancient dragon, let alone the one who raised him, would destroy a torn for no reason. But belief didn't stop the truth. Akai watched the town being burned with his very own eyes. He knew he had to do something.

Akai still had his equipment. He grew wings and his tail from his back and flew toward the devastation.


When Akai arrived, he saw Jezeboyah chewing on the charred remain of a child. Akai almost puked from the image. He was flying in the air above the red dragon.

"Please stop this." Akai pleaded, but the giant dragon continued to eat.

Akai unsheathed his blade. His hands began to shake. Sweat and tears formed. Akai pleaded once more "Please don't make me do this."

Jezeboyah stopped and paused for a moment. Akai thought that maybe Jezeboyah regained his senses. Akai began to smile, thinking that Jezeboyah was still in there. The red dragon looked back at Akai with reptilian eyes. It was uninterested in the young dragon and turned his head walking strolling through the town picking up pieces of burnt human flesh. Akai's face reverted back to sorrow. A scream was heard streets away, and at that moment, the red dragon lifted his wings and faced towards the scream. Akai was already in the air and looked in the direction. He saw a boy crawling away from the carnage. Jezeboyah flew slightly upwards and went towards the screaming boy.

Akai's eyes widened. "No! Stop!" Akai screamed.

Jezeboyah opened his mouth and went for the injured boy. As the red dragon flew towards the child, Akai took his blade and stabbed the dragon on the top of his neck. The dragon roared in pain. Akai held onto his blade and continued to stab the red dragon in the neck. "Please stop. Please stop. Please stop." Akai repeated over and over with tears flowing out of his eyes. Jezeboyah roared and tried to get Akai off of the back of his neck, but his struggling slowed down. The red dragon stopped moving, but Akai kept stabbing it, repeating the same lines over and over. Soon, Akai did one last stab and left go of his blade. He became silent. His entire body was covered in blood and tears. He looked back at the boy and he was safe. Akai collapsed on the red dragon's neck and went into a fetal position. It was silent. Silence. Silence. Silence. Only the sparks of flames could be heard. And then a cry loud enough throughout Butterton Town could be heard for hours. Akai's wings and tail went back inside of him as he cried.