
Marry me.

Julie gave her friend a stupefied face, turning into an ice block to repeat her words. "Stand in?"

"Yup!" Jennifer blinked her eyes excitedly.

"What are you saying? I have my boyfriend." Julie shook her head.

"So what? He won't know. All you do is to reject him on my behalf." Jennifer replied plainly.

"Sorry. I couldn't help you in that matter." Julie reject.

"Okay. One million" Jennifer named a number with her puffy eyes.

"Are you crazy? One million is a money." Julie unhappily glanced at Jennifer.

"Please Julie!" Jennifer heaved a long deep breath. "One million" Jennifer pleaded again like an old woman.

"Al-" Julie was about to say "Alright" without thinking twice. Quickly she praised herself for controlling her loose mouth.

"I just got my heart broken. I can't move from Nelson." Jennifer flopped into the bed and cussed her heart out, turning her face to a pillow and muffled her grumbling and curses.

Julie stood there scratching her head, not knowing what she should say in this situation. She didn't have the heart to see her bright friend to become more dejected and gave in. "Alright, I'll go in your stead and reject him cleanly."

Jennifer looked up at her friend with a healed expression, "Really?"

"Just for this once, remember." Julie reminded to have her friend jumping to hug her.

Next day Julie was waiting for other party to show up. Suprisingly a familiar man in a gray suit approached her slowly.

"Hi, Is this Ms. Warren?"

"Y- Yes, it is me." Julie replied. She peeked up between her eyelids, seeing the man having an uncaring expression, languidly taking a seat.

"Where did I saw him?" She wondered. In next moment, her expression changed at once. She almost spat the tea out.

"Sorry! I need to go" She hurriedly stood up.

"Julie Stone"

With her body stiffened, Julie turned around and greeted the man with a professional smile.

"Hello, Director Cooper"

The man looked at her and asked, " When did you become Jennifer Warren?"

"No...I..No" Julie was about to cry.

"Sit down." The man ordered.

Julie had no choice but to sit down across from him reluctantly. She lifted her eyes and carefully glanced at the man who had extraordinary elegance.

Dexter Cooper was the president of NextB Group, the biggest conglomerate in Wavery. Despite being at the age of thirty his net worth had exceeded ten billion.

On the other hand, Julie was an ordinary white-collar in Wavery. She worked as a designer at NextB Group.

"Director.... I didn't meant to..." She stutters. "If there's nothing else…"

Julie wanted to leave badly, but as soon as she spoke up, Dexter stared at her with his deep-set eyes and said, "Marry me!"

"Huh?" Julie was stunned the moment she heard that. She lifted her eyes and stared at the man in front of her in shock.

"You don't have to give me answer right now. I'lI give you time to think about it." Dexter said smoothly. His handsome face looked very serious, and he didn't seem to be joking.

After a long time, Julie finally regained her senses.

"No" She replied without thinking twice.

Dexter hardened his face the moment he heard her.

"Director, Have a nice day!" She hurriedly took her bag and ran out.


With a pale face Julie went to the hospital where her boyfriend is admitted after having a car accident. After settling the bill for James, she hurried upstairs. The situation was not as bad as she had thought, and the doctor said he could be discharged soon.

Right then, James was sitting on the hospital bed, figuring out the functions of his new phone. His complexion was much better than before—ironically, a stark contrast to the woman walking towards his ward. Color had returned to his cheeks, and he even put on some weight.

"How's your day?" James asked.

"A-h Great!" Julie pushed a thin smile.

"The doctor said I can go home next week. I didn't expect to recover so quickly," James said with a happy smile.

Julie looked at him with shifty eyes as guilt rose in her with each dreading second. "James, Thank you."

"That was my line." James smiled back.

Next day as usual Julie went to work. She was was not surprised to receive a call from Marketing team.

On the other line was Robert, the project manager to whom she had submitted the drawing yesterday. He sounded courteous as he said, "Miss Julie, Please come to nine floor. I would like to meet you to discuss the details."