

Rei is waiting outside when we pull up to Dre's house. Dre comes around to open my door, like he always does, and helps me out. He's always such a gentleman, to be expected of a freaking prince. That explains so much. "Miss Emmi, it's a pleasure to see you again." Rei looked like he did before, pristine suit, well put together, nothing like that night. "Likewise, Rei." Still feeling overwhelmed and angry I march into the house, not waiting for either of them. I walk through the house to garden, Adriel and Rei right behind me. Geez, they're fast. Am I fast too? I Stood at a bed of orchids, feeling green for the flowers easy life. I turned to face Rei, "Change back.". Rei looked stunned, but bowed his head to me, "As you wish."

What is she doing? Is she ready for this? Is Rei really going to do it? I speak into Rei's head, telling him to continue. He gives me a worried look and steps back from Emmi. The air grows thicker as Rei closes his eyes, I watch her, waiting for any sort of reaction, but she stood like a stone, watching Rei. A black haze surrounded him, and dissipated just as fast as it had come. Rei stood expectantly, eyes ablaze, his skin back to it's normal grey. Still stone faced, Emmi finally moved, standing in front of him, "May I?" She held her hand out to touch him, "Yes, my lady." placing a hand on his arm, she rubs at it, "Well, it's real at least." She walks around him, touching him here and there. "Ok. Ok. Thank you Rei." Is all she says before disappearing into the house. "Will she be ok?" Dre asked, back to his human form. "For all of our sakes, I sure hope so."

I find Emmi standing in the upstairs hall, Looking at my families portraits. "Emmi?" She points to the empty spot on the wall next to my parents. "Why is there not one here?" "Ah, that spot is reserved for the portrait of the next king and queen." All of these, aside from my parents, were the past rulers of Acheron. Next up is me." Her brows knit together, forming the little "V" I like. "Wonder who your queen will be. Hope she's beautiful and smart." Oh you have no idea. but Ill save that conversation for another time. She's already dealing with too much. "Never know, I might not even marry." I laugh as I walk into my room, not wanting to continue the conversation, she follows. "So...what happens now? Do I have powers? Can you fly? What can Rei do? Does every one have a special ability? Do-." Bombarded with questions, as she paces my room, I cut her off. "Emmi." Without realizing I stride across the room and wrap my arms around small frame. She doesn't fight me, as she clasped her hands around my back. I look down to see two golden eyes staring back into mine, brimming with tears, before she buries her face in my chest and sobs. My heart felt like it might shatter from her cries. God, what is she doing to me? I hold her tighter and stroke her hair, the foreign feelings rising to the surface. I pick her up and lay her on my bed, sitting at the edge of it. She holds my hand, crying into my pillow. I wish I could make this better. Take her sadness away. I need to see her smile again.

After an hour of tears, she gives in to sleep. I cover her with my blanket and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. As I watch her peaceful, tear soaked face, I am hit with a truth I cant escape. Love? This whole time, I was in love with her. What would she say? I'm her only friend. Rejection never bothered me before but...Looking down at the beautiful women asleep in my bed only made my realization hit harder. But she has the power to completely destroy me. I give her one last look before going downstairs. She really got me good, damn. Rei was sipping tea in the kitchen, "How is she?" I plop onto a stool with a groan as Rei sets a glass of rum in front of me, I gulp it down and slide my glass to him for another. "Thanks. She's overwhelmed, exhausted, confused. She's sleeping now." Resting my chin on my hands, I speak clearly. "I think I'm in love with her." I blurt out. Rei nearly chokes on his tea and turns on his heels to face me. "Pardon? Love? You? Mr. War General extraordinaire? Well this certainly is an unexpected development." I roll my eyes, I wasn't incapable of love, I loved a lot of things. Bloodlust was always the strongest emotion I had ever felt until this point, but this, this was more intense than any battle, any victory. Without me realizing she had become my whole world in such a short amount of time. Trying to remember what it was like without her just seemed miserable. She was fun, smart, kind to a fault, and absolutely radiant, but most of all, she was mine. Well, she will be. The idea of love scared me, but the thought of our relationship changing if I confessed scared me even more. Pull it together Adriel! You need to get her back home before anything else.

I wake up in Dre's bed, rub my eyes and stretch. "I needed that." Sitting up I let out a big sigh. So I guess demons do sleep then. What should I do now? I had my explanation, watched Rei change in front of me. What else do I need? This is seriously bizarre and terrifying. I should just accept it. Right? I don't have anyone else in my life, what do I have to lose. My life is all I have left. and even that's boring now. You always said you wanted more excitement, Emmi. Well here it is. Looking into the mirror in Dre's room, as I fix my bed head, I spot a my clothes on his dresser, all matching, all paired far better than I could do. You're shitting me, he folds and matches clothes too? Suck up. "Dre." I said his name out loud, I didn't know why, but I felt if I call him, he'd come. After a few seconds, I feel a tingle as he appears behind me. Guess I was right. "You called, my lady? I do hope you slept well." I giggle at his greeting, "I did, very much so. Must be because it smells like you." Dre raised an eyebrow, a smirk plastered on his perfect face, my cheeks grows hot realizing what I had just said. Emmi abort, make an excuse! "Anyway," I quickly pick up an outfit he had laid out for me. "I'm going to freshen up!" I run for the bathroom, Dre's laughter ringing through the hall.

I grip the sink, trying to calm my nerves. Why did I say that? It's not my fault he always smells good. So we have no filter now, Emmi? Freshening up, I throw my clothes on. Dre had picked out a pair of pink floral shorts and white t-shirt, complete with my open toed white sandals. This outfit was little bright for me, but it suited me so well. What else can this man do? I want to go back to sleep. I let out a big yawn and finish up in the bathroom. Dre's sitting on the bed when I return, he turns to look at me, "You look really nice in that." I'm sure the redness was evident on my face, He gives a nod of approval. "Thank you for bringing me clothes. That was really thoughtful of you. I put my dirty clothes in my bag and sit down in his office chair. "Well, how about some dinner then?" My stomach growls answering for me. "Finally!"