
First Base

In the middle of night, somewhere in forest unusual situation took place. Large area of forest was as bright as day and reason for that was huge forest fire. Animals that lived in that area ran for their lives as quickly as they could.

Amid this chaos one strange creature moved between burning trees at high speeds while sinisterly laughing. Creature attacked running animals left and right, but in hurry creature made mess. Some animals just burned to ashes, some smaller ones simply crushed.

"$ Haha! I like this, it's fun as hell $"

"#Bruh hold your fucking horses we need edible food not minced meat or ashes! #" - Snaky, the only one with cold head tried to be voice of reason between two crazy ones.

"# SABA!!! #"

"What?" - Saba replied with annoyed tone.

"#Focus on bloody mission!#"

Saba paused for a moment and clamed down a bit. Then he looked around, what he could see was scene straight from the hell. Panicked and frantic animals running for their lives and reddish smoke coming form his hands from evaporating blood.

'Damn I lost control, how in hell that shitty rabbit got on my nerves so much?'

"Okay, let's get tis over"

"$ Man you are no fun! $" - Orochimaru whined.

After brief pause Saba continued his hunt, but this time he controlled his strength and after few tries he managed to get relatively clean, a bit roasted, but still clean kill. Then he repeated it few more times and at the end there were five bodies of different animals. All of them were from size of otter to medium boar. The animals themselves had different looks. They had many similarities to animals from Saba's old world and also differences. The most obvious one was their fur colours, they were all kinds of colours that simply weren't back in home, well not in mammals at least.

"Well those look at least edible, Time to head back since it won't be easy to drag all of this to base anyway"

"#Hmm well... you are right, how are we going to get all of those to base?#"

"$Well... even though we are abomination, we still only have 2 hands and 2 legs, I guess 2 more pair of hands would be useful$"

"No thanks, My talking shlong is already enough"

"$Owhh thanks for the compliment$"

"That was not complement -_-"

"$Trust me, I know$"

Saba took two biggest animals and Snaky wrapped around other 3 bodies and lifted them up.

"#We should make something like bag#"

"$that is a good idea, but not for us$"

"Ye we should tell Sandro to get it for himself, But we should try to make something for ourselves, if we do not want to look like weird corpse monster."

"#Yes, I do not want to drag bloody animal at best or nightmare fuel at worst with my body. Not the best feeling#"

"$Yeah... even I can feel how disgusting it is$"

"Huh? Now that you mention we do share same sense in some way"

Saba slowly started walking towards place where his brother was. He was in a good mood, but he tried to not get overly enthusiastic about it, He did not really wish to start another forest fire.

"Wait, Fire. What we are going to do about it?"

"#Useless to worry now. Let's focus on surviving and getting out of here#"

"$Heh. We went from second rate reincarnates to a third rate schizophrenic villains pretty fast$"

"#"...Yes let's just focus on leaving"#"


While Saba was hunting, Sandro was creating base, his focus and dedication on the base was so high that he did not pay much attention to his surroundings. He did not seem to notice or better to say ignored unusual brightness coming from the forest.

Sandro moved around the giant tree searching any type of water supply. After scouting the area for some time he heard faint noise of what seemed like running water. He moved in general direction of noise and soon he saw small spring running down the forest.

'Hmm.. I'll need some kind of vessel for water, but fist I'll try it' - Sandro got closer to spring, drank a bit water and then looked in it. What he saw in reflection was pale adult man with dark crimson hair with reptilian golden eyes. - 'Holy hell now that's what I call the jaw. I can even cut shit with it. Finally I resemble my pops and gramps in their youth' - Sandro thought while he moved his head around to take better look at his new face.

"Why is my skin so pale man. I look like fucking ghost or vampire from stories" - He grumbled - "Wait is there vampires here?" - Sandro exclaimed, but shook his head moment later - "Probably yes".

He continued to observe his skin - 'Hmmm... How interesting it's not just pale, semi-transparent skin, well it doesn't even seem human. It's more like white marble, a bit hard and it has tiny tiny...'- "Scales?" - Sandro voiced out his thought with wide eyes.

"Hahaahahaha now that's interesting, considering my dark red claws, maybe I'm really a dragon? No more like a dragonoid?" - He laughed some more, but then his expression became more serious. - "Okay Sandro focus on task, I need to get water to that tree"

Sandro turned around and went back to base to work on water supply.

Some time later....

"Finally, it's done. Perfect for first base I think"

Said Sandro while looking at his "masterpiece". 

"Hmm, I think this should be good enough for now"

Sandro noticed some noise coming from behind.

'Huh? Weird, smells bloody and little burned? Did brother come? well it's always better to be cautious' -thought Sandro and took out wooden spears that he made while carving trees.

Noise of steps were getting closer and closer, Sandro soon saw figure that was slowly sliding out from woods, The figure was hard to look at, As it looked like giant monster with 12 legs.

'Ugh what is that? Giant centipede? wait... that's not centipede that looks like snake'

"Hey bro" - shouted familiar voice where snake was

"Saba what is that?"

"Well it is food I guess" - said Saba

"Bro I mean, I did want some meat, but did not know service included it to be cooked medium rare, Hey I am not complaining though" - Said Sandro jokingly

"Why do you make Snaky come out first though?" - Asked curiously Sandro

"Was trying to learn how to see with his eyes" - Explained Saba

"#Hey guys... lets hurry up. I do not want to hold this things anymore#"

"Oh yes, Let me carry some" - Said Sandro and took two dead animal bodies from Snaky

He inspected bodies and could not wait to try it out. But that could wait, he then led Saba to where he built their "base".

While walking Saba noticed many fallen trees, they all looked pitiful. Many trees were shattered to pieces, some looked as if it went through shredder. While observing Saba noticed something interesting, even thought at start trees were roughly broken, step by step he saw better and nicer looking "cut" or better to say broken trees. Saba thought it looked like just how human evolution went. From a rough start to straight and nice line.

"Amazing, what kind of barbaric magic did you cast brother?" - Asked curiously Saba

"Huh? What do you mean barbaric magic? I just used my claws and fists" - Said annoyed Sandro but soon he put a proud smile and looked back at Saba

"If you think this is amazing little brother, you should check this out" - Said smug Sandro while pointing at huge tree that had a door looking like cut

Saba became even more curious, he got close to entrance like looking door and he saw. He saw a nice 3-4 room apartment that was built in a tree.

"#Holy moly, Sweet mother of spirits, what in the name of elven god is this?#" - said shocked Snaky

"$God dammmn, bro really grinded through this thing for a whole day$"

"Bruh... how did you do it? Tell me the truth, did you learn some kind of tree magic?" - Asked amazed Saba

"No not really, I might say I have pretty sharp claws, and very nice control over my strength I guess" - Said Sandro

"Here look"

Sandro went near tree and cut out circle shape in the tree with his sharp claws, and then he started punching. With each punch tree perfectly bended in circle area and soon enough



"#Well, it still kinda is magic#"


"Agreed, I do not think normal barbarian is capable of that" - Said Saba

"#Well that explains all that weird shapes, but what is that in there? is that a box?#"

"Huh? ohh that is just a case" -Said Sandro

"Would not it better to make chest? why case?" - Asked Saba

Sandro shrugged and said "Well Just in case"

". . ." 

Snake grabbed wooden carved case and accidently opened it. In case there were many wooden tools, such as knife, small wooden knife, fork and spear

Snaky got confused and asked

"#I understand the spear and fork but why knife?#"

"Uhhh... Just in case?" - Said Sandro

"#. . .#"

"Anyways so how did the hunt go?"

"Well I learned that I can be very sneaky" - Said Saba

"Huh?... Sneaky? Brother, you call putting a forest on fire being "sneaky"? - exclaimed Sandro

"-_-... Bro look at me" - Said Saba

"Bro I do not want to. You make my eyes blind from all that light" - Said annoyed Sandro

"Yes I am bright, So what do you think, How can someone make something bright hide?" - Said Saba while smiling like a third rate villain

'To make something even more brighter...' - Thought to himself Sandro and started slightly laughing

"Hah.. haha HAHAHAHA"


At this very moment, two brothers were sharing that one same neuron that made them laugh like a mad men.

"$Damn... we do not really have any normal guy in this group$"

"#Who the fuck is talking?#"