
Summoning To Another World

A teenage schoolboy named Cini, who was walking home, found a mysterious circle in a small street. Out of curiosity, he approached the circle and realised it was a magic circle. Not until there, when the circle swallowed and threw himself into a very dark room. He was surprised to find two of his friends who were in the same place. This is the story of those who are summoned to another world! Will they help or run away? And what happens after they win the war? Will the problem just end?

RawnSense · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Volume 2. Chapter 9. The reason for love

Another colleague shouted. He said that he saw several very large eyes behind the bushes and those eyes were focused on him.

"Are you guys sure you don't want to run?" Rii mocked the S-rank adventurers.

"Even if your strength is almost close to heroes, if you are in the territory of the giant wolf race. Your powers do not affect protecting yourself." Cini told.

"Your safety depends on how fast you run…" Vail told them how to survive.

"It turns out my hunch was right." One of Lacot's colleagues ran without looking back.

One of the women in the group was shaking. She also saw eyes glancing at her.


"Help! Help!"

Lacot and his colleagues who had not yet run, saw one of their female colleagues being dragged into the bushes and from there they saw blood and the sound of the woman's screams still there.

"Hey! —" Lucot looked at his comrades running one by one.

"Return me to where I was!" Lucot threatened Rii, Cini, and Vail by brandishing his sword.

"Impossible, the reason we brought you guys to this place, is none other than as food for the giant wolf race," Rii told him the reason.

"Try to pay more attention to your surroundings." Cini pointed to Lucot's left.

"...." Lucot turned his head, and he saw thousands of human bones that were still faded red.

"These are the people we brought to this place, over the past five years. And you will join them if you don't survive…don't you think, Alpha?" Rii told Lucot. And asked for clarification from the head of the giant wolf race.

"No matter how fast you run, it will only train my pack to hunt prey."

Lucot saw a giant wolf that was so scary. Bright red eyes, fangs pointed downwards. And a tail that can rival the length of fifteen horses.

On the other hand, all the kings were so annoyed. Because the number of deaths, has increased rapidly since they created a petition to hunt down Rii, Cini, and Vail.

"Why do so many people disappear and die every year?!" The Cluster King hit the table in annoyance.

"Population in my kingdom has also decreased drastically, not including those who disappeared and those who died." King Mand informed him about the crisis in his kingdom.

"My kingdom will also be the same, if this petition continues. Gradually we will be couped by stupid people." King Nollant, informed them of his unwillingness.

"It seems like what we did by opening the petition backfired." King Aries informed.

"Then, we all agree to end the petition to hunt down heroes in hiding. Because this is detrimental to all of us, and our combat power is indirectly on the verge of critical." King Cortase. Want to agree by withdrawing the previous petition.

"So, does anyone have any objections?" King Mitlan saw all the kings present and none of them objected.

That same day, the union announced a new petition. With the reason to strengthen strength and foundation for a bright future.

In just two months. New petitions have arrived in Henblant land, Neric land, and Seabon land.

Mansa who heard this rushed to the Gerna kingdom, to discuss the new petition.

Seven days later.

"They have no end to deceiving people for gain." King Ligt was so annoyed with all the kings in the union.

"After announcing that, it took less than a month. The Union has gained an additional strength of ten million souls." Mansa told the number of people who joined after the petition was created.

"What are they thinking? Even if it's just to contain the power if the numbers get out of control. "It's the same as going to experience an even worse crisis." King Ligt began not to understand the way all the kings thought together.

"But I--"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

King Ligt and Mansa saw the queen open the door by bringing a banquet for Mansa.

"Glad to see you are well, queen." Mansa stood up and paid his respects to Amira.

"Sir hero, please don't be so formal." Queen Amira felt uncomfortable being treated honorably considering, that she was previously a village woman with one child.

"Is there a new problem?" Queen Amira wanted to make sure.

"The new problem is that all kings in the United, to create a new petition recruiting everyone on the condition that they want to become soldiers. With a reward of one thousand gold coins." Mansa tells the queen.

"A thousand gold coins? It is very much!" Queen Amira was so surprised to hear the gift.

"The problem doesn't end there, Amira," King Ligt said.

"Putting aside the amount of the gift, it can indeed bring prosperity to a hundred descendants. But the condition, is that they must return to life after the war against the ancestors is over." King Ligt told her where the problem lay.

"This petition is much worse than the previous petition." King Ligt told back.

"On the bright side, they are no longer being hunted by everyone," Mansa tells the queen.

"That means the three of them are going home." Queen Amira was very happy to hear that news, the competition to hunt down Rii, Cini, and Vail had been withdrawn.

"Hmm... I hope they come back, they haven't been back here for a long time." King Ligt expects the three of them to return.

"Then, king and queen...I will take my leave." Mansa stood up from the bench.

"Thank you for telling mister hero." King Ligt was very happy to discuss this with Mansa.

Amira asked Mansa to wait for her to finish packing the dinner for Mansa to bring. King Ligt was a little embarrassed by his wife's generous behavior.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Rii, not the door. The sound disturbs my sleep." Cini, who was still asleep, asked Rii to open it.

"Vail, open the door, I'm still sleepy," Rii ordered Vail who was still lying on the floor.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Hey? --"

"Yes, What's up?" Vail opened the door and saw Nema bringing a bowl of warm soup.

"I brought soup for—"

"Thank you very much, Nema!" Cini and Rii woke up when Nema said to bring soup. And Rii took it from Nema's hand, Cini slightly pushed Vail out of the door and locked the door.

"Hey! This isn't funny, you guys even locked the door so I can't get in?!" Vail was so upset.

"I think our friendship is very meaningful." Vail pretended to be sad.

"…." With her weary gaze, Nema looked at Vail like a child.

"What can I do... Vail, there's still more at home. You can eat there." Nema told. And invited him.

"Nema, you are like—"

"Thank you for the invitation Nema, let's go to your house. Just leave Vail there." Cini opened the door so hard that Vail, who was in front of the door, was hit by the door.

"But Vail…"

"There's no need to think about it, he's already big. Come later when you're hungry." Rii took Nema to Sela's residence.

Arriving at Nema's house, Cini saw Sela having breakfast and greeted her without feeling guilty. Meanwhile, Sela choked on her food because she saw Rii, Cini, and Vail coming to her residence.

"Morning, Sela." Cini greeted her.

"Morning your EYES! Why you come to my house?" Sela was so annoyed with Cini.

"Nema invited us to eat together," Rii informed and joined in eating.

"I can't believe my sister invited you here." Sela suspects that perhaps Nema was forced by them.

"And also, didn't Nema give you soup? Is that still not enough?" Sela was so annoyed.

"That's enough, sister, no need to bring it up. The village is prosperous again thanks to them, the elders have also given them a place to stay while they are here," Nema told and reminded Sela.

"Ahem…." Cini cleared his throat confidently.

"Okay, but please remember...after eating you leave," Sela told him and became increasingly annoyed with Cini.

Nema headed to the kitchen to get a bowl to pour the soup that would be served to the three of them.

"Please enjoy, Vail." Nema gave bowls of soup to Vail, then Cini, and Rii.

"Thank You."

They enjoyed the soup given by Nema.

"Because you just came last night, I wanted to tell you. The village is going to have a party," Nema said.

"Party?" Cini talks with his mouth full of food.

"Swallow the food in your mouth first." Sela was annoyed with Cini, who was talking with the mouths full of food.

"Is there anything important?" Rii was so curious and curious.

"This is a day of awakening for our village, the elders agreed to hold a harvest feast as a sign of remembering the past," Nema said.

"What happened?" Vail was amazed.

"Are you either forgetful or just pretending!"

Because she was upset, Sela punched Cini, causing him to fall off his chair.

"Why me?!"

Sela pushed Cini to the ground and locked him legs. Nema said that it was thanks to them that they helped a village that had almost no hope of survival.

"Rii, are you still hungry?" Nema offers food.

"I'm still very hungry, can I have more?" Rii wanted to make sure.

"Of course, the soup is in the kitchen, you can warm it up first," Nema said.

"Okay, I'll heat up." Rii got up from his seat and headed for the kitchen.

Nema still saw her sister beating Cini and saw Rii already in the kitchen. She asked Vail to come out with her.

Nema took him to a bazaar or small market. Even though it is called a village, this place is like a city.

"Thanks to your help, we can all trade with the outside world," Nema said.

"It was thanks to you guys alone, we only did what we could," Vail informed.

"So, what do you want to say, Nema?"

"Is it okay to get straight to the point?" Nema wanted to make sure, she stopped in her tracks.

"I think that's much better." Vail doesn't mind.

"Then, we'll discuss it there." Nema pointed to a small garden. And they sat on the grass.

"Does Rii...have a girlfriend?" Nema immediately asked.

"….." Vail remained silent knowing that Nema only wanted to use himself, as a provider of information.

"Vail?" Nema was so confused by Vail that he suddenly became silent.

"Sorry I was lost in thought, but can you give me a reason?" Vail asked again.

"Every time I see him, for some reason. I feel happy and comfortable with him. He also very strong, I was amazed when he beat me, just by slinging my legs." Nema tells the reason.

"Apart from the last statement, you seem to love Rii," Vail informed.

"But why ask me to come out with you instead of accompanying Rii in the kitchen?" Vail was so curious.

"Impossible-impossible! I dare not do it." Nema refused with her face slightly red.

"Then close your eyes and imagine that I am Rii. Then say how you feel, so that you can boldly say it." Vail asked Nema to close her eyes.

"I'll do." Nema accepted it, she closed the eyes.