
Summoning The Reich: A Tale of A War-Torn World And Its Inhabitants.

(ON HIATUS) 1944, the Axis Powers are on the run, the Soviets have pushed the German Reich all the way back to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland fiercely fights off the Red Menace in the Balkans whilst Italy is on its last legs after the Allied Invasion of Sicily, but suddenly on that day, on June 6th 1944, as the Allies successfully retakes Normandy on D-Day, a massive Earthquake occurs whilst the OKW and Allied Forces fight, all of a sudden, a big flash of white light comes down on the entirety of the European Continent, many did not know what had happened but one thing is for certain, they are not on Earth anymore.

Anzai_Chiyomi · Livros e literatura
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27 Chs

The Elf, the German and the Wyvern

A week before the report.

It had taken Ilga 13 or so hours maybe even more for her to reach the unknown continent, the sack still full of rations for both her and Ilga Junior, it was clear that the wyvern lord was getting tired from the flying.

"What the hell is that?" Ilga remarks as she flies just a few meters from the clouds, fire and a cloud of black smoke went up to the sky as debris and corpses litter what looked like a battlefield, but as she looked at the devastating scene as time went by she drew the conclusion that she was in a warzone, she immediately takes out her manacomms and places it on film mode, a mode where the manacomms uses more mana particles in the air to convert it into pictures and cycles it until it becomes a film, she held it firmly on her hands and recorded everything she found interesting, strange looking architecture, as well as weapons and land ships from the Duchy of Pagu except it looked more menacing compared to the demonstrations she saw when she was still part of the 1st Naval Airwing VIP Escort 'Mie'. 

Ilga then turns towards one of the grander houses quite possibly a mansion she saw after flying for a few more hours into the unknown continent where she had just passed a large mountain range blanketed with snow and lands inside of the forest to hide the wyvern.

"I'll be back, just wait here okay?" Placing her hand on her friend's forehead she whistles a soft tune and heads off, she readies a rifle and puts her manacomms on her belt to continue recording, she walks through the forest until she finally comes across an iron fence decorated with an eagle holding a crooked hook, the peculiar design caught her interest before she suddenly remembers that she is on a mission to save her homeland. She turns the cog of her boot and crouches down

"Hyaah!" She grunted and jumped over the fence with ease.

She immediately runs through the garden hedges, and marble statues of men with military clothing striking a salute, she records the statues and hurries into the building after a few seconds of filming.

 The cold air rushes out and takes Ilga off-guard, it felt nice and made her want to relax a bit but she was in unfamiliar territory, she couldn't let each passing second go to waste

She goes inside the mansion and looks around, she passes by paintings of men in gray and black military looking uniforms, one of which has caught her interest, the painting of a man who had a tall furry looking hat with a skull stitched on the center of his hat, his eyes looked cold and dead as he watched the artist paint his figure, he rode atop of a black steed and held a tricolored flag of red, black and white.

She takes a step towards the painting trying to examine it further.

Click clack.

Ilga in a swift motion hid in the dark, her eyes subtly glowing blue as she watched from the shadows.

"Haaaaaaah" the person yawned, most likely a servant with a candle, Ilga made sure, turning her head left and right that there was noone here and turn to look at the painting once more, having made sure that there weren't any traps powered by mana, in actuality the lack of mana from the other surveyed lands of this continent perplexed her, it was impossible for such a land to exist in a world constantly being filled up with the power of the mythos.

"And who might you be?" Ilga jumped back and readied her rifle and turned to her back in the same swift and graceful motion from before, capitalizing on her speed and agility as a High-Elf Rider, the man looked at Ilga cautiously as if he was trying to gauge her ability to fight.

"You seem experienced if you were able to get into my house without alerting my guards, are you a soldier from the West or the East? I am sorry about the mess by the way it has been so long since I had any visitors" The man asks as he places a cup of tea and sits on a comfortable-looking chair barely visible with the Lux spell. Ilga looks at the man, never letting go of the rifle and always having it trained on his head. The man just sighs and prompts her to sit down on the couch near his chair.

"You don't have to be so shy, you can rest easy, I don't have any weapons on my person," He says as he empties his pockets and his compartments in his black tailored suit jacket. Ilga calms down for a bit and sits down on the Sofa a few feet away from him, however, but it didn't discourage the man.

"Would you like some tea and cookies? I have baked some a few minutes ago" Ilga nods her head at the question, the man smiles warmly and claps his hand, a minute later and a maid arrives with a tray of tea and a plate full of cookies, Ilga watches the man eat one of the cookies but before he would sip the tea from his teacup Ilga grabs the teacup from his hand and places it in front of her, the man was surprised but amused at the quick action that had just taken place.

"Don't worry, I didn't poison the food nor the tea, you can take off that helmet and enjoy this tea party" Ilga refuses however, she doesn't listen to the man and just watches him.

"Oh forgive me, I have just realized that I haven't introduced myself yet haven't I? My name is Reinhard Schmidt and I used to be a Historian at the Berlin National Archives, but because of the war currently taking place outside of my humble abode I can't go there, so I design weapons based on my historical knowledge." the man now named Reinhard instantly reveals, Ilga was shocked at the news that this person is a Weapons Designer, meaning the things outside of his manor was his creation. But before she could say anything she felt a rumble in her stomach, the rumble was loud enough to cause a reaction from Reinhard.

Ilga looks at him and Reinhard smiles, she slowly takes a cookie from the plate and removes her mouth guard, Reinhard widens his eyes at how white the skin of the soldier was.

"Your skin is unusually white. Are you from the East perhaps?" Ilga shook her head with a no.

"Are you suffering from a skin condition? Like being Albino?" Ilga shook her head no again.

"Ah from the West then?" Ilga nods

"So what army are you in? I don't think your German with how peculiar your uniform is and I don't think you're from any major Allied power with how your uniform is made since it incorporates a plethora of different design choices possibly from conflicting cultures and military doctrines" Reinhard puts his finger on his chin and looks up, deep in thought trying to solve the origin of Ilga.

"I am not from any country you are talking about" Reinhard fixates his eyes on Ilga suddenly as if he was waiting for this moment, he takes out a pen and takes a notebook out from his Jacket and writes something in it before looking up to meet the visor of Ilga.

"Ah, you speak Finnish? Luckily I am very fluent in Finnish, but I can't discern where you have gotten your accent, probably from an obscure part of the Karelian region based on how you speak" Reinhard commented but Ilga didn't understand what he meant by how she spoke Finnish.

"No, I am not familiar with that language, nor do I know what and where the Karelian region is" Ilga said as she took out a patch of a bow with a tricolored background of Green, White and Gold.

"I am from the Great Elven Federation of Meriavel, It is located in the Continent of Swazzu where the grass is greener and the land is more fertile, the nations we are allied with are the Kingdom of Uila and the Duchy of Pagu, the Kingdom of Uila is a nation of Craftsmen and Thinkers whilst the Duchy of Pagu are a nation of Breeders "

Reinhard just writes down everything without complaining, as if what he had just learned was the norm back on Earth, Ilga watches Reinhard write in his notebook before continuing,

"Many nations exist here, some of them are more advanced than others and some are deep underground or underwater, some are occasionally open to Rutra whenever a portal appears in the Holy Mountain, and some hide in the clouds high above what our wyverns and planes could"

"This is excellent, thank you for sharing this information" Reinhard marveled at the information he just got, different species capable of doing things humans could, he was becoming more and more curious about the culture of the Elf.

Ilga after some deliberation decides to share something after she puts a small device into her pocket.

"Would you mind if I tell a story of my people?" 

Reinhard nods as he readies his notebook waiting for Ilga to speak. 

Ilga takes a deep breath and starts.

"It is a story that has been passed down within the Federation"

Once upon a time, when the Great Federation was still an Empire, One day while the Prince was practicing his magic in the Imperial Palace Garden the Prince of the Royal Elven Family was taken away by a Red Dragon King, a species of Dragon higher than that of all other Dragons, it was the apex predator of everything that existed within the World, the Elves were lost as to how to bring the Prince back.

Many days and many nights have passed when the Dragon King took the Prince, but one day, that faithful day the Empire declares war with the Dragon King, Soldiers armed with Swords and Bows, Catapults and Trebuchets, Hundreds of Thousands of Wyverns and Griffins soared through the sky and a intense battle that took the lives of over a million people took place in the grand mountain range of Meriavel where the Dragon King built its nest.

 The Wyverns would fire balls of flame hotter than lava and hit the Dragon King and its scales took it head on and was left unscratched, a unrelenting barrage of stone and javelins and fireballs rain down on the Large Dragon King, but it still stood unscratched, it was just looking at the Emperor's tent a distance away from the battle.

 Griffins would let out a loud squeal as it would drop down and attack the Dragon King with its claws capable of slicing Iron with ease, like a fine blade slicing skin, but still the Dragon King would take it all with its stare still on the Emperor.


The Dragon King spoke as it suddenly opened its wings of awesome scale and flapped it once making the soldiers and their equipment and siege equipment fly away,

The Wyverns and Griffins couldn't resist the strong winds and flew away as well

Just this action alone caused tremendous damage to the army and the forest, but it wouldn't stop, it would continue flapping its wings once the army went closer, still watching the Emperor's tent.

The Army couldn't breakthrough but suddenly the Tent from where the Emperor resided exploded with a loud bang, the charred remains of the Emperor were brought in front of the army, the person who did this was the Prince who was kidnapped by the Dragon King, the Dragon King nodded and returned inside of the cave.

The Prince stood on top of a ruined Catapult and spoke with a noise amplification device, uttering the words "The Fight is Over!" 

The Prince was a strong opponent of the Emperor who wanted to conquer the entire continent, in comparison to the Prince who wanted to coexist he couldn't do anything, the people were too thirsty for war.

So he decided to make a deal with the Dragon King with a special device given to him by the Court Magician who also advocated for coexistence that released mana waves capable of being picked up by the Dragon King alone.

It was the national treasure of the Empire because of its military value of having the Dragon King fight with whoever used this device.

The Prince was kidnapped and was trained by the Dragon King, regardless of the Dragon King's neutral stance about the world because of it being a Divine beast of the God of Dragons.

The Prince was deemed ready to finally fight the Emperor and in a duel the Prince was victorious in their duel, killing the Emperor with the teachings of the Dragon King, the Dragon King was very proud of it's student and finally gave in to its exhaustion from teaching the hard-headed Prince, a day later and the Prince was crowned as the Emperor of the Empire.

Because of the pressure from the Dragon King he passed laws that would benefit the conquered tribes, the now Emperor would take in a beautiful woman with Red hair and a red tail reminiscent of the Dragon King. 

The King would use the scales shed by the girl and mold them into a wonder medicine capable of curing most ailments, making the Federation more prosperous from favorable trade deals, she was treated as the Goddess of the Federation, her name was Meriavel Ponainen similar to the name the God of Dragons Divine Beast's name Meriavel Ponainen.

"That was a nice story, I assume that the girl is the dragon then yes?"

"That is correct, the story was actually based on a real event that happened a hundred thousand years ago, it was the time the Dragon King was very active in the continent, but now the Dragon King resides within the Imperial Palace as the Queen, the King has already passed away because of an ambush, the Queen is still broken from the loss of the King, now there is still internal fighting between the Loyalist Faction and the Imperialist Faction, the Loyalists want to maintain the Pacifistic Stance the deceased King held dearly while the Imperialists want to conquer and pillage like before, the public is indifferent however, they do not care about the politics within the Senate"

"But what will happen if that Pacifist notion was challenged? You will be severely overwhelmed when a large army suddenly invades your country no?"

"Yes, that is one of my most latent fears for my country, the Navy and Airforce are stretched so thin that you could hardly call it a navy and airforce, we are one of the weakest in the world when it comes to military strength and hard power, but we offset that with our allies, they are the muscle while we are the brains"

"The elves rely on the other nations hmm, what if that supply line was cut off?"

"We will figure something out"

Ilga had a look of fear when she hears Reinhard mention the Supply line being cut off, but it was not Ilga that has to manage it, and yet that worry lingers inside of her, the Elves rely too much on other nations to produce things and defend themselves.

"Ilga, you do not need to worry, my country is under attack as well, but we are winning, we have been pushed back momentarily but we still have hope, our Leader, the Fuhrer assures us that the war is being won, after we are done with the Untermensch we will save the Elven race inside of this strange new world" 

"Sir Reinhard, I would like to meet with the 'Fuhrer' if possible, the weapons you use can truly make a difference in the Swazzu Continent"

"That is not for me to decide for I am just a minor weapons designer and manufacturer, most of the weapons I have made are either for Policing and Counter-Terrorism or Partisan"

"That is a shame then, maybe I can fly towards the capital and announce my presence" 

Ilga stands up from the chair and puts on her helmet, but before she could leave the room Reinhard says something.

"I do know a friend however, he is part of the Airforce and can escort you there, besides, if you fly into Berlin right now you would be mistaken for a bomber or a fighter and be shot down by the Luftwaffe, it would be best if you can share this story to the Fuhrer and the Government in one piece and in person"

"That would be wonderful, when would you be able to contact him?"

She bows and went out of the room to meet her Wyvern.

Reinhard picks up the phone and inputs a series of numbers, a minute passes and the receiver finally picks up the phone.

"Kraus, it's me, you will not believe what I am going to say so you have to go to my Mansion, and fly your plane here. That isn't important! Tell your CO that you are deploying or something"

A few comments were exchanged between Reinhard and Kraus before Reinhard finally ends the call, feeling satisfied with his discovery of the nature of the Elves and the countries of one of the continents he presumes is closest to Europe.

"I wonder how the Fuhrer would react when he sees the Wyvern and Ilga, I can't wait for their reactions"