
summoning system in another world

a man got to a new world by having 3 wishes from god, look at his adventure to conquer, build his kingdom , embarrassing some young masters and have fan with girls. i do not owe any characters from one piece, bleach and so on...... every character is own by his respective owner.

itaymars · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


In the middle of a vast and luscious forest laying against a tree, a 15-year-old boy can be seen asleep with stunning red eyes and dashing black hair just enough to cover his eyes. he has a beautiful face with a hint of maturity in it.

His eyes suddenly awakens.

He looked around in panic remembering his encounter with the wolf, seeing the corpse of the wolf far from him Raizel relaxed.

"System" he said.

*System: "yes host!"

"Ha ha ha" , Raizel start giggling , he was very happy that he got his system even more so then his powers, he always dreamed about having friends and subordinate with powers helping him in his journey.

"System please explain your functions !" , Raizel inquire.

*System: " certainly host, god decided to fuse the summoning system with the 'gamer' which let to the following functions" :

[ Status : let you see your own attributes such as - Strength, Intelligence, Agility, Vitality, Dexterity, Wisdom, Luck, Stamina and Free Status points to give when you are leveling up.]

[Gamer's mind: allow the user to calmly and logically think things through, immune to mental attacks.]

[Gamer's body: grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game .sleeping in bed restores HP , MP and cures negative effects.]

[ Skills: will show you your skills and powers like the devil fruit abilities and there level of mastery.]

[ Summoning: allow host to summon characters in random for a certain amount of S.P points which you can earn.]

[ Quests: like the name suggest , the system will give host quests to earn S.P, host can Choose to accept or not.]

Raizel understood most of the functions, but he wanted to try looking at it himself after all looking and seeing sometimes is better than just hearing about it.

" Status " Raziel mumbles silently.

[Name: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel

Level : 2 next level 15 %

Cultivation: bronze

Title: the gamer, holder of the summoning system.

[ HP : 100

MP : 120 ]

[ Strength : 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity : 10

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom : 14

Charisma : 10

Luck: 10 ]

[Stat point : 5

Money : 0 ]

[ S.P : 100 ]

Hmmm, Raizel asked: "system can you explain every status!?"

*System: "sure host :

Strength - measuring physical power and carrying capacity.

Vitality - measuring endurance, stamina and good health , The higher your vitality is the more Hit Points (HP) you get.

Dexterity - measuring agility, balance, coordination and reflexes.

Intelligence - measuring deductive reasoning, knowledge, memory, logic and rationality, the higher your Intelligence is the higher your MP is.

Wisdom - measuring self-awareness, common sense, restraint, perception and insight.

Charisma - measuring force of personality, persuasiveness, leadership and successful planning, the more charisma you have the more commanding, charming and confident you are."

System points (S.P)- with these points the host can summon characters.

"Got it, how is my status compere to a normal human being ? " asked Raizel.

* System: "you are a normal human being right now master, here is the comparison :

Strength - Status points of : 10-11: Can literally pull their own weight.

Vitality -10-11: Occasionally contracts mild sicknesses.

Dexterity-10-11: Capable of usually catching a small tossed object.

Intelligence-12-13: Knows a bit more than is necessary, fairly logical.

Wisdom -14-15: Can get hunches about a situation that doesn't feel right.

Charisma-10-11: Capable of polite conversation.

Raizel watched the comparison and his lips twitched, but he was not so depressed because he knows that with his powers and with the 'gamers' ability's he will get stronger very fast.

"Show me my skills" Raizel commanded.

*System : "here you go host":


Gamer's mind ( passive )

Gamer's body ( passive)

Quake Quake power ( active) lvl.1/10000

Darkness Darkness power (active) lvl.1/10000

Raizel in that moment wanted to try something to see if it works, he started to stare at the tree near him but nothing happened so he tried a rock near by , but after a minute still nothing happened.

He was frustrated and didn't know what to do, "wait maybe I need to put in the intent to inspect the object ", he thought.

He looked at the corpse of the wolf and tried to see its level and its description. he almost gave up because nothing happened for a couple of minutes, but then he heard a ding sound and could see something floating near the body of the wolf.

[Name: forest wolf

Cultivation: bronze

Level : 2

Description: a gray wolf that usually lives in packs at Thousand beast forest, very aggressive to its territory.

Raizel saw the description and thought :"so this place is called the 'Thousand beast forest' it sure sound like a Chinese novel hahahah". but again the sound of the system interrupted his thoughts.

* Ding...… the skill observe have been created.

[ Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations and persons was generated, allowing the user to quickly gather information. the higher the skill the greater the data obtained.]

"Yes" he yelled happily that is what he wanted to check and it worked.


Gamer's mind ( passive )

Gamer's body ( passive)

Quake Quake power ( active) lvl.1/10000

Darkness Darkness power (active) lvl.1/10000

Observe (active) lvl.1 /20

"System I have notice that I have leveled up why is that" ? asked Raizel.

* System : " host would you like to see the nonfiction you didn't heard when you fallen asleep?'

"Yes, and don't call me host I am not used to it , Call me Raizel ". Raizel said.

"Calling you system all the time is also very annoying and cold. we are going to spend a lot of time together do you have a name" Raizel askes .

"I don't have a name Raizel, you can name me however you like". answer the system.

"Do you prefer a male name or a female name?" ask Raizel.

"I don't have a gender but I thing I would prefer a female name better" . said the system.

" Mmmmmm" , Raizel though for a long time and decided.

"Ok I have decided I will call you Nana"

"Thank you Raizel , I like it". Nana answered with a happy voice.

"Sure Nana bring up the notification!" ,request Raizel.

"Yes Raizel" :

*Ding... system download complete ~

* Ding...… system is online...….

*Nana: "welcome host to the summoning system!"

*Ding..... host receives 100 system points for killing a level 1 magical beast!

* Ding...… host receives 50 experience points.

* Ding ….. host levels up, 5 points can be allocated.

" I see... , I leveled up from killing the wolf...…" Raziel though.

" That's all of the notification " Nana said.

"Nana do I have a beginners or starters pack ? ", Raizel asked with a hopeful voice.

"Yes Raizel. do you want to open it ? " Nana inquired.

"Please open it" , Raizel shouted with a happy high voice.

* Ding..... opening the beginners pack...…

* Ding...… you got a ….

(A/N) : will continue in the next chapter …..