
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

10 : A Start to Create Sect

      After that battle, the valley beside my place was messed up with craters and scorched earth as a testament to the destructive force unleashed by the clash...Yet, all over that could be cleaned up by the power of their spirits...In just merely two weeks, all the craters and scorched earth were patched up...

      Cai Ying, couldn't go back to her sect after everyone she knew was being massacred by Seir... She found solace in my place, and she told me that this place was the best place to meditate...With proof, she went through a breakthrough just in these two weeks to the Qi Condensation Realm, which was the second realm after the Mortal Realm...

      Yet, the identity of the woman was still a mystery, as I asked Cai Ying...She didn't know a single thing...As she appeared from the gate, she just told us that suddenly she felt so heavy in her body, and her chest was so tight that she could barely breathe...That made her unconscious...

      For Gremory, she didn't find anything that fascinated her...As she captured the person who had the technique of Dragon's Roar...She couldn't harness information about the dragon whereabout...Because the person didn't have that type of information, she just got a scroll from someone...


      Hearing that, I didn't realise that I had finished my breakfast...After knowing what happened in these two weeks, I wanted to know what Seir did to me...As advised by Gremory, I just needed to do with the stone like before. If I shattered it more than before, it meant Seir did it to me...I asked Cai Ying to come with me to the training ground...When we walked towards the training ground, Seir and Gremory followed us...

      At the training ground, I picked a small stone...I did like before, which I gripped the stone and focused on it...In any second, I could hear something from it. As I opened my palm, I saw the stone was being shattered...Seeing the stone get more shattered than before, even almost crushed it to small pieces...It indicated that I received a fraction of Seir's power by shattering the stone...She violated me when I was unconscious. I immediately took a glance towards her, who stood on the side of the training ground...She just avoided my glance...I didn't know whether to feel happy or feel being violated by her...

      Gremory walked towards me and asked, "As you called me back then, you said you wanted to make a sect....So when will you start to make this sect??"

      I paused for a moment, considering Gremory's question. The idea of starting a sect had been on my mind for quite some time, but I hadn't yet made any concrete plans...Yet, the idea of changing people's mindset to make the transition from chasing this nonsense power to using common sense was quite challenging...

      Seir heard about this sect thing and at once came towards me and asked, "Honestly, I was wondering what this sect is in this nonsense world?"

      "Sect is a place to learn this nonsense power you called...It is like a school where individuals gather to study and practice specific teachings or principles related to this power...It provides a structured environment for growth and development, allowing members to deepen their understanding and harness their abilities...However, my intention for the sect is to shift the focus from blindly pursuing power to cultivating wisdom and practical knowledge that can benefit not only ourselves but also society as a whole..." "

      "You mean, normal humans learn this power in this sect you called...and become stronger like that woman...Damn, that's interesting..."

      Cai Ying joined the conversation, saying, "Well, to make a sect is a difficult task; you need to know what your sect is. What is different about your sect? And most importantly, what path is your sect? Without a clear purpose and unique teachings, a sect would simply blend in with the rest of the world...It is crucial to establish a distinct identity and a clear path for followers to follow to create a successful sect...Additionally, understanding the essence of one's sect and how it differs from others is essential for attracting dedicated disciples."

      Well, about that, you see it in front of you, Cai Ying...These two women have different powers, paths, and identities. It's angelic power, but still, angelic power can't be learned by humans...And the important thing is me...I can't use this cultivation power...

      I looked at Cai Ying, She can use this cultivation power...maybe she can properly teach the disciples...So I asked her, "Cai Ying, do you want to teach these disciplines? As if I created this sect..."

      Cai Ying was surprised and shocked, "You know that I am not that qualified to teach; I am just in the second realm..."

      I asked her, "So what realm is the best qualified for you to teach?"

      "I hate that; you said it like you could make me break through easily..." Cai Ying replied with frustration...

      "Just answer it, and we will find a way for you to easily achieve that realm..."

      Cai Ying took a deep breath and finally said, "How about the Sage realm?" with a joking tone...

      "Now, what is the fastest method for you to achieve it? Before you told me that this place made you easily breakthrough, what is the reason?"

      "I think a different atmosphere... Here, somehow I feel so relaxed and relieved; the flow of energy is different. It's like the air itself is infused with a special power that aids in cultivation," Cai Ying explained. "But I'm not sure if it's just in my mind or if there's something truly unique about this place..."

      I asked Gremory and Seir, "Is there something different about what the spirits did in this place?"

      "Nothing particular, they just did what they did as in our realm..." Answered Seir…

      Maybe that's it, there is something different from my previous realm or world, to this world or realm, which makes a fraction of accelerate to breakthrough in this world…It opens some paths where the knowledge and sense in my previous world, to accelerate cultivation in this world…Which this building is built with knowledge from another world, and makes some energy on it…Different knowledge or different understanding of something can make people accelerate in their cultivation…   

      "Is there any method for you to cut the path and cultivate fast?" I asked.

      "Yes, there is, with treasure, some ancient scroll, pill, or artefact that can be used as a bridge to accelerate cultivation," Cai Ying replied. "However, relying solely on external aid may not be sustainable in the long run...It's important to also focus on internal cultivation techniques and harness the power within oneself." 

      "Right now we don't care about the long run, the more I want is for you to accelerate to Sage Realm as fast as possible...You can harness the power within Dao or oneself after you are in Sage Realm..."

      Cai Ying suddenly felt frustrated and offended by my words... feeling as though I had dismissed her advice...

      I turned to Seir and Gremory and asked, "So, is there any treasure around here???"

      Gremory was uninterested in answering it, yet I still had another prophecy demon, Seir...Seir answered, "At least thirty..."

      Seir's response caught my attention, and I eagerly asked, "Thirty treasures??"

      "Yeah...You want-" 

      Suddenly, Gremory shut Seir's mouth with her hand...Seeing that, I sensed there was something Gremory needed or demanded...I asked, "Is there anything you want, Gremory?"

      I immediately noticed a mischievous glint in Gremory's eyes as she smirked and licked her lips. She replied, "Oh, I want much more than just treasure..."

      I felt it would be no good, from her expression, as she continued, "As you can see, when you were unconscious in these two weeks, Seir used you for good reason...And I didn't do it like Seir, yet I found out...There was something different about me...It wasn't like when I was under contract with Solomon..." As she started to stretch her hand, "I felt a little bit weak...I noticed Solomon had a ring from the bastard Archangel Michael..."

      I asked her, "So what is the reason?"

      "The ring could generate magical power for us, the demon under his command...But, in this world, you don't have the ring...So there isn't any magical power to us; it made me a little bit weak from our first meeting..."

      "And what is the solution??"

      Gremory started to walk to me...In front of me, her face leaned towards my face, and she said with her seductive tone, "~~You know what I mean, right??~~This world has the technique of it, and you have done it so That technique generates some magical power for me and you...That's why Seir said we need you because you are useful for us and for yourself..."

      I gulped as her voice came to my ear. As she was in front of me, I didn't know where to look, because she was way taller than me, so in front of me right now were her jugs...I said towards her, "I will consider--"

      She immediately put her face right in front of mine and said, "~~There is no consideration about this~~ You just need to obey it or not..."

      I felt a rush of intimidation and intimacy as her piercing gaze met mine. It was clear that she expected nothing less than complete compliance about this matter..."I understand," I replied, my voice trembling slightly...

      After hearing my answer, she just showed a smirk and mischievous smile, "You better be prepared…" and she walked away from me…

      I took a glance towards Cai Ying and Seir, and Cai Ying's face contorted with jealousy as she watched Gremory walk out from the training ground to inside, while Seir's face showed a big smile...After Gremory was gone from the training ground, I ordered Seir to get all these treasures...

      She asked me and Cai Ying, "You want to come?"

      I asked her back, "How do you bring us on the trip?"

      Seir snapped her finger, and a winged horse was summoned from the ground. Its majestic wings shimmered in the sunlight as it landed gracefully before us...It was the winged horse when I summoned Seir for the first time...She turned to me and Cai Ying, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, and asked, "Ready for an adventure?" 

      We hopped onto the horse and eagerly climbed onto its back...As I thought, I would feel the sky beneath me, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement....The wind whipped through my hair as the horse took off into the open sky, carrying us towards our thrilling journey ahead...That was my thought when I climbed on this horse...Yet, this was Seir's horse, so when I hoped and climbed on her horse, after I blinked my eyes, immediately I wasn't on the training ground again... Instead, I found myself in a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees and unfamiliar sounds...