
Summoning Anime Characters in Another World

In the captivating light novel "Summoning Anime Characters in Another World," readers are transported into an exhilarating tale of fantasy, adventure, and the clash of multiple anime worlds. Follow the journey of Kazuki, a young anime enthusiast, as he is unexpectedly summoned into a parallel dimension where the realms of anime become a tangible reality. The story unfolds with Kazuki, an ordinary high school student who possesses an unyielding love for anime. One fateful day, while exploring an ancient shrine, he stumbles upon a mystical artifact that activates a powerful summoning ritual. To his astonishment, the ritual successfully transports him to a world where the characters and settings from various anime series coexist. Now, Kazuki finds himself in a realm where iconic anime landscapes, from the bustling streets of a futuristic city to the mystical realms of magic, become his new reality. Here, he encounters renowned anime characters, both heroes and villains, who have been summoned from their respective worlds. As Kazuki adapts to his new surroundings, he quickly realizes that he possesses a unique ability to summon and interact with these beloved characters. Guided by his passion for anime and driven by a sense of responsibility, Kazuki embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind his summoning and the purpose that awaits him in this extraordinary world. With each encounter, he forms unexpected alliances and confronts formidable challenges, as he navigates through epic battles, solves enigmatic puzzles, and explores the depths of his own character. As Kazuki delves deeper into this realm, he learns that his presence is not a mere accident. The multiverse is on the brink of imbalance, and only he holds the power to restore harmony among the anime worlds. Along the way, Kazuki's determination and unwavering spirit inspire others, both allies and enemies, as he seeks to unravel the mysteries of his summoning and discover the true nature of his role in this vast and interconnected omniverse. "Summoning Anime Characters in Another World" is an enchanting light novel that seamlessly blends the worlds of anime and fantasy, delivering a thrilling narrative filled with action, emotion, and the exploration of what it truly means to be a hero. Join Kazuki on his extraordinary journey as he summons the essence of beloved anime characters and strives to make a difference in a world where imagination and reality intertwine.

Mephisto_Gaming · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1: A New World Beckons

Kazuki found himself standing in the heart of a dense forest, his surroundings shrouded in an aura of mystery and unfamiliarity. The vibrant green foliage and the scent of earth filled the air, but they offered little solace to his racing thoughts. The sudden teleportation to this unknown realm left him in a state of shock and fear, his mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what had transpired.

As Kazuki attempted to gather his wits, a cold and robotic voice echoed in his mind, breaking the silence of the forest. "Installing 10%," it intoned with an emotionless tone that sent shivers down his spine. The words lingered, both unsettling and intriguing, as he tried to make sense of their meaning. What was being installed, and why?

Questions swirled within Kazuki's mind, but the voice provided no answers. It continued its relentless countdown, each increment sending waves of anticipation and trepidation through his core. "Installing 20%... 30%..." The enigmatic process unfolded, leaving him teetering on the precipice of the unknown.

Time stretched on, and as the robotic voice announced, "Installing 100%," a surge of both relief and curiosity washed over Kazuki. The culmination of the installation marked the threshold of a new beginning, an invitation to uncover the secrets that awaited him in this extraordinary world.

In response to his anticipation, a game panel materialized before him, illuminating the otherwise dim surroundings. The panel, adorned with intricate designs and glowing symbols, held the key to his journey ahead. It bore his name, "Kazuki," a reminder of his identity and purpose within this fantastical realm.

The attributes section beckoned his attention, displaying a set of core abilities that would define his character's potential. Strength, agility, intelligence, dexterity, and luck were the pillars upon which his journey would be built. Each attribute represented a unique facet of his capabilities, offering a glimpse into his natural talents and potential for growth.

At present, all his attributes were set at a modest level of one. Kazuki understood that these were merely starting points, a foundation upon which he could build his prowess. With each challenge faced, each victory achieved, his attributes would grow, unlocking new heights of power and versatility.

Next, his gaze shifted to the skills section, and a twinge of disappointment accompanied the sight of its emptiness. It was a stark reminder that he had yet to acquire any specific abilities or techniques. However, the void before him held the promise of countless possibilities. As he embarked on his journey and encountered new experiences, he would earn experience points, honing his skills and expanding his repertoire.

Kazuki's excitement kindled as he turned his attention to the talents section of the panel. Amongst the empty slots, a single entry caught his eye—Time and Space Talent. The very notion of manipulating the fabric of time and bending the boundaries of space filled him with awe and wonder. The talent held the potential to unlock the extraordinary, granting him access to abilities beyond the scope of ordinary mortals. It was a gift bestowed upon him, a pathway to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

As he contemplated the weight of this extraordinary talent, his attention then turned to the professions tab. It remained blank, awaiting his selection—a pivotal decision that would shape his path and grant him specialized knowledge and skills. Kazuki understood the significance of this choice but also recognized the need for exploration and self-discovery. He decided to leave the profession section open, allowing himself the freedom to forge his destiny without the constraints of predefined roles.

Closing the game panel, Kazuki felt a newfound resolve surging within him. He was no longer the bewildered individual who had arrived in this unfamiliar world. Equipped with his attributes, the promise of acquiring skills, and the enigmatic Time and Space Talent, he was ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead.

With each step he took, the forest whispered its secrets, beckoning him deeper into its embrace. The world stretched out before him, an expansive canvas awaiting his exploration. Uncertainty mingled with determination in his heart as he ventured forth into this uncharted territory.

The forest, once foreboding, now teemed with life and possibility. Birds sang overhead, sunlight filtered through the canopy, and the scent of wildflowers wafted on the gentle breeze. Kazuki's senses heightened as he absorbed the beauty and grandeur of this new existence. He knew that the journey would be arduous, fraught with danger and adversity, but he was prepared to face whatever came his way.

As he navigated through the dense foliage, a serene voice spoke within his mind, emanating from the game panel's artificial intelligence—an elven-like entity that embodied the essence of the system. "Welcome, Kazuki," the voice resonated, its melodic timbre soothing his anxious thoughts. "I am Arannis, the keeper of the Anime Summoning System. I shall serve as your guide and companion on this extraordinary journey."

Arannis continued, her words infused with a warm and gentle wisdom. "The attributes you possess—strength, agility, intelligence, dexterity, and luck—form the bedrock of your character. They determine your natural talents and capabilities. As you progress and overcome challenges, your attributes will grow, granting you greater power and finesse. Remember, Kazuki, to seek balance in your development, for a harmonious synergy between your attributes shall pave the way to greatness."

Kazuki absorbed Arannis's words, contemplating the significance of his attributes and their role in shaping his destiny. He understood the importance of nurturing each facet of his being, allowing his strengths to flourish while also addressing his weaknesses. It was a delicate dance, a constant pursuit of self-improvement.

The elven-like entity then turned her attention to the skills section. "Skills, Kazuki, are the manifestation of your experiences and training. They represent the specialized techniques and abilities you acquire on your journey. Through combat, exploration, and the forging of bonds, you shall earn experience points. These points will be the currency with which you unlock new skills, enhancing your combat prowess, granting you supernatural abilities, or honing your proficiency in various disciplines."

Arannis's words ignited a fire within Kazuki's spirit. The prospect of acquiring skills, of delving into the realms of swordsmanship, magic, or any other discipline, enthralled him. It was a path of constant growth and discovery—a journey where his potential would know no bounds.

The voice of Arannis then swelled with reverence as she spoke of the Time and Space Talent. "Ah, the Time and Space Talent, Kazuki—a gift of unparalleled magnitude. With this talent, you hold sway over the very fabric of existence. Time shall bend to your will, and the boundaries of space shall yield to your command. The secrets of the cosmos lie within your grasp, awaiting your exploration and mastery."

Kazuki's eyes widened with awe, his imagination soaring as he contemplated the immense possibilities that lay before him. The power to manipulate time and space—it was a gift that surpassed his wildest dreams. He knew that with this talent, he could rewrite the laws of reality itself, opening doors to unimaginable realms and uncovering the deepest mysteries of the universe.

Arannis's melodious voice then resonated with a gentle reassurance as she addressed the profession section. "Professions, dear Kazuki, are the paths that offer specialized knowledge and skills. They serve as conduits through which you can channel your passions and focus your growth. Each profession embodies a unique expertise, be it the path of a valiant knight, an enigmatic mage, a skilled alchemist, or countless others. Choose wisely, for your profession shall influence the course of your journey."

Kazuki listened intently, understanding the gravity of his decision. He knew that his chosen profession would shape his combat style, his access to certain skills, and the perception others held of him. It was a choice that required careful consideration and self-reflection, for he wished to align his profession with his aspirations and innermost desires.

As the elven voice faded, a moment of quiet reflection enveloped Kazuki. The weight of his choices, the vastness of the world around him, and the untapped potential within him coalesced into a singular thought—he was ready. Ready to face the challenges, the trials, and the triumphs that awaited him in this new world.

With renewed determination, Kazuki embarked on his journey, leaving the familiar forest behind and venturing into the unexplored depths of this extraordinary realm. Every step he took resonated with a sense of purpose, and every breath he drew carried the promise of discovery.

Chapter 1 marked the beginning of his epic adventure—a path strewn with both peril and wonder. With his attributes as the foundation, the allure of acquiring skills, the enigmatic Time and Space Talent as his beacon, and the choice of profession awaiting him, Kazuki forged ahead. The world awaited his presence, the story of his destiny yet to be written. And as he ventured forth, his resolve solidified—he would face the unknown with courage, compassion, and an unwavering spirit.