
Short Blonde Hair

Chapter 4

Claude was fascinated as his eyes stared at the girl in front of him. Her short blonde hair bounces as she floats around the four-cornered room and a rifle in her hands made Claude admire the uniqueness and coolness of the girl before his eyes. He is interested.

"Earth on you, boy." The girl mouthed as she floats going near Claude. He then came back to his senses and flinched a little bit because of the beautiful face in front of him. "My name is Claude. You are?" And extended his arm to introduce himself formally. "Kimmy," and she did the same. Kimmy noticed the mark located on the boy's hands, "Where did you get that?" holding Claude's arms tightly as they both look on the mark closely. "Oh this? I really don't know. I also find it weird though." Claude explaining casually.

"You're the one." Four words from Kimmy's mouth that made Claude's emotions in chaos. "All my life, I thought I'd have to stretch my bones for blessings but now, it's the blessing that stretched out for me." He mouthed with a wide grin. "What the hell are you saying?" Kimmy asked with her brows furrowed. "Yeah, I know women want to know us, men first before confessing wholeheartedly. Don't worry, I assure you that I will take care of you and save you from dangers like a knight-in-shining-armor does to his princess." Claude exclaimed putting his arms around Kimmy's shoulders. Dexter made a cringing look because of his partner's words.

"Look Claun, Cloth, Clown?" Kimmy removing Claude's arms around her shoulders and facing him.

"It's Claud, sweetheart. But you can decide any sweet endearment for me, anything from you will be very appreciated." Claud with his eyebrows moving up and down.

"Okay, Claude. You know that we are not here for your corny and kind of cringing lines-"

"I don't but thanks for-"

"Don't butt in!"

"Uhmm, okay?"

"Do you know where you are? Do you know why you are here?" Kimmy asked.

"Nope, nope. You, buddy?" Looking at Dexter. "Ooohhh ooohh aaahh aaahh!" Dexter replied. Claude snapped a pointing finger up indicating that he has an idea. "I think I do!" he said with a big smile.

"Really, boy? You do?" Kimmy asked while walking around the room.

"It's because we are destined and fated to meet each other and live a happily ever after! Right, buddy?" Claude said but Dexter didn't reply.

"Can't you pull yourself together? I am serious, Claude!" Kimmy exclaimed.

"I am too, Kimmy. My name have never sounded good ever since, but hearing it from you sounded like prayers. It's as beautiful as you."

"Was Lunox serious when she said that this man will save the world?" Kimmy murmured.

"What was that, sweety?" Claud said while roaming around the room full of weapons with Kimmy. "Where did all of this come from? Are these real?" He asked while looking at the weapons inside the room.

"I made it and it's very real." Kimmy answered.

"You did? Am I too lucky to have a woman who isn't just beautiful but is cool and talented? These weapons are as real as what I feel for you." Claude said and looked at Kimmy.

"Can't you stop? And please, I am not your woman, little boy. You are here because you have a mission, a mission that you have to do successfully to save the world!" Kimmy exclaimed.

"To save you? You are my world." Claude said making Dexter cringe again. But the conversation stopped because of the ground's movement and then suddenly, a huge axe hit a part of the big concrete structure of the laboratory.

"Run!" They shouted in unison. A huge fire started to take over the laboratory and a huge creature swayed its axe left and right, causing the workroom to break and fall apart.

"What is that?" Claude asked while running.

"It's the Lord, one of Vexanna's generals." Kimmy answered while running as fast as she could.

"Lord? Vexanna? Who- what is that?"

"You'll know if we made it later. Focus on saving yourself and I'll tell you everything you need to know."

Claude and Kimmy ran fast together while the Lord continued on wrecking the place. Debris started to fall making the situation harder for them.

"Kimmy, watch out!" Claude shouted as he jumped pushing Kimmy away and saving her from the falling debris. "Are you alright?" He asked and helped Kimmy stand.

"I have to. Let's get out of this place quickly! The fire is growing!" Kimmy exclaimed and pulled Claude out of the laboratory.

"Phew! Too much for our first day together." Claude said while panting.

"Thank you for saving me earlier." Kimmy mouthed.

"Anything for you."

Kimmy noticed that the monkey at the back of Claude was gone, "where's your monkey?"

"Dexter? Oh he's right he-" Claude turned and was shocked when his partner wasn't on his back. "Stay here, I'll return for Dexter. Dexter!" And he ran back into the burning laboratory.

"Claude! Claude! You have to save yourself for you will save the world!" Kimmy screamed but Claude was already inside.

Claude entered the laboratory and found it hard to move because of the smoke, fire, and falling debris. "Dexter? Dexter where are you?" He shouted while looking for his partner. "Dexter? Dexter? I'm here buddy! Where are you?" Claude went farther to look for his partner, he then found his friend stuck because of its arm under a burning wood.

"Ooohh ooohh aaahh aaahh!" Dexter exclaimed.

"Dexter!" Claude kicked the wood off his arm and carried Dexter before a huge plywood fell. He ran out of the workroom holding his breath because of the smoke taking over the place. Claude avoided all the falling debris and obstacles on his way, letting him out of the place safely with Dexter.

"Are you out of your mind? Why would you risk your life for that useless monkey?" Kimmy hissed at Claude whose mood changed in a snap.

"Useless monkey? Don't you know how this useless monkey helped me go throughout everything? And he's been with me ever since when no one else was! I'd rather risk my life forever than to loose Dexter. I'd rather be with this monkey than be with and your useless nags." Claude said angrily walking away from Kimmy and with Dexter in his arms.