
Summoned to Save, Chosen to Rebel

In a world consumed by anime, Kealeboga has spent years immersing himself in the epic battles between good and evil. However, a startling realization dawns on him - in every single anime, the good guys always emerge victorious, leaving the villains defeated. This revelation ignites a burning hatred within Kealeboga, compelling him to embark on an audacious quest to become the ultimate villain. When fate summons him as a hero in another realm, Kealeboga defiantly rejects the role thrust upon him. Instead, he chooses the path of rebellion, promising to unleash destruction and chaos upon the world. His ultimate goal? To make the heroes feel the pain and suffering that comes with failure as he ascends as the ultimate embodiment of darkness. As Kealeboga's journey unfolds, he manipulates those around him, weaving a web of deceit and treachery. With an unyielding determination, he seeks to shatter the age-old trope of good conquering evil. The world trembles under his reign of terror, as heroes and their principles are pushed to the brink. In this riveting tale, Kealeboga's transformation from an anime enthusiast to a malevolent force challenges the very foundations of storytelling. Prepare to be captivated by his relentless pursuit to prove that evil can triumph over good and witness the catastrophic consequences that arise from his insidious rise.

Kealeboga · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Gate Breached

"Who is that guy?"

Exclaimed one of the guards stationed at the grand entrance of FIL Zaria.

"Oh, what a splendid coat he got there! Just who might that gentleman be? Is he an adventurer or maybe a traveler?"

Remarked another guard, his gaze drawn to the entourage approaching the gate.

"Holy shit! You guys, look closely - those ladies besides him got horns, what the hell! They all have horns except for that guy."

Interjecte a third guard, his voice tinged with a mixture of shock and awe. The guard contingent, consisting of ten members in total, stood vigilantly; five stationed below at the gate, and an equal number positioned atop the towering walls surrounding the entrance.

"It must be him! Sound the alarm at once!"

Declared another guard, urgency lacing his words as he directed his gaze towards the sentinels above.

Before the sentinels could fully comprehend the unfolding events, chaos erupted. With a swift and lethal grace, the demoness Lisa descended upon the guards, her actions swift and deadly.

A spray of blood filled the air as one guard's head was violently severed from his body, a grim testament to the demoness' prowess.

The remaining four guards stationed at the entrance stood frozen in terror, their bodies paralyzed by fear as they bore witness to the carnage unfolding before them.

Without hesitation, the demoness swiftly dispatched the guards, leaving a trail of lifeless bodies in her wake.

Above, on the lofty walls of the gate, panic gripped the remaining sentinels as they beheld the gruesome scene below.

"Ring the bell! Quickly, they are demons!"

One guard shouted, his voice trembling with dread. Another demon, Xender, swiftly traversed the wall, closing in on the sentinels above with deadly intent.

As a guard frantically pulled the rope to sound the alarm, the deafening toll of the bell reverberated through the air.



Yet, in that instant, the guard's life was abruptly cut short as a gush of blood spurted from his neck, his decapitated form crumpling to the ground in a macabre display of violence.

The bell pealed, its ominous chime reverberating across the courtyard, yet before the final note could fade, a crimson torrent erupted. The headless form of the guard crumpled to the ground, his sacrifice a grim testament to the merciless dance of demons.

"Run! There is no hope in facing these creatures!"

Before another guard could finish his plea, a demon's claw tore through his chest, crimson lifeblood spilling from his lips and the gaping wound as he succumbed to the embrace of death.

"Do not waste your efforts trying to flee; you insignificant worms, you are already doomed."

Xender, the malevolent demon, declared as he ruthlessly dispatched the remaining sentinels, their hearts torn asunder by his infernal grasp. With a cruel efficiency, he cleared the path, allowing his master and allies to breach the gates of the kingdom of FIL Zaria.

The tolling of a bell reverberated through the land, a dire warning to all who dwelled within the realm, yet the citizens, engrossed in their daily routines, paid little heed to the dying guard's final alarm.

"Did something happen?"

Inquired a woman, her arms cradling a child and provisions from the market.

"Oh! You heard the bell, just ignore it. Fear not, the valiant heroes shall safeguard us."

Reassured the vendor at the marketplace.

"Who dares to assail our Kingdom? Let the champions teach them a lesson."

Mused another lady.

Laughters echoed among the populace as they resumed their tasks, unaware of the impending catastrophe that loomed over them, poised to unleash a torrent of despair upon their unsuspecting lives.

In an instant, the resounding toll of the bell reverberated through the halls of the castle, reaching even the inner sanctum of the King and his esteemed council.

"Ah, it seems our uninvited guests have arrived in my realm."

Mused the King with a sly grin adorning his regal visage.

"The valiant champions of this land shall not falter in the face of a rebellious hero and his demonic minions."

He proclaimed, his words dripping with false bravado.

"This time the heroes of FIL Zaria will shine upon killing this fiend, this kingdom will be well known for it's formidable heroes."

Meanwhile, outside the castle gates, the five revered heroes hastened forth alongside esteemed adventurers, ready to confront the encroaching intruders.

Unfortunately, before their arrival, Kealeboga and his infernal horde had already unleashed chaos and devastation upon all who stood in their path.

With ruthless efficiency, they carved a path through the Kingdom, leaving naught but despair and destruction in their wake.

The desperate cries of the populace near the gates echoed through the air, a symphony of fear and anguish that heralded the encroaching darkness.




"Why do they slaughter innocents?"

"Somebody, please, stop their advance!"

The anguished pleas of the beleaguered denizens near the main gate served as a grim prelude to the impending doom.

As hope waned and trust in their supposed heroes crumbled, the shadow of despair loomed large, casting a pall over the realm.

The six ominous figures that now stood at the gate, their hands stained with the blood of the innocent, embodied a malevolence that threatened to engulf all in its path.

Kealeboga, driven by a sinister purpose, pursued his dark ambition with unwavering resolve, convinced that his destiny was to ascend as the ultimate villain.


The deafening explosions echoed through the air, shattering buildings and filling the once peaceful streets with chaos.

Cries of anguish and despair mingled with the sound of crumbling structures, a symphony of destruction that heralded the arrival of darkness.

In the midst of the devastation, the heroes emerged, their presence a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows.

"Stop right there!"

Commanded Frank, his voice cutting through the chaos as they confronted Kealeboga and his malevolent entourage.

Ignoring the heroes with a chilling indifference, Kealeboga remarked.

"They arrived sooner than expected."

The heartlessness of his actions was not lost on Candy, who whispered.

"He wastes no time in his cruelty."

But their exchange was abruptly halted by the demoness Katlego, her gaze filled with a murderous intent that sent shivers down the heroes' spines. A tense silence enveloped the scene as six dark figures faced off against five valiant champions, poised for a clash of epic proportions.

Just as the confrontation seemed on the brink of erupting, a band of brave adventurers arrived, bolstering the heroes' ranks.

"Ha! Only six of them. They stand no chance against us all."

One of the adventurers boasted. Another, observing Kealeboga, remarked.

"Is he truly human?"

Rumors of his demonic leadership had spread far and wide, casting doubt upon his origins.

Before the conversation could continue, a swift and deadly strike silenced the speaker, a blade fashioned from the dark magic of the demoness Mimi.

"Silence! You trash! Do not dare compare yourselves to Lord Kealeboga."

She hissed, her words dripping with malice. The adventurers fell into a tense silence, the weight of impending conflict hanging heavy in the air.

"He is the first to die...!"

Declared the valiant hero, Kelly. Conjuring forth hundreds of shimmering swords using his magic powers, they materialized from thin air and hovered in a silent dance beside him.

With a commanding gesture, he directed them to assail Kealeboga all at once.

"What impudence!"

Echoed the demons in unison, swiftly moving to shield their master, thwarting the magical onslaught.

Kealeboga, unmoving, felt a sense of clarity wash over him as his loyal demons interposed themselves, a testament to their unwavering loyalty.

"Exquisite execution! I don't need to expend my energy evading such attacks. Now, turn your focus to vanquishing these insufferable heroes and their allies."

Kealeboga commanded, his voice dripping with malice. The clash erupted, with Kealeboga unleashing his malevolent sorcery in a blaze of infernal power, enveloping himself in searing flames that surged forth to engulf the heroes.

Kamogelo, her mastery of shield magic evident, manifested a protective barrier around the valiant champions, shielding them from the onslaught.

"A magic shield eh!, let us test its endurance."

Kealeboga taunted. As the flames subsided, Frank and Kelly surged forward in unison, their resolve unwavering.

Kelly summoned forth a grand enchanted blade and bestowed it upon Frank, crafting another for himself, surrounded by a myriad of swords poised for battle.

"That's my man."

Frank remarked with a smirk, acknowledging Kelly's choice of weapon.

"Ensure that you wield it skillfully, carving our foes into minuscule fragments of flesh."

Kelly replied, his eyes glinting with a ruthless determination.

"We cannot impede them now; let us leave the close combat to them and focus on providing cover from the rear."

Kamogelo suggested, her gaze alert for any impending attacks that she could swiftly intercept.

The demoness Mimi squared off against the valiant Kelly, while the demon Xender engaged in a fierce duel with Frank. Lisa and Katlego, two malevolent demonesses, launched a coordinated assault on Kamogelo, Candy, and Nonofo from the rear.

However, their efforts were thwarted by an impenetrable shield conjured by Kamogelo, halting their advance.

Observing the formidable barrier, Kealeboga silently contemplated that eliminating Kamogelo first would significantly tip the scales in their favor.

As the combatants clashed, a cloud of dust billowed from the ground, heralding a confrontation between enchanted blades and weapons forged from blood drained from the deceased—Kelly and the demoness Mimi locked in a formidable struggle.

The once middling demoness, now imbued with a strength rivaling that of a high-ranking demon, found herself engaged in a one-on-one battle with a valiant hero.

Kealeboga, accompanied by his sole remaining demon not yet embroiled in combat, stood aloof, conserving his energy while his demonic minions executed the bulk of the fighting.

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