
Cleaning Up After Myself

Walking into the guild hall it was quiet and nearly empty. I walked straight to the Sapphire board and after combing through the posts, found what I was looking for and pulled it down.

"We'll be taking this one miss." I said to the girl at the counter. She looked at each of our pendants and then nodded before giving us the necessary information. The bandits were on the outskirts of town and would pick their targets and hit them after they left. It would be easy to set them up once we found their hideout, so I immediately went back to the house. Misha and I went to work setting up the carriage to look like it was worth a lot and even put one of the bags filled with gold in the back. As we loaded it up, we had decided to only put two people in the carriage and the rest would follow. Niko and T'anya went ahead in the carriage and we stayed behind and followed from the shadows. It didn't take long for a lookout from the bandit group to spot the carriage carrying two pretty girls and some money. I saw him from the distance and after talking with the girls trailed him back to his hideout. The other girls were quick to catch up and within a few minutes we were at a cave that the bandits were in. When the bandits grouped up to leave, they headed for the door and saw us.

"You bitches think you can take us?" The leader said. He was an ugly man with fat lips and cross eyes. I laughed at the way he spoke, and this infuriated him.

"Kill them all but leave that one for me." He said as he pointed his dagger at me. I pulled my short sword from its sheath and readied myself in a two-handed stance. Seeing me prepared for battle he chuckled before charging me. He used his free hand to throw dirt or sand at me, but I moved out of its range and cut his leg off. As he fell, I watched his 'HP' drop to almost zero before stopping. He laid on the ground clutching the stump of his leg before glaring at me.

"What's wrong butter cup?" I said as I wrapped some nearly indestructible thread around him. After tying him and a few other bandits up, we headed into the cave to set them up. When we entered, I saw three girls were tied tightly to the wall, so I quickly cast 'Heal' and unbound them from their prison. As I helped each of them leave, I found an extra room and Misha dropped the prince and his guard inside.

"That should do the trick." Misha said as she drenched the room in their blood. We headed to the carriage and T'anya, Lori'dae, and Ly'anna were holding the three girls back from killing the bandit leader.

"We just found two of their victims in a backroom, girls. They are going to be getting a much worse punishment than anything you could offer up." I explained quickly. We had killed a few of the men but left the leader and three others alive. As we threw them into the cart, we quickly headed back to the town to turn in the quest and get our reward. As we pulled up to the guild, we each grabbed one of the men and the girls followed us as we entered.

"That was fast…" The guild girl said seeing us enter.

"We had a near run in with them a few days ago, so we decided to see if we could get paid for it." I explained.

"Smart ladies." She said as she started gathering our pendants.

"We found two corpses that looked like a noble and his guard in the back room of their hideout. We didn't want to get in trouble, so we left them there, but I can mark the location of the cave on your map." Niko said to the woman. After going through the run around of turning in a bandit hunting quest, we smiled and left for home.

"So? How did it go?" Cani'lu practically tackled us as soon as we entered.

"Practically perfect." I said giving her two thumbs up. She heaved a heavy sigh before turning and hugging In'tasha.

"So, what do we do now? Won't your mother have something to say about all of this?" In'tasha asked her.

"She will, but bandits are common in this country. We can just play sad and escort the body home once he is found." She replied. Niko went into the kitchen and returned with some snacks and the maid showed up with the fox girl before long.

"My master is gone, and I would like you to take possession of me." She said sheepishly. "The magic of the collar is gone so anyone can take me up, but I would prefer if it was you." She said looking at the group.

"What about freedom?" I asked her. "I could grant you that."

"I would be a nobody trying to get by in a country filled with rapists, murderers, and torturers. Please just take possession of me. Your home is phenomenal, and I can tell you will have a prosperous life." She said with a weak smile.

"I think I am going to put you in charge of some of our shops. You are intelligent, and from what I've seen, you are a quick study." I said standing and running my magical power through her collar. She became my slave like the rest, but I quickly added 'Intelligence' and 'Wisdom' to her stats.

"With that, everyone get some rest and tomorrow we will have some work to finish up." I said as I pulled T'anya out of the chair she was in. She wrapped an arm around me and we headed up to the top floor room. When we entered, we were followed by the slave girl and T'anya smiled and pulled her into the room.

T'anya looked into the girl's eyes and asked, "What's your name?" before giving her a light peck.

"My name is whatever you wish. I was not named since I am a slave as were my parents." She smiled weakly.

"Hmm… I suck at names… What about you T'anya?" I asked.

"What about Lex'ie? It's a name I've always been fond of." She said after thinking it over for a while.

"It does have a nice sound to it. Okay, from now on you will be Lex'ie. Understood?" I asked.

"Yes Master." She said smiling fiercely. Her fangs showed in this smile which made me smile back. T'anya came over and kissed me before she kissed Lex'ie next. Lex'ie leaned into the kiss and licked her lips when T'anya pulled away. I wrapped an arm around either of them and we traded off kisses before falling into the bed. It wasn't as big as the bed in the previous floor, but it was more than enough room for the three of us.

I ran my hand down both of their bodies as we continued to make out. I could feel the long soft fur from Lex'ie's face touch mine and it tickled. As the three of us continued I slid my hand down T'anya's pants and cupped her ass. She smiled and slid a hand up my shirt and under my bra before she started to tease my nipple with her finger tip. Seeing us start to progress Lex'ie undid her robe and showed us her beautiful body. I ran my available hand over her stomach and cupped her breast as T'anya ran opposite and cupped her ass. As I felt her soft hair against my body I smirked before I slowly moved my hand over her body. Her muscles were tight, and her skin and fur were both soft. Her beautiful body made me want to devour her, but since this was supposed to be T'anya's night I focused on her instead. I brought my hand out of her pants as I tugged her shirt over her head and quickly unfastened her bra. Next, I pulled her pants and underwear off and started to kiss her body. I kept my eyes open as I tickled T'anya's tight body with my lips. I laid her on her back as I slowly ran myself up and down her chest and then legs using my lips to make her smile. As I brought my face to her crotch, I saw T'anya motion towards Lex'ie and she knelt over T'anya's face and watched as I slowly and methodically kissed and licked T'anya's pussy. I kissed her folds as T'anya did the same for Lex'ie. I could tell Lex'ie wasn't used to feeling good during sex as she tensed at first and then started to moan. She covered her mouth as she moaned, but I just looked into her eyes and kissed her.

"Moaning can make the orgasm even better." I said giving her another kiss. Her eyes bulged when I said this, but she removed her hands from her mouth and watched me eat T'anya. As I ran my tongue over her clit and slid my finger in and out, Lex'ie moaned loudly before she climaxed. T'anya had gotten used to being my partner over the last series of days, so she didn't stop. As I continued to eat away at T'anya, I saw Lex'ie's eyes cross and she eventually slid from T'anya's face. I kissed her and slid her to the edge of the bed before covering her with a blanket and going back to T'anya's folds. T'anya leaned forward at first until I linked my arms around her. She realized I was going to be eating my fill and prepared herself. I ran my mouth over her folds and rocked my head as I made her cum. She called out my name more than once and asked me to stop as I continued to eat her pussy. I could taste the juices coming from her hole as I continued to lick and kiss her and eventually, she started to kick me in the back. I pulled back and she was pouring sweat and her body was bright red. I looked into her eyes and she was having a hard time focusing as well.

"When I say stop, stop!" She said to me fiercely. She brought her hands over her face as she continued to pant. After she had calmed down and gotten her breath back, she looked at me again.

"You said you weren't sure if you should be jealous or not… I thought I would let you find out…" I tried to make an excuse.

"Don't give me that. You and I both know you just won't stop unless someone stops you." She said as I crawled into bed next to her.

"What about you? Lex'ie never had an orgasm before today I'm pretty sure, but that didn't stop you from eating her till she passed out." I said giving her a kiss. As I kissed T'anya she kissed me back and smiled.

"I thought you were trying to get me to lose control again." She said with a bit of an upset face on.

"Oh, I was, but I always will with every partner I ever have, ever." I said grinning. "I'm quite proud of how good I am in bed." I said before I cupped her ass and pulled her into my body. I kissed her and felt her up as we made out for the next few minutes before she pulled away.

"So, is she someone you want in our bed?" She asked looking towards Lex'ie.

"I think she will be extremely useful. I also am attracted to her on a level that rivals Yu'lissa." I said honestly.

"I'm okay with it. Even if she hasn't done anything for us yet, she is straightforward and honest. I think making her a marketing manager will be quite useful." She smiled and kissed me again before running down my body. Since I hadn't undressed, she spent some time doing it for me before she left the room and returned wearing a thin and long strap on. She ran her hand over it and I saw it glisten with oil before she came over and started to tease my clit with it. It was about an inch and a half in girth, and over eight inches long. As she teased me, I started to open up and she stabbed with her rod. As it entered me, I felt vibrations, and when I reached down realized the device was in fact a vibrator. T'anya smiled before she quickly thrusted back and forth. She had bad rhythm, so it didn't take long for me to take the lead. This vibrator had an insert just like the others Misha and I had built, so I rolled T'anya into the bed and straddled her. As I wrapped myself around the vibrator, I leaned my body back and used my knees and hips to thrust myself onto the shaft. As it entered into me, I saw T'anya's face change.

"What's wrong Lover?" I asked as I leaned forward to kiss her.

"I want to take lead, but I'm not used to moving my hips like this." She said as we rolled back and forth in the bed with the rod still vibrating inside me. Eventually I was on my back again and she was kissing my face. I placed my hands on her ass and wrapped my legs over her hips before rocking the two of us away from and then into each other.

"It's hard when it's a toy, but anyone can get used to it." I said as we sped up little by little. She was using my hands pushing on her ass as a signal to thrust and pulling away when I did. It didn't take long for her to get into the proper rhythm and take over completely. As she thrust into me on her own, she kissed my face and neck. From the way she was sucking on me I was going to have a few love bites on my neck in the morning. It didn't take long for me to orgasm, and when I did, she looked ecstatic. She bit her lower lip with a look of determination and started to thrust faster and faster. I could see she was practically ignoring her own orgasms and focusing solely on mine. I brought my hands to her tits and played with them as she continued to thrust into me. I felt her body shaking so I looked into her eyes and stopped her.

"Hun… That's enough." I said as I brought my legs away from around her and she pulled out of me and laid next to me. She was wheezing and panting before she rolled to her side and kissed me. She ran her mouth over mine for a long period of time and eventually spoke up.

"I think I get why you just don't stop now. It is almost like drinking too much when you make your partner orgasm." She said as she slid the vibrator off. I took it in my hands and saw a small monster core inside. It must have been designed by Niko and Misha. Those two were scary smart. I tossed it onto the night stand before pulling T'anya and Lex'ie into my arms and wrapping us in a blanket.

The next morning, we all sat down for breakfast and started to go into more detail about how we were going to handle ourselves. In the end it was going to be business as usual, and we were just going to have to play dumb. After we ate some great food made by Mi'a and Niko, I took Try'alla and Lex'ie up to my shop to make some clothes.

"Since her hair is orange her number one most flattering color to wear is green. Purple is another good color, but it falls a bit short. I want to make her our business manager, so I'm going to make her a suit set." I explained to Try'alla.

"Okay, so where do we start?" She asked.

"First we talk to Lex. So, do you want pants or a skirt?" I looked at her and held up two drawings. She looked at the pants and skirt and then down at her robe before pointing at the skirt.

"This one. I think I will have an easier time getting used to it." She said as she looked around nervously.

"Calm down Lex'ie. We are glad to have you here." She had been apologetic and avoiding eye contact since she woke up this morning.

"I understand that…" She said before trailing off. I stood and pulled on her until she was sitting in my lap.

"I'm actually quite fond of you besides just how smart you are." I said before kissing her cheek. She looked down and, although her hair on her face made it hard to tell, blushed.

"I am still dumbstruck over what happened to me last night…" She said before looking at Try'alla. I laughed realizing she didn't understand the orgasm, so I just squeezed her and whispered in her ear.

"It is definitely going to happen again so don't worry to much about it Lex." I said before kissing her again and then standing her up. I drew up the design I had in mind for her and after about an hour it was ready. I had her try it on, and after making some adjustments she looked beautiful. Next, I made her a few pairs of underwear and bras. As she watched me making them, she remembered what they were and said something quietly to herself. After explaining the proper way to wear them and what they were for, she quickly thanked me and undressed and put them on. After I helped her adjust the bra, she redressed in the business suit and I looked to see Try'alla staring.

"What's wrong Try?" I asked.

"She looks like a new person now… Is that normal?" She asked.

"Some people wear clothes that are too loose or too tight. If you make the right selection in wardrobe you can definitely look amazing with almost any figure." I said giving her hair a ruffle. As Try'alla and I continued making multiple sets of clothes for Lex'ie she watched and kept bringing herself closer and closer as she watched. Try'alla had almost reached me in how good she could sew, but she still had a hard time coming up with her own designs, so it didn't take long for us to finish quite a few different suits for Lex'ie. I decided to make her a series of different types of undershirts to wear under the light jackets as well. As Lex'ie stared at herself in the mirror I showed her how the buttons work and heard the door open.

"We are being requested at the guild." Niko said as soon as she opened the door. She looked at Lex'ie and then back at me with a grin. "I knew she was pretty but now I want to eat her up." She giggled as I walked over to her. I kissed her and gave her butt a squeeze before looking back at Lex'ie and Try'alla.

"Lex, you go down and learn about the process of how things are made in Yu'lissa's shop. Try, I want you to come up with an original idea for clothing. There are so many different kinds that I haven't shown you yet, so I hope you can think of something Hun…" I said before leaving with Niko.

When the six of us entered the guild hall it was quiet. We looked around and when the girl behind the counter saw us, she waved us over.

"What's up?" I asked as we got to the counter.

"The bodies you found in the cave were of the prince and his escort. The manager needs to talk to you about what happened exactly." She said lifting the counter and escorting us to the manager's office.

"Why is it always you?" He shouted when we entered. I looked around confused and then remembered what he said the last time we saw him. "How is it that every time I have to deal with bullshit that involves the guild lately, you and your friends here always show up? Huh?" He asked.

"I mean we asked each other the same thing when we were in Cor'vu and an explorer was kidnapping women using mind control…" I said looking at Misha.

"Yeah, it's pretty frustrating having to keep explaining that we just want to live our lives in peace." Misha followed my lead.

"Sorry, sorry. I just have to send a letter to the Queen explaining we found her son's corpse and the men that killed him. I wasn't saying you were at fault ladies." He lowered his head to apologize so we waved him off.

"We have his sister staying with us sir. That's why he was in the area. She wanted to show off the weird foreigners she found and show him the brothel we started." Niko spoke up next.

"The princess is in your home. I see. Could one of you go gather her for me?" He asked. T'anya nodded and headed out and returned within a matter of minutes with Cani'lu and In'tasha.

"Is it true sir? Is my brother dead?" She asked.

"I'm afraid that's correct. It seems he was killed by some bandits and your friends here happened to stumble on them right around the same time." He explained the situation and Cani'lu stared at him with wide eyes, absorbing everything he said.

"I would like to take my brother home to my mother as soon as possible sir." She said when his detailed report was completed. "My mother must know about this immediately." She added. They continued speaking so we took our leave and headed home. When we got home, I was greeted by a small white-haired girl with a massive grin.

"I came up with a new idea Master." She said with a grin when I entered the house. She took my hand and as she started to drag me to the shop, I gave each of my lovers a quick kiss.

"Show me what you got." I said as I sat down in my usual spot. She ran over and pulled out some shirts, pants, and dresses she had made. She quickly changed into the dress and I liked the design she came up with. It wasn't complex, just a spring dress, but I hadn't made one of them yet, so this was entirely her idea. She went with a striped green and white color design and it made her look adorable. Next, she put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The jeans were normal, but the shirt had two designs. I laughed since she made a reversible t-shirt but told her good job. Lastly, she pulled out another pair of pants. They were baggy and she used elastic to make them. I loved lounging around in a good pair of sweat pants back when I was home, so I smiled and again told her how great of a job she did.

"Really? I did good?" She asked me.

"Definitely. These sweatpants used to be something when I was little, but I haven't seen them since and actually forgot about them." I said giving her a pat on the head. "The dress was really pretty and the t-shirt you made looked really comfortable." I said next. She beamed a pure smile. "Just remember. If you have an idea try it out… You never know if its good or not until you try it." I said as I patted her head again.

"Okay." She smiled up at me and I handed her a spiral notebook that I had Yu'lissa make.

"Now I need to talk business with Lex'ie, so you do what you need to do. This notebook is for you to draw your ideas in or to write down your thoughts. I won't ever look in it, and you don't have to let anyone look in it ever, okay?" I asked her. She nodded and flipped through it before writing her name on the cover.

I left and headed to Yu'lissa's shop and stopped to chat with Lem'tril on the way.

"Hey handsome, how are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled and leaned towards me, so I let him kiss me.

"Better now Alyssa." He kissed me again and again while trying not to get too much soot on me. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"Alright. I gotta say, seeing you smile did make me happy though." I said giving him one more kiss. "I gotta go talk to Lex'ie, but you should come eat dinner with us all tonight." I said before kissing him one more time and heading to Lex'ie and Yu'lissa.

"They way they move their tongues is incredible." I heard Lex'ie say quietly.

"Yeah. I have only had the one time, but Alyssa rocked my inner core." I heard Yu'lissa say next. I wasn't sure where this conversation was going so, I decided to just enter right then and play dumb.

"Hey Yu'lissa, what's up Lex'ie?" I said when I entered the room. They both looked at me quickly and then smiled.

""Hi Alyssa."" They said in unison. I smiled back and got to work.

"So, Lex is going to be taking point with the businesses in the area, so I wanted you to explain the costs and time it took to make everything. Is that okay gorgeous?" I asked as I approached.

"Yeah, we were already starting to discuss this before you got here." She replied. "I try to keep a decent amount of information recorded over here." She said as she walked over to a pile of notebooks. "If you look through these you will see where I had to spend money and where I just used resources, we already had available." She went through each notebook and they had designs and other ideas inside, so I smiled at how quick these two were at getting a handle on the bigger picture.

"Well then, Can I borrow you for a little bit?" I said to Yu'lissa. Her eyes bulged and she smiled before she nodded.

"Definitely." She stuck her hand out palm up and I placed my hand inside before she led me to her dorms.

"I'll just get used to these books…" Lex'ie said before I grabbed her with my other hand and the three of us entered Yu'lissa's room. When we entered, I looked at Yu'lissa's dark skin wearing skin tight pants I had made for her when she joined us. She was wearing a shirt with open sides so you could easily see her bra through the holes. I brought my hands over her body and kissed her before turning and kissing Lex'ie. As I did Yu'lissa knelt down between us and started to take off my pants and Lex'ie's skirt. I continued to explore Lex'ie's mouth with my tongue before I felt a light kiss on my slit. I could hear Yu'lissa follow up with another kiss to Lex'ie's lower lips, before she returned to me. I quickly unbuttoned Lex'ie's jacket before tugging at her top and getting her bra off. As I finished undressing Lex'ie I pulled her to the bed and Yu'lissa quickly followed. As she approached, I finished undressing and laid straddling over Lex'ie. I kissed her again and again as Yu'lissa slowly ate both of us out. I worked my way down Lex'ie's chest to her breasts and kissed and licked them as she moaned quietly. She continued to make cute moans as Yu'lissa brought herself down to fully focus on Lex'ie. I brought myself up from Lex'ie's hairy tits and with a bit of work, managed to pull Yu'lissa's pants off. She didn't wear the underwear I made her, but right now I was glad. I slid my head between her legs and prepared myself for the sweet and bitter taste of apples.

"So good." I said as I tasted her juices. I quickly ran my tongue inside her. In and out it ran before I heard her start to moan. I sped up the process of my tongue and she quickly came. She squirted more delicious fluids onto my face as I continued to lap away. I slid a finger inside her and before long a second, before she came again. This time she straightened her legs over my chest as she climaxed, and I slowed down and pulled out my fingers. She rolled to her side and I saw she was panting so, as I worked my way up to take her position between Lex'ie's legs, I kissed her for a few seconds and played with her small but beautiful tits.

As I took position between Lex'ie's legs I realized I hadn't tasted her yet and greedily lowered myself into her pussy. As I took my first taste, I made a soft moan as she moaned louder. She tasted a bit salty, but still amazing. I quickly brought my tongue over each of her folds before she climaxed and sprayed me more than once. As she orgasmed for the third time, I felt a pressure on my pussy. I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder to see Yu'lissa with a strap on. I smiled and winked at her before she slammed it into me. I arched my back for a second before returning to eating out Lex'ie. Yu'lissa was quick to rock back and forth as I kissed at Lex'ie's folds. I felt my stomach warm and my vision blur as I started to orgasm. I didn't stop myself though and made sure to keep Lex'ie in a state of near bliss as I floated there as well. I felt myself shudder as Yu'lissa pulled out and realigned the toy at my hole and thrusted again. She slowly and methodically pulled out the whole of the shaft before lining it up and slamming me again. I heard myself make small noises at this but didn't stop. I even slid two fingers into Lex'ie and started to thrust them in and out as I continued to feel myself being pulverized by Yu'lissa. I came again and again before finally both women's chests and faces were bright red from over exertion. I was barely able to focus myself, so I brought the two of them into an embrace and as a wind down the three of us took turns making out. It didn't take long for the three of us to fall into a soft slumber as we napped away the afternoon.