OC that has seen the anime and is thrown into the highschool of the dead world. Romance will be late in the story, no lemons.
I never realized it while wandering around the mansion. But, I actually forgot my backpack in the room that I uh, passed out in. So, here I am now, walking down a hallway, with a stack of clothes on my hands, barely able to see where I'm going.
(I must look ridiculous right now. At least I still have like thirty minutes before one P.M, so I got some time to return to that room and stuff some of the clothes in the backpack. Actually, I should check for some bigger bags that can fit inside the Humvee as well. Hell knows we are going to need the space if we decide to leave.
Heh. I must admit, when Yuriko said that she would give me some extra clothing so I won't have to run around every time I need to change. I didn't expect half a wardrobe. But hey, everything she gave me is indeed black like I asked, so no complaints from me.)
I also decided to take the chance and change my clothes after taking a quick bath, who knows when I will get another chance after all. So I was actually wearing the new clothes now, new clothes that looked almost exactly the same as the ones I wore before.
Black cargo pants, black shirt and a black hooded jacket along with the usual arm and leg guards.
(Though I also realized something weird about this world, among other things.
I don't smell. And it is not just me either, people in overall, don't smell. Sure, Takashi did stink like a skunk in the Humvee, but he did get peed on by Alice. And as Kohta was sitting next to him, he probably also got shot by friendly fire when the girls smelled them.
Anyway, since coming here and getting 'arrested'. I have been running, sprinting and jumping around non-stop. Overall, doing things that would normally make me smell like a dumpster. Yet I never did end up smelling anything nasty. The only reason I took a bath now, was because I could, not because I should.
Well whatever, it's still a god sent. Having to take a bath every single day, in order not to smell like ass during a zombie apocalypse. Heh, yeah, good luck with that chump.
I mean, in the anime and manga the main cast did not take that many baths either. Other than the fan service scene in Rika's house, I don't remember them taking another bath. Though they do change clothes a couple of times, so I guess it could be implied that they did?
Still, nobody ever complained that somebody else from the group smelled. But, I should not be surprised, this world does function differently on some fundamental levels after all. A normal shotgun being able to send multiple corpses flying for example. Or that the whole world looks, well, anime-esque? It's kinda hard to explain.
Guess I could also add 'people don't smell' in the list of weird-ass stuff. Now, where is that god damn room. It should be right around… )
Yet, my thoughts got interrupted by, barking? I turn my head around to see the little mutt we rescued running towards me. Upon closing the distance, Zeke jumps with a bark, and bites down on the bottom hem of my pants, then starts 'pulling'.
I lift my leg and look down at the little dog that was now hanging like some sort of dried furry fish.
(Just, perfect.)
"Zeke! Where did you go! Zeke!" Reacting to the new voice, I look up and see Alice running up the stairs in the distance.
"If you're looking for the furry terminator, he's right here trying to kill me! I think..." I shout. Alice turns around and looks at me.
"Hope you have a way to tame this thing! Before it tears me to shreds..." I say to Alice as I look down pointedly at the dog.
Alice immediately runs over to me and kneels down. She then grabs the dog with both hands and starts pulling him. Needless to say, the dog did not let go.
"UGHHHH come on Zeke! let go!" Alice kept trying. But, despite her best efforts. Zeke seemed to have made his decision.
And well, now I was standing in the middle of the hallway with a stack of clothes on my hands, a dog biting down my pants, with a little girl that was trying to pull that dog away.
(Can this get any better?...)
After trying for a couple of minutes, Alice finally gives up. She then stands up and starts staring at me.
"Well, looks like Zeke here wants to be part of my evil 'take over the world' army." I say with a shrug as I turn around and start walking again. Dragging the dog along with me.
"No! Zeke let him go! Zeke! He is going to make you Evil! Zeke!" I could hear Alice yelling behind me. And uhh, well, I was trying not to giggle. I'm an evil overlord after all...
And so, I spent the next couple of minutes looking for the room I slept in. With Alice 'sneaking' behind me, while I was dragging Zeke along.
(This dog is tenacious, I'll give him that.)
Until finally, something else seemed to draw Alice's attention.
"Big brother!" Alice shouts.
(Big brother? Takashi?)
I tilt my head as I turn to look behind me. Finding Takashi patting Alice on the head. He then turns to look at me.
"Well, if it isn't the valiant knight of rainbows and sunshine." I say while trying to sound as serious as I can. Takashi just stared at me like I'm some sort of idiot. Not that I'm surprised though, judging from what I just said...
"Big brother! He took Zeke and is making him evil!" Alice points at me as she shouts. I lift my leg and let the dog hang in the air once more.
"More like the dog has taken me to be honest. Could you help me out here? I don't want to leave clean clothes on the ground." I say as I look at Takashi. He just keeps looking at me before slightly shaking his head and nodding. He comes up to me, kneels down and takes Zeke with his hands. Then starts poking his ears?
Probably annoyed by all the poking, Zeke turns to bark at Takashi, letting go of my pants in the process. Takashi then takes the dog and gives it to Alice.
"Zeke! Ohh thank god you're safe!" She says as she starts cuddling with the dog, which instantly turns docile.
(Safe? Come on, it's not like I was going to eat him… )
"Thank you big brother." She bows at Takashi, then looks at me for a couple of seconds before running off.
(She really doesn't like me huh...)
Takashi then turns to me.
"Valiant knight of rainbows and sunshine?..." He 'asks'.
"Alice seems to think I am some sort of evil overlord. Seeing how she asked you for help. That makes you the hero, no?" I say as I get a better grip on the clothes.
"Well you're kinda dressed like one. Guns, masks, black clothes and all. Uhh, also, speaking of clothes, you need some help with those?" He asks as he points to the stack of clothes on my hands.
"I'm taking if you're offering." Takashi nods at my answer and takes half of the folded clothes.
"Don't you think this much is a bit overkill though?" He speaks up as I start walking again.
"Saya's mother gave them to me. And you never know what'll happen, I'd rather not end up walking around drenched in corpse blood." I answer. Takashi turns to look at me.
"I see Saya asked you to call her by her first name too huh?… " I just nodded as an answer, not bothering to elaborate.
(Bruh, you have been ignoring her for years. Don't tell me you suddenly started to care about what she does… )
We quietly kept moving down the hallway for some time before Takashi spoke up again.
"A hero huh. I don't think I can really be one… " He kept looking straight as he spoke.
"Why not? The whole group seems to have faith in you. Plus they trust you, that probably means something no? And a hero is somebody who can lead others safely and diffuse conflict without creating more conflict, not somebody who can kick a head off after doing seven flips in the air. Though I suppose it could be an added bonus." I say as I also keep looking straight ahead.
"And, you honestly believe I can do all that?" He asks.
"Better than I can at least. You all seem to know each other for starters, so it makes sense that they rely on you." I say as I turn to him.
"No, not really. I did know Rei and Saya. But Saeko, Kohta and Miss Shizuka. We only met right after the outbreak started." He answers.
"Well it's not like I'm trying to force the title on you. But I already made more than one bad call so far, so I for one, am not the best fit for that role."
(In the anime and Manga they did vote for him to be the leader. Don't know if me being here will change that, but I'm not exactly gunning for that spot anyway. Too much responsibility.)
"And we're here." I say as I turn towards a door to my right, then knock it open with my foot.
The door opens up, and I walk inside. I spot my bag next to the bed to my right, I nod and walk to the bed, then leave the clothes on the nightstand that was next to it. Grabbing the bag, I open it and shove everything I can inside. Then, I turn to Takashi.
"I can take the rest to the Humvee until we find a bigger bag." I point at the clothes that he was holding as I spoke.
"Nahh it's ok, I'll take them there. Might put some in my bag too, they look like they might fit me, and I don't mind the color" I just nod at him as I get up and toss the bag over my shoulder.
"Well I better get going then. If I end up late, Saeko will probably go ballistic on me. Thanks for the help." I say as I walk past him.
"You, sure seem to be close with Saeko." Takashi speaks up, and I stop by the door.
"Close? I wouldn't know, not really something I can tell anyway. I just asked her to help me with training. Guns can only take you so far before running out of ammo after all. Never mind sounding like a zombie dinner bell every time you pull the trigger." I speak without turning around. And after a short silence, I walked away.
(Why did that make me feel so, uncomfortable?...)
I shake my head and speed up my pace…
Several minutes later, I was inside the dojo. And Saeko was nowhere to be seen. I walk to the center of the room and see two bokkens that were placed on the ground.
"Either I'm too early or I'm too late. The bokkens that are laying in the middle of the room seem to point towards the latter. But, I checked the time before coming here, it was five minutes before twelve. So… " Rather than just waiting around, twiddling my thumbs. I started to prepare myself for the 'torture' ahead.
I take off the belt with the handgun and undo the sling on the assault rifle. Then walk to the side of the dojo and leave the backpack and weapons there, before heading back to the center again.
(Still, how close 'am I' with Saeko? Saya for one, seems to at least acknowledge my existence now, so I guess that's something. Saeko, for all I know, could have been grumpy because she caught Takashi and Rei making out.)
A sudden sound of a door closing knocked me out of my thoughts. Turning around I see Saeko exiting, the bathroom? And she was already dressed in her 'normal' school - skirt uniform. She also had an actual katana strapped on her side.
(Hmm so she did get the blade, earlier than normal too. As in the anime she gets it after the 'Kohta incident'. Which did not happen, yet.)
I look at the blade before turning my sight to Saeko.
"We're using bamboo swords for this, right?" I ask. Hopeful that I can at least reduce the 'damage'...
"No" She replies bluntly…
"We will be using bokkens." She adds as she points to the two wooden blades in the center of the room.
"You mean you will be hitting me with what you used to actually 'kill' corpses? You're still mad at me..." I fold my arms as I speak. Saeko, just smiles.
"I am not mad, not anymore. It's just that I am a bit vexed that you thought it would be better to leave us in the dark rather than sharing your plans with us." She says as she walks up to the bokkens, then picks them up.
"I already told you why I did what I did… " I say to Saeko as she walks up to me.
"And that is why, I am no longer mad." She answers as she gives me one of the bokkens.
"Oh, I see. I really thought you w-OH SHI..!" Was all I managed to say as Saeko instantly swung her wooden blade towards my face the moment I took 'my' bokken.
I reflexively lean backward as I jump away, causing me to almost fall on my ass.
"You said you were not mad!" I shout as I recover my footing, only to see Saeko charging towards me.
"I'm! Not! Mad!" With each word, a swing…
I managed to sidestep to the left to avoid the first vertical slash. Then used the bokken as a shield by putting it vertically to my right to block the second strike. I had to brace my right arm against my wooden blade to avoid it getting knocked out of my hand from the force of the hit. Then, I did the exact same thing to block my left side as Saeko instantly spun in place and tried to hit me from the left.
The moment I found an opening, I jumped back to gain some breathing room.
"Could have fooled me with the way you are trying to smash my face in!" I shout back.
"We, are training!" I could see Saeko grinning as she charged at me again.
(She's actually enjoying this. Figures… )
She charges at me with another vertical swing that I blocked with my own bokken. And then she swung vertically again, again and again. With each swing, she was becoming more and more aggressive. And each step she took forward, was a step I took backward.
Thankfully, all the extra lessons I took in close armed combat before the outbreak helped me keep my wits about me and not panic. Because, I was obviously getting my ass handed to me right now.
I was just barely managing to block, let alone trying to counter or attack. And it was getting worse by the second. I was progressively being put into a corner, because other than getting more aggressive, she was also getting progressively faster with her swings…
As I was blocking yet another strike, she suddenly took a step back, before instantly taking a bigger step towards me, leaning her body forward as she swung at my right side. Feeling that I won't be able to block this by backing off, I also take a step forward, guarding my side by placing my wooden sword vertically to my right.
Ignoring the impact that just vibrated my whole right arm, I used the momentum to quickly sidestep to the left before turning my body to face Saeko. With several quick steps to the left, I was behind her. Before I could capitalize on the opportunity though, she shifted her footing, adopting a lowered posture, taking a blind spin-swing aimed to my left, that I hastily blocked with my bokken.
And while still keeping the same lowered posture, she takes another horizontal swing at me, this time aimed towards my right. Which I evaded by taking several steps backward.
(Gahh I don't know how long I can keep this up, my left hand is starting to get numb from all the blocking. For her lithe frame, she hits like a frigging train.)
Saeko, apparently not wanting to let me pick up any distance, puts her left hand on the ground and brings her legs closer to her body before breaking into a sprint.
Though, I must admit, the way she moved. It was beautiful. Like a dance, each of her swings flowed naturally to the next one. Problem was. That beautiful dance was also aiming to break several of my bones. And, worse of all, I was running out of room to retreat.
Honestly, I had already come to terms with the fact that sooner or later I would probably slip-up and get my ass kicked. I was pretty much stuck on the defense from the moment we started, sooner or later I would mess up and it would be game over...
The moment Saeko closed it, She brought her sword next to her face while holding it with one hand, and pointed the tip of the blade towards me.
(A thrust? Ok. Now or never, avoiding a stab should be easier than avoiding a slash. And if I fail to dodge. Well, let's hope I wake up before the nuke blast.)
I steeled my focus and waited as I lowered my center of gravity. The moment Saeko launched her attack, I bent my body to the right. Her wooden sword grazing the left corner of my mask as it passed right next to my head. Not losing the chance, I quickly charged forward and crashed my left shoulder into Saeko.
I landed on her left side, causing her to lose her posture and take a few steps back. Using the opening, I lift my bokken and swing it vertically as hard as I can to her extended arm on my right. Well, not her arm, her sword. Which, with a loud thwack, flew off her hand and fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Undeterred, Saeko grabs me by my left arm and yanks me to my right, causing me to hop a few steps forward before tripping me to the ground. The moment I hit the floor, I roll to my left and spring back to my feet. Saeko, had already taken back her sword and was now staring at me.
"One question. How is this going to help at dealing with corpses? They kinda, you know, suck at swinging things." I say as I bend down slightly and take a few deep breaths.
"Corpses aren't the only thing that we will have to face Naier." Saeko answers back.
"True, but that's why I also have that with me." I say as I point at the rifle and handgun in the corner of the room. Saeko glances at the guns.
"And what if you can't use the guns?" She says as she turns back to me.
"Then I shoulder charge, disarm and beat the crap out of them." I say with a shrug.
"Hmm? Well, then you kind of failed then. Seeing as you didn't 'beat the crap out of' me." Saeko says with a slight smile.
"Well. I can't hit a pretty girl without a really good reason… " I answer. Saeko just, stares at me...
(Too soon? Well I said it now. She might as well just shoot me down so I can stop dreaming.)
After a short silence, Saeko finally speaks up.
"Am I, a woman to you?" She lowers her bokken and relaxes her posture as she keeps staring at me.
(Huh? Didn't she say something like that to Takashi in the anime as well? No wait, this seems different. She's actually asking me?)
"Uhh. Wait, was that a question? Or, Uhh. Yes?" I say as I tilt my head.
Saeko did not answer. She just looked away as she slightly lowered her head. And a few seconds later, she smiles slightly.
"Other than your crazy antics, you rarely show any emotion. And swordsmanship is, it's not exactly a very feminine sport. Add that the mask does not really help in letting me understand what is going through your head." She speaks as she looks back at me.
(You also believe that you're not worthy of positive human emotions. But if you don't start that chat, then it's none of my business.)
I shake my head and let out a dry laugh.
"I guess that's true. But as for your question. I did avoid hitting you didn't I?" I respond as I raise both arms slightly.
(And not because I could not hit you even if I wanted to, really.)
Saeko just giggles as she starts walking towards me.
"I guess, you did." Her slow walk then changes to a dash.
"But you can't win if you don't fight back!" She shouts as she brandishes her wooden blade once again...
(Well, shit… )
For some reason, the only thing that came into my mind at that moment. Was to turn around, and break into a sprint.
"Hey! What are you doing! Stop running away!" I could hear Saeko shout behind me.
"I'm not running away!" I say as I run towards the dojo's wall.
(Definitely running away.)
"Looks like running away to me!" Saeko shouts back at me.
"This, is a tactical retreat!" I shout again.
Using the momentum, I dash straight to the wall and run up a few steps. Turning my head, I see Saeko standing still a few feet away, staring at me.
Before gravity could take hold of me, I put as much strength as I can in my legs and jump off the wall. Straight towards Saeko.
I don't know what she was thinking at that moment. But instead of moving out of the way, she decided to stay in place and try to block me. And you know. Trying to block a human that is flying to your face is usually a bad idea. Saeko, found that the hard way, as I ended up crashing into her and the both of us crashed into the ground.
And, uhh. Ok, I might have not 'really' thought this through. Seeing how I pretty much just mounted Saeko now…
(If somebody enters now, this will look so weird.)
"This, is quite bold of you." Saeko says while looking completely unhurt, raising an eyebrow as she looks at me. Yet, she does not try to shake me off.
Her face was slightly flushed as well. Though, that could be because she was chasing me around.
"I still managed to immobilize you, without actually hitting you. I think… " Saeko just laughs through her nose at my answer.
"Then why did you ask me to train you, when you can obviously fight?" She asks as she keeps staring at me.
"Well, knowing how you fight will make it easier for me to help you out there. I was just kinda nervous back at the truck's roof, so I said whatever came first into my mind."
(I actually just wanted to find a way to spend time with her. But, uhh, I'm obviously not telling her that.)
After that, we just stayed quiet...
"So. You, intend to stay on top of me?" Saeko finally speaks up as she glances around.
"Uhh, right." I get up and take a few small steps back, then extend my hand to help Saeko up. After taking my hand and getting up, she starts dusting herself off before picking her bokken back up.
I reflexively take a few steps back as Saeko turns to me.
"So, you want to see how I fight? Because I have yet to show you all I got." She says as she grins, taking her stance again.
(Wait. We're not done?!)
"Wha, bu..." I didn't even manage to finish before Saeko was dashing towards me once again.
I also realized something. After I jumped off the wall, I dropped my bokken.
(Well, to think after all that, I will die now. Thank you very much, my shitty fucking luck…)
And right before Saeko could get too close and open a can of whoop-ass, the dojo door swung open.
"You two, we have a problem!" I turn to the voice to see Takashi looking at us. And thankfully, our 'duel' got interrupted. Saeko stopping her charge before she could crack my skull open.
(Rainbow knight, to the rescue… )
"What's wrong Takashi?" Saeko speaks up first as she turns to him.
"Kohta's in trouble at the estate's yard!" Takashi answers.
Saeko then turns to me, seemingly waiting for my response.
"You two go ahead. I'll catch up once I get my things." Saeko nods at me and runs to Takashi , while I run to my equipment.
"Alright, Saeko let's go." Takashi turns around and runs off. Saeko then stops by the exit and turns to look at me for a few seconds before running off as well. I think she was, smiling at me?
(Well, that just happened. But, now I got to focus on the problem at hand. The problem? If Kohta is in trouble now, it means only one thing.)
I strap my equipment back on me and sprint out of the dojo.
(The nuke, it's coming today.)
I then ran straight towards the closest exit that led to the yard. The moment I got, out I saw Takashi and Saeko running to my right. I nod to myself and run after them.
And soon. We were there. Kohta kneeling down, hugging our guns, while several adults were surrounding him. All of them being Souichiro's men.
(Hardcore deja-vu right now.)
Also, I noticed that the man himself, Souichiro, was there.
(Hell, even the timing is the same, seeing that I show up along with Takashi.)
The event then unfolded just like in the anime. Takashi stood up for Kohta by labeling him the protector of Souichiro's daughter. Saeko backed Takashi up, and soon, the whole group was there.
(Having everything play out the same way the anime did. Right before the nuke blast. This is not good for my mental health. At least, we won't have any 'Shido surprises'. I at least, made sure of that… )
In the end, I did not have to interfere. Souichiro ordered his men to leave Kohta with his gun shortly after. And once Souichiro and his men left, it was just the group and me staring at each other, while Kohta quietly held the guns like a lifeline.
(Hmm. This is a good time to mention whether we stay or leave.)
"This can turn to be a major problem if they don't change their way of thinking. And sadly, I doubt they will." I say as I look at Souichiro's men while they were walking away.
Kohta then finally gets up while still hugging the guns.
"Thank you guys… " As he speaks, Saya turns to him.
"You need to stop being a fat otaku and stand up for yourself, fatass. You had an actual reason to stand your ground, but you chose to do nothing and take it to the face. Aren't you a man?" Saya glares at Kohta, who just lowers his head with a sad expression.
"Cut him some slack Saya. Him saying what you said to your dad would not have had the same impact. Because there is a big difference between you saying that he protected you and him saying that he protected you. Also, your dad is frigging scary…" I say as I walk toward Kohta. Saya just turned to me with a frown, but did not say anything back.
"Also, most important of all." I say as I stop next to Kohta.
He lifts his head to look at me while still hugging the guns. And after staring at them for a few seconds, I found my old friend.
"Dibs on the shotgun." I point at the M37 after poking Kohta a couple of times. He looks at me, and then at the gun, then back to me, then nods as he stops bear hugging the guns...
I grab the shotgun and pull it from its sling, then wear it along with the Assault rifle.
"Don't worry buddy, we got your back." I whispered to Kohta so Saya could not hear me. Lest I need her gnawing my face for saying this right after she just chastised Kohta.
"Ok where were we?" I ask as I turn around and face the group.
"Uhh. You really need two guns?" Takashi asks.
"Three." I answer.
"Huh?" He responds blankly…
I then open my jacket and point at the handgun with my free hand. The group just, stares. Except for Kohta, as he was actually eyeing the handgun and rifle now.
"Do you need all that? Won't it cause too much noise when you move around?" Rei speaks up.
"Not if I wear them right. But I indeed won't be running around with three guns. Too much extra weight that I don't need." I answer to Rei.
I was about to speak again, when I noticed that Kohta had crept up 'way' too close to me, staring intensely at the rifle.
(Jeez, he bounced back fast.)
"That is a..."
"Assault rifle." I cut him off as I take off the rifle along with its sling, and give it to him.
"Have fun, might need cleaning though. Stole it from a drooling corpse. Also, it still has a bullet in the chamber." I add casually.
Kohta ignores me and just yanks the Type 89 out of my hand before he starts talking about the gun's history and the use it had in S.A.T. and J.S.D.F...
And a couple of minutes later, after Kohta finally calmed down, I spoke up.
"So, how are we going to deal with this?" I ask as I look at the group.
"This?" Saeko asks back.
"The people in the estate. Just because we avoided trouble this time around, won't mean that there won't be a second time. Next time it might be the refugees poking their noses in our business, and I get the feeling that persuading them ain't gonna work." I look around to see most of the group nodding along, except Shizuka, who seemed to be thinking about something.
"I don't know if you guys spoke about it without me, but this leaves us with two actual choices. Staying or leaving, each with its own downsides." I look at Saya, who nods. She then proceeds to say the same points I discussed with her in the library a couple of hours ago.
The group stayed silent, even after Saya finished speaking, glancing at each other. Waiting for somebody to say the obvious. I turn my head to Takashi to see him also staring at me. After he realized that I was looking back at him, he nods.
"Who wants to leave then?" Takashi finally asks the billion-dollar question. Yet nobody said a thing.
(Hmm, they are unwilling to take the first step? Gotta make the choice easier. Maybe without having to speak?)
"Let's make this simple. Those who want to leave, raise your hand." I add after Takashi. He nods at me again and raises his arm, followed by Rei. Alice, who was looking at Takashi raises her arm as well.
Kohta meanwhile, was staring at Saya. Shizuka was darting her head around looking at the group. Saya looked at the textbook I gave her before raising her arm, followed by Kohta. And Saeko also raised her arm shortly after.
"Guess that settles it then. And if all of you are going, then I'm obviously not staying here." I say as I raise my arm as well.
Also, ever since the voting began, I've been feeling like something has been pulling my leg, in the literal sense. And upon looking down, I find Zeke biting my pants, again.
"Oh, hello there young cadet." I fold my arms as I look at the dog who seemed to be trying its best to tear off my pant's leg.
"Zeke no!" Alice bolts to me and grabs the dog again. Before she could start pulling him, I kneel down and pry the dog off my pants by putting my gloved finger in its mouth, only to have it bite down on my glove…
"You sure this is a dog? He acts like a goddamn crocodile." I say as I pull my hand away from Zeke's mouth. The dog then just stared at me while wagging his tail.
"I think he likes you." Rei says with a giggle shortly after.
"He's trying to eat me… " I say as I turn to Rei, who just keeps giggling with her hand over her mouth.
"Ughh, can we get back on track now? We need to make a plan, as from the looks of it, other than Miss Shizuka we're all leaving." Saya folds her arms under her chest as she speaks up, Shizuka darting her head wide-eyed towards the pinkette.
"Whaaat, no, no, no! I am coming too! I, just got too focused on looking at you all and forgot to raise my arm… " She shouts, waving her hands around.
"Alright, then we're all leaving. We still need a plan though." Saya adds, ignoring the tantrum next to her.
"Me and Rei will go find our parents, so if we have no plan. We can go towards my mother's workplace, Shintoko 3rd elementary school." Takashi looks at Rei as they nod at each other before turning to us.
"Alright, if it's a long trip though. We will have to go and resupply somewhere in-between, don't think Saya's parents will be able to spare too much for us. Also, if we get to have a say on what we get from here, I say ammo, then fuel." Kohta nods along as I speak. Though I suspect he got sold the moment I said the word 'ammo'.
Takashi puts his hand under his chin and lowers his head.
"But we need food and water too. What's the point of having ammo and fuel if we die of hunger." He lifts his head and looks at me.
"Because we won't be able to find bullets out there. Food, we have a good chance to find some, same as water. Fuel, well gas stations are a perfect spot for an ambush from other, not so friendly survivors." I respond as I fold my arms. Well aware of what happened to Takashi and Rei when they went to that gas station after the 'flying bus' incident.
"Take for example if we were to go to a supermarket. Looted or not, we are bound to find something to eat and drink. Bullets and fuel on the other hand? Fat chance. And speaking of supermarkets, I think that is where we should head first. Is there anything like that on the way to the elementary school?" The moment I finish, Rei speaks up.
"There is a mall that is in the general direction to the school. Although it's not really on a direct path, but not too far away either… " I nod to Rei after she was done speaking.
(Perfect, we need to go there anyway. If I can save the estate, I sure as hell can save one third-person speaking cop. Plus she and Kohta kick it off perfectly-ish. And that guy needs some good news in his life that doesn't consist of heavy firepower. Also, I might be able to change how things play out there, and get rescued with the helicopters that show up later. Though Rei and Takashi would probably insist that we go find their parents first.)
"So, we ask for fuel and ammo from Saya's parents, then head to the mall. After that, we move towards the place that Komuro's mother works at." The group looks at each other before they all nod.
"Also, call me Takashi, Naier." Takashi adds up after me…
"Noted." I answered with a small nod. And as we all came to an agreement, a rolling thunder made the group look at the sky that had now taken a deep shade of gray.
"It's going to rain." Rei looked at the darkening sky as she spoke.
"We should head inside, I'm in no mood to get drenched." Takashi adds right after Rei. And starts moving towards the estate's main building, with us following suit right after…
And as we kept walking, Saya came up next to me.
"Here… " She hands me the two phones I left with her in the library.
"You're done with your research?" I ask as I look at Saya.
"The notebook has only a few pages left." She says casually. I blink several times and look at the book in her hand, before turning back towards her face. The textbook, while not enormous, was not a small one either. It was actually quite on the 'big' side for a textbook to be honest.
"You filled it already? Marked me impressed..." I say as I arch an eyebrow. Saya responds to me with a 'hum' as she turns to look straight ahead with a smug face.
"Of course I filled it, I AM a genius." She adds as she folds her arms with a smug grin.
"So that means we can go back and continue training?" I hear a new voice ask, turning to it I find Saeko looking at me with a smile.
"Uhhh. Right." I answer, dreading the smile that looked way too 'nice'...
"But this time, we are fighting normally. I am not taking 'I can't hit pretty girls' as an excuse." Saeko adds with a grin.
(Ohhh no. She didn't just...)
Aaaaand now I could feel an ice-cold stare on my back. I turn my head slightly to see Saya glaring at me, intensely.
"So you don't hit pretty girls eeh?… " Saya spoke in a low hissing tone while her eyebrow was uhh, twitching.
"Somebody is working fast." Rei, who was walking in front of us, turned around as she spoke. And then proceeded to start giggling. I, just kept my mouth shut and glanced around.
(God damn it Saeko, you doing this on purpose aren't you. And Rei, you should be glad if Saeko decides to stick around me and does not take Takashi out of your hands. Just saying, because she is more than 'capable' of doing so.)
"Fine you want a fight, you'll get a fight." I say as I turn and stare at Saeko.
"Perfect." Was all she replied with while she kept grinning.
"I'm coming as well." I turn my head to the voice to see Saya, still glaring at me.
"You are?" I ask.
"I need to make sure you won't do anything creepy to Saeko." She replies with a huff.
(This, is definitely going to end badly for me… )
"Hmm that sounds interesting, I actually want to see this as well." Rei speaks up shortly after.
"Yeah! Saeko will defeat you and your evil army!" Alice adds right after. The whole group turning to stare at Alice who was trying to look, Menacing? I think she was trying to glare, though she just looked like a puffed up hamster instead...
"Great, juust, great." Was all I said as I dragged my feet to my coming execution.
And so, we all arrived at the dojo. Once there, the rest of the group moved to the side. After I gave my equipment to Kohta, I moved to the center with Saeko, bokken in hand.
"No running around this time Naier." Saeko says with a small grin. I didn't speak, just stared at her.
(I will have to end this fast. The longer we take, the more excited she will get, and the less hope I have out of getting out of this without a broken bone. And I don't need her beating on my face while she's getting wet. Especially with everybody here.)
And like that, we started a staring contest. Saeko didn't move, and neither did I...
"Uhhh, are we supposed to count down?" Takashi speaks up, and I turn my head slightly towards him. And the moment I did, Saeko charged at me.
The moment she closed in she slammed her foot to the ground and lifted her bokken over her head, bringing it towards me with a vertical slash. I sidestep to the left while taking a swing at her bokken, causing it to sway to her right. I then grab her arm and yank her toward my back, or her 'forward'.
Having the momentum of her charge, Saeko was forced to take several steps forward to prevent herself from falling. She then again took a blind swing at me as she spun around, missing me by a good the time she turned around fully, I was already running towards her, taking a vertical swing which she easily blocked. But, I didn't stop there.
As I took the swing, I bent my body forward and struck with my knee, right into Saeko's gut.
The purpled haired girl, instead of falling back, takes the hit. She then slaps away my blade with one hand and brings her bokken flat square on my face with the other hand. The wooden blade making a clear sound as it struck me flat in the face.
I jump back and shake my head. I actually felt that even if it was just with one hand that could not even make a full swing. If I was not wearing my mask, I might have had more than a slight blur in my vision right now.
I focus my attention back on the duel, only to see Saeko dashing towards me.
(Focus damnit.)
With Saeko running full sprint towards me, I also started sprinting towards her as well. The moment she got close. She jumped, and I saw her knee coming full force towards my face.
With my momentum, there was no way I could dodge it, so I let my knees give out and lean my body backward, using my right arm to counterbalance my fall. Like a scene straight out of an action movie, I ended up sliding under her, while her knee barely passed over my face.
Also, remember how I mentioned she had changed back to her normal uniform? Did I mention that she was wearing a skirt?
(Purple… )
The moment she was over me I stopped my slide. While still on my knees I turned my body around and ended up crouched down on my feet. With Saeko still having her back turned to me as she just landed from her leap. I then lean forward, and using my right hand to keep myself from falling to the ground, I swing at her legs.
As she had just barely recovered her balance from the jump, the hit caused her to lose the ground from her feet. As she fell though, she did manage to take a swing and land her bokken on the left side of my head. And let me tell you, that shit hurts. A lot.
Ignoring the fact that I felt like my head just got split open, I quickly brought my legs under me. And with a swift motion, I grabbed her right arm, the arm which was holding the bokken, and pulled it until it was completely extended. Also slightly lifting her upper body off the ground. Then with my left hand, I then put my bokken on her neck…
We stayed like that for five seconds, ten seconds. Until Saeko finally lets go of her bokken. With her conceding the match, I let her go and get up...
Or, I tried too. As the moment I got on my feet, I felt like my head just got split in two.
(Ughh, got up too fast.)
"I think you might have done a botched surgery to my head Saeko." I say as I shake my head and put my thumb on the side of my skull, trying to massage the headache away.
"I felt the impact all the way to my shoulder, are you alright?" Saeko asks as she gets up and looks at me.
(At least she is not panting to the fact she bashed my head in so hard.)
I pull my mask and Balaclava off to put some pressure on the part that Saeko landed her bokken on. Then I look at my hand.
(No blood…)
"I'm fine… " I say as I keep looking at my hand. I didn't manage to say anything else though, as I felt a new pair of hands grabbing my head and poking it.
"Huh, wha… "
"Hmm nothing seems broken. But we should put some ice on it just to be safe." I hear Shizuka say from behind me.
(When did she even… )
I turn around and…
"You have a face!?" I hear Alice shout…
I turn my head towards her, to see her all wide-eyed. I just blinked several times before the whole group started laughing.
I just shook my head before putting my mask and Balaclava back on.
"Still, who won? I mean you disarmed Saeko. But it looks like you took a nastier beating compared to her." Takashi folds his arm as he speaks.
"If that was a real battle. I guess I'd be dead first. Saeko did manage to hit me first." I say as I look at Takashi.
"You managed to disarm and immobilize me first. So I guess you win this time around. Though, I don't know how much of this was a sword fight in the end." Saeko responds with a smile as she speaks.
"I look forward to sparring with you again" She says, then bows slightly. Caught off guard I quickly fix my posture before bowing as well.
"Yeah. But next time, I'll be wearing full riot gear." I say as I lift my upper body. Saeko just laughed through her nose as she brought her hand to her mouth...
And as the group became silent. I could now hear the raindrops hitting against the window, bringing back the truth that only I knew to the forefront of my mind.
(It's really pouring down huh? It's official then. Today, we lose our lights. Let's hope, no, no more hoping. I will make sure of it, even if I have to do it myself. That the lights, are the only thing we lose.)