
Chapter 731: Bountiful Harvest

Before he got to the spot where the two women were laid, Peter Brown heard a series of angry roars.

"This is bad!"

When Peter went over to where the sounds were coming from, what he saw took him aback: a black bear had made it to the area. Not only had the bear reached the spot, but it had also broken the formation. The two women who were placed within it had already been killed by the bear, which was now gnawing away at their bodies.

How could this be?

Peter had been worrying about how to deal with the two women, yet he never foresaw the bear's keen sense of smell leading it here.

In a fleeting moment, some understanding dawned on Peter. Even though the formation offered protection, the arousal of a certain yet potent scent on Sally Nelson due to the medicinal effects had been detected by the bear, which was what probably lured it here.