

Can love destroy you? What about your friendship? Can you love the wrong person? How do you love someone in the right way? For Levi, his first love came to him like a speed-train. Fast and relentlessly bringing him to places he never knew he could walk on. Putting everything on the line, must he choose to do the right thing? What is the right thing anyway?

mspandragon · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
88 Chs



After lunch we decided to just stay in and laze around, watching TV and chat and me doing some of my assignments in between. Keaton is also handling some matter with his phone which keeps ringing every now and then. The only one who is truly free is Malik and I'm so envious as he lounges around the living room watching TV and playing with his phone.

"Can't you at least pretend to be as busy as us?" I pout at Malik, throwing a pillow at his head which he avoids successfully and that only makes me more annoyed.

"I'll be working tomorrow while you two laze around so give me a break," Malik says, not even lifting his head from his phone.

"Should we eat out tonight?" Keaton asks suddenly just after he hangs up the phone with who knows who.

"Where?" Malik asks.

"What about Hotel Peninsula?" Keaton asks with an anticipating smile.

"As long as you're paying," I grin at him and Malik who grins also and nods in agreement.

"Sure," Keaton says, "I'll make the reservation," he says before turning around once again to make another phone call.

"It's good to be rich," Malik turns to me, grinning. I chuckle and nod. Truly. "You done with the assignment?" he asks me.

"Done," I tell him. I finished it a while ago and now am just browsing aimlessly.

"Go take a shower then put on the ointment. You've promised," Malik says. I pout but put away my laptop nonetheless before walking dejectedly to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I walk back into the bedroom with just a towel over my waist. Malik and Keaton are already there, both looking at me. I don't know what they see but I don't feel comfortable with it. I fidget by the bathroom door, debating whether I should approach them or go back into the bathroom and hide in there forever.

"Come," Keaton says gently as he approaches me.

I stare at him, biting my lower lip, hesitating before taking a step towards him. Keaton takes my hand and guides me to the bed before pushing me down to sit on the edge of it.

"We'll be gentle," Keatons says.

Not what I'm worried about, to be honest. But I nod nonetheless as I stare at the both of them who are each holding a tube of ointment in their hand.

After a brief hesitation on their part, they start taking care of the bruises and cuts on my upper body. Their hands are careful. Their fingers gentle as if they are afraid to add more injuries to my already decorated body.

"I'm not made of glass," I whisper to them. Their hands stop moving and they both look at me. I smile at them both gratefully. I also can't help but to giggle. I find this whole situation a little funny. Something's probably wrong with my head.

"Why are you laughing?" Malik asks, flicking my forehead with so little power it tickles. I tell them what I was thinking and they both frown.

"You're a weird dude," Malik concludes.

"That I am." I nod in agreement, "Just found out about it too actually," I shrug with a grin.

"Get up," Malik takes my hand and pulls me up, "we have to do the ones on your lower body," his eyes strays to said area and I can't help but fidget uncomfortably.

My lower body looks not much different from my upper body. Probably even worse remembering how Allen loves to bite and nibble and grip me.

"Open your legs," Keaton's gentle voice brings slight comfort to me as I comply and slightly make a gap so they can reach my inner thigh where it's decorated with purple bruises and scratches and bite marks.

Keaton lowers himself and kneels in front of me while Malik behind me. I can feel my whole body heating up from embarrassment before I feel their gentle fingers roaming below. Gentle and careful and that makes me tremble nonetheless.

I yelp when Malik parts my butt cheek and I feel a hot tongue tracing the rim of my hole. "You maniac," I grit my teeth, trembling all over and almost buckling if not for Keaton holding me steady. I grab Keaton's shoulder and hunch forward.

"Here's swollen too," Malik reasons and if I have the strength to roll my eyes, I'd be rolling them to the back of my head.

"That's… You and Keaton…" I blame them for that one, actually.

"Well, we'll make it better," Malik says and buries his face once again while I can feel Keaton's hot breath on my thigh as he licks it and traces up until his tongue reaches my penis and he swallows them.

Fuck this shit feels so good. It feels even better when I feel fingers slipping inside my hole. I don't know whose and I don't care. Those fingers feel so good and soon, I come with a tremble and a stifled moan, collapsing onto Keaton who catches me and hugs me, comforting me with gentle caresses and soothing voice.

"We're done," Malik says from behind me and I can only give him a stink eye as I lay in Keaton's arms, panting. Malik cackles and helps Keaton in cleaning me up and dressing me before they both walk to the bathroom to shower and get ready to go out while I lie sprawling on the bed, feeling satisfied.


"I'm sorry," Keaton sighs from beside me and all I can do is to give him a helpless smile while Malik is still grinning from ear to ear, staring at Maria who is visibly seething with anger and shame.

Let me rewind a little.

So me, Malik and Keaton were planning to have dinner at Hotel Peninsula, right, so after dark we took Keaton's car here and went to our private room and about to have dinner when, out of nowhere and who know who told he, Maria came in barging in and started glaring and spouting not so kind words at me especially and then at Malik when she realized he was also there.

Keaton, bless his gentle heart, reprimanded his older sister and told her off but that did nothing and she decided to just stay there and ruin our dinner but then Malik started to take an interest in her and started to shift her focus to himself and they banter non stop in not so kindly way and probably just slightly tiny bit violent.

The more Maria is boiling in her anger, the more satisfied Malik is. But at least Maria no longer says anything and instead opts for throwing death stares.

The dinner was served some time ago and they're probably cold now. Sighing, I nudge Malik who's sitting on my left, "The food's already cold," I pout.

"My bad," still grinning, Malik reaches out his hand to pat my head before turning to Keaton and apologizes to him as well.

"Shall we order another one?" helplessly smiling at Malik, Keaton then turns to me. His hand is still on top of mine, squeezing gently.

"Forget it," I sigh again, "it'll be a waste," I shake my head and give him a reassuring smile. I really don't mind having cold food.

"Just like you," with a scoff Maria chirped in, seemingly can't help herself.

"That is enough!" I have never heard Keaton talk with such harshness and I can feel goosebumps when I see the look he gives his sister. "Apologize," he tells Maria who stares at him like she's staring at a madman.

"Keaton," I reach out to take his hand again, "It's okay. Really," I tell him.

"No. It's not. That is not how she was raised," he tells me between anger and shame before he turns to Maria whose face contorted into something quite ugly, to be honest. "What is wrong with you? What have they done to you?" Keaton asks. His voice carries a hint of confusion as well as frustration.

"They exist," with gritted teeth Maria shoots me and Malik another glare. "They exist and they'll ruin you. I told you never to get involved with commoners. They're nothing good."

"Commoner?" Malik scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. In this day and age, there's still actually someone so obsessed with class?

"Apologize," Keaton tells her again. His whole demeanor changes from soft and gentle to hard and domineering. I blink. Once. Twice. Keaton's face shows no trace of the smile he usually has and now looks wooden and hard. His eyes are cold and dangerous. His muscles taut.

So hot.

My stupid brain can't help but to comment. How degenerate. I shake my head, shameful. SO shameful.

"Keaton," I call out to him as softly as I can, afraid to irritate him more, "let's just go?" I ask carefully.

"We did nothing wrong. Why should we leave?" Keaton says without turning to me and still dorects his glares at his sister.

"It's not about who's right or wrong," I slowly put my hands on Keaton's shoulder and turning him towards me. His eyes are still cold but his face no longer stretches out uncomfortably as he stares at me. "I'm just hungry," I give him my most foolish grin.

I can see the moment Keaton's face relaxes and the warmth coming back to his eyes. "Sorry," he caresses my face gently.

"Let's go then," Malik is the first one to stand up and Keaton follows.

"You can't go!" Maria also stands up. She grabs the sides of the table, seemingly steadying herself. I can even see the veins on her hands throbbing from how hard she holds onto the table. That makes me frown.

"Miss DuBois," I walk to her side, gently tapping her hands on the table, which makes her jump back. Either in surprise or disgust, I really don't care. "Please excuse us," I nod at her before walking away with Malik and Keaton following behind me.

We end up at a food stall by the street near Malik's home,e atig chicken skewers and drinking canned beer. I can see Keaton still feels bad for what happened earlier. But Malik and I really didn't mind the things she said, just that she ruined our dinner.

"I really don't know what happened to her," Keaton admits. Eyes downcast as his fingers clasped over the empty beer can. His weak voice and slouched shoulder makes me feel bad. "She wasn't like that originally," he turns to us, trying to convince us.

"You should talk to her," Malik turns to him with a smile but his eyes are searching. "You haven't talked to her in a while, no?"

Surprised, Keaton admits, "we're very close before but then we went to separate countries for studies and I just recently fully got back and settled here so I haven't really had the chance to talk to her."

"Talk to her. People change for a reason," Malik turns back to his skewers.

I stare at him thoughtfully. Malik sure is older than us. I smile, somehow feeling proud.

The conversation about Maria ends there and we devour our late meal and drink our beers and call a substitute driver to drive us back to Malik's place before turning in for the night.