
Summer Lark

"There's not even any space to do anything." "Wanna bet?" Royal says playfully drunk. "Sure." I smile, no way he wins this. "If I win you'll let me help you with that ache between your legs." He whispers seductively. "And If I win, fuck I don't know, I'll hold on to it so when the time comes I can use it." I say flustered. "Fair." We shake on it, and I really hope I'm right. We get out of the car and he climbs into the backseat and sits with his back to the door so one of his legs are lying across the seat and the other is resting on the ground. "Now come here." He says waving me in. I swing my legs over the sides and climb in. "Now what smartass?" "Now come sit between my legs." I carefully sit down between his legs. He cups the underneath of my knee and spreads my legs. The moon illuminating us. "Dumbass, how are you going to fuck me like this?" "Who said anything about fucking? I said take care of your needs, not mine. And quite easily actually." He says trailing a gentle hand down my body... ---- Carmella Howard has always traveled, just how its always been. After high school she took a gap year and explored with her friend Eden. And she never stopped, she went home for a little but she doesn't get along with her parents so she left again. This time landing herself in a small beach town in New York with a grumping next door neighbor. Royal Temples has lived in this town ever since he was four. He owns two small houses on the edge of the beach, one he lives in and the other he rents out. Normally he doesn't notice the people renting the house. It's usually a small family or a young couple who either never leave the house or are always in town exploring and stuff. That was until she rented his place out and her overly friendly dog and him become best friends. ---- The 'Lark' definition I am going off of is "something done for fun, especially something mischievous or daring; an amusing adventure or escapade."

ArtTastic422 · Urbano
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36 Chs

Chapter thirty two: Royal

I hate cake. It always makes me so sick and I just, I can't eat it. And don't even get me started on frosting. It's like whipped sugar, absolutely sickening.—After Carmella and I took our shower we went outside."My moms calling?" Carmella says out of the blue."Are you going to answer it?" I ask, looking at the phone she set down on the table as it buzzes."I don't know? I mean, Charlie is only twenty seven so I can't imagine he died. What if Grammie or Papa died?""Just answer and you'll find out.""Yeah but if I do answer and no ones dead then I'll get sucked into a conversation.""How about this, I'll answer.""Yeah sure sure ok.""Hello," I say, answering the phone. What's your mom's name? I mouth to Carmella. She mouths back Liza."Liza.""I think I called the wrong number, excuse me.""Oh no, you're looking for Carmella right?""Yes, who exactly am I talking to?""How rude of me not to introduce myself, Im Royal, Carmella's boyfriend.""Oh dear heavens. What a delight, she never told us about seeing anyone.""It was to my knowledge you two rarely talked?""Well yes, but she could have at least called and told us.""It's a recent thing.""Just a 'thing' so I take it you two aren't very serious then.""Oh no, we're very serious, at least I am.""That's very kind of you Royal, but she's a lost cause, been that way since she was a baby.""That may be how you feel, but I don't see her as a lost cause, she's a beautiful and intelligent young woman.""Oh yadadada, has she told you about Evan yet? Oh what a brilliant young man he was. They had their whole future planned out, he was going to be a pilot and she was going to be a stay at home mom with their two kids Annabelle and Leonard. It was going to be beautiful, then she just miraculously broke up with him out of the blue. Said he was mean or some bull shit said she never even liked him. Then she just kept going on and on about how she hated me and her poor brother. Through a huge temper tantrum, over nothing. I called Evan and told him to come collect her. So he did but god didn't she refuse. Don't ever be afraid to slap her, sometimes when she was younger she just needed a good slap to set things right in her head-""I'm sorry, is there a point to this," I say cutting her off, I can't take this anymore "I don't exactly like to waste my time on useless people."She scoffs slightly before saying "Is Carmella out of the shower yet, I have important things to discuss with her.""Yeah, she got out a few minutes ago." I say taking the phone from my ear and placing it on the table then putting it on speaker."Hey mom." Carmel says in a sweet tone."Hi Carmella, that boyfriend of yours is quite something. I think you should break up with him.""What did you want to talk about mom, it's rare when you call.""Get right to the point why don't we, are you coming to the family cookout?""I don't know-""Don't even start Carmella, you always back out. You're coming this year, Charlie and Iris got married this year and-""Charlie and who got married?""Iris, you know the- you weren't even at the wedding were you? For God sake Carmella! That was an important day for him and you couldn't even care enough to show up! This is why we never invite you anywhere you Despiadada(heartless)!" She says, raising her voice. Carmella sits there staring off into space."Fine, I'll be at the cookout, when is it?""July second. I expect that little boy toy of yours to be there with you." Liza says bitterly."Yeah, got it." Carmella says before hanging up."Well, that was something." I say trying to wrap my head around it all when I hear a small sniffle. I turn and look, Carmellas crying."Hey apple, what's wrong? Come here?" I say dragging her into my lap."Baby, what's wrong?" I ask again, she sniffles and snuggles her head into my neck."He's married." She whispers. "He's married and didn't even care to invite me.""It's ok.""How can you say that, it's not. I thought that even though we may not talk much we'd still tell each other about important stuff. That includes him getting married."