
Chapter 7

The group of kidnappers grabbed Anna and beat her until she wasn't fighting, which took a couple of hours because she would swing her arms and legs at them even though she was tied up. She did manage to hurt two of them but she only made them sore, they carried her through the maze and reached the waterfall that Lionel and Amelia just left from. They walked around the pond that formed naturally at the bottom of the waterfall and through the waterfall, into a cave that was hidden by a secret passageway that could only be seen from a certain angle.

They set her down, she was now bloody, bruised in a few places, wet, and now went from fight to fright. Anna had given up fighting when her body refused to move because of pain, they had laid Anna on her side so she was facing them. Anna stared at them with wide eyes, at this point she was thinking of how this situation would be similar to tigers circling their prey. For some reason her brain stopped thinking rationally and she laughed at them, yep. I mean full on crying because of how her sides are hurting kind of laugh.

They looked at her in shock, like she had lost it and Anna even thought she lost it as well. Then as her laughing stopped, they switched from confused to furious, yep. Anna realized she insulted them and they were mad at her for it. Three of the kidnappers looked towards kidnapper four, Anna had figured out that the fourth one is the leader. Their leader scowled at her as he raised the bat and struck her left leg with it.

Freddy reached the waterfall and made his way to the back wall, running his hands on the wall since he couldn't see the entrance. Freddy found the entrance just in time to hear people talking and sounds of grunting with small yelps of pain, he quickened his pace but stepped lightly so as not to be detected. At this point Freddy had reached the entrance to what looked like a small cave, he could now see and hear everything. So Freddy stayed glued to the side of the wall he was on and peeked out slightly to avoid being seen. Freddy needed to know how many and where before he could help, he noticed the group of four had surrounded Anna in a circle and one even had a bat. They were kicking her and hitting her from all sides; Then as the bat hit her a second time, this time on her right arm.

Freddy’s inner light switch flipped. He had gotten this personality switch when he was younger and when it flipped, he had an insatiable bloodlust. Freddy needed to switch schools because of it. He hated that side of himself so he locked it away as much as he could but controlling it was like pulling the chain of a large feral dog. There was never a middle for the switch but he was now able to turn it off with great difficulty, imagine having to after pulling the feral dog with you and having to avoid the dog attacking you.. then you have to put the dog in the cage..

Freddy smiled at the scene as he smelled the blood that had both pooled and splattered from Anna, Freddy licked his lips in anticipation "this is going to be fun" he chuckled wickedly as he walked out, they seemed to not notice him as he got behind kidnapper four. Freddy punched kidnapper four, hard in the back of the head since kidnapper four was the one with a bat. Kidnapper four fell to the ground with the bat. The others just now noticed his presence and came at him, Freddy dodged two of them but one was able to kick him on the leg. Freddy laughed at them slowly and deeply, he saw them freeze for a second. That was all he needed to hit kidnapper three which was closest to him in the stomach with enough force to make him pass out, he bent over and fell to the ground.

Two left. They looked from the ones on the ground to Freddy and tried to run, but he wouldn't allow them to get away. Freddy grabbed their wrists and swung them into each other, they minimized the impact with their arms but it didn't matter to him. Freddy yanked them towards him and kicked one in the privates, then he punched the other in the throat. They both dropped to the ground as he turned to the girl they were beating up, Freddy had immediately yanked back on his light switch to put his fighting side away. It fought the pull like it always does, he dropped to his hands and knees as he struggled to put that side of him away.

The switch flipped and he found himself on his hands and knees while breathing heavily, he looked at Anna. She looked at him, Freddy guessed she witnessed what happened because her eyes were wide and her mouth was open in shock.

When Anna heard the bat drop, she opened her eyes to see Freddy. She saw him fight them, his whole personality changed along with his voice. When Anna heard his deep voice, he felt an icy chill sent down her spine and when he looked at her after he finished beating those guys. Anna didn’t see the feral dog that Freddy saw in that side of him, she didn’t feel any fear. It was as if that side of Freddy didn’t want to hurt her. Anna felt happy, but just as she smiled at him. He fell to his hands and knees, he looked like he was struggling a lot. Then suddenly his personality changed again as he stopped struggling, His look was different "are you okay?" he asked her, his voice was normal again.

Anna was confused, exhausted, and in pain. At this point she didn't care what happened or why or how, she just wanted pain meds and sleep. So she gave him a small and pained smile before closing her eyes, she felt herself being lifted and whimpered from pain.

Freddy noticed Anna was weirdly calm and the moment when she closed her eyes, he knew that must be bad. He picked her up gently but she still whimpered, he walked out and went straight to the principal's tower. They had given him a small map of the island the day he came, so he knew that at the bottom of the tower was the nurses office. The nurse took one look at them and let them in, she guided him to an empty bed.