
Sultan : Rebirth of The Supreme Overlord

some smutty-ness in harem World.

weeb_boy669 · Fantasia
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24 Chs

Chapter 3: Forbidden Fruits: Indulging in Forbidden Pleasures

The discovery of Kara's betrayal and her involvement in hoarding forbidden artefacts shocked the harem. Lady Vexia's disappointment was evident as she addressed Kara, who looked remorseful.

(Lady Vexia)"Kara, I am deeply disappointed in your actions. Hoarding forbidden artefacts is not only dangerous but also against the rules of our harem. Your actions have put us all at risk."

(Kara) "I am sorry, Lady Vexia. I was tempted by the power and didn't think about the consequences."

(Lady Vexia)"Temptation can be a dangerous path, and it's important to remember that forbidden pleasures often come with dire consequences."

Kara nodded, acknowledging her mistake. Lady Vexia ordered the artefacts to be safely secured and Kara to face consequences for her actions.

(Me) "What will happen to Kara now?"

(Lady Vexia) "She will face disciplinary measures according to the rules of our harem. However, we must also learn from this incident and be more vigilant in guarding against temptations and forbidden indulgences."

With Kara's betrayal behind us, Lady Vexia decided to organise a celebration to lift the spirits of the harem members. It was a rare moment of indulgence, as we were allowed to enjoy the forbidden fruits that were typically off-limits.

The celebration took place in the palace gardens, adorned with fairy lights and fragrant flowers. The harem members were dressed in exquisite gowns, and the air was filled with laughter and music.

(Harem Member 3) "This is such a rare treat! I can't believe we get to enjoy these forbidden pleasures."

(Harem Member 4)"It's like a dream come true! Lady Vexia knows how to lift our spirits."

As we danced and mingled, I found myself drawn to Selene, who was looking radiant in her gown. We had come a long way from our initial rivalry and had developed a deep bond through our shared experiences in the harem.

(Me)"Selene, I'm glad we could put our differences aside and become friends."

(Selene)"Me too. I realised that we are stronger when we support each other rather than compete against each other."

(Me)"Indeed. We've learned a lot about relationships and friendships in this harem."

(Selene)"Yes, it has been a unique journey, full of challenges and revelations."

As the night progressed, Lady Vexia joined us, looking pleased with the festivities. She shared words of wisdom about the importance of balance and self-control, even when indulging in forbidden pleasures.

(Lady Vexia)"Enjoying forbidden pleasures can be tempting, but it's crucial to exercise self-restraint and not let them consume us. We must always strive for balance and wisdom in our actions."

Her words resonated with all of us, and we nodded in agreement, understanding the lessons learned from our experiences.

The celebration continued late into the night, and we returned to our chambers with hearts full of memories and lessons learned. The harem was now stronger, with a deeper bond among its members, and we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As I lay on my bed, I reflected on the journey I had embarked on in the magical realm. From rivalries and betrayals to revelations and friendships, it had been a rollercoaster of emotions. I knew that there were still more adventures to come, and I was determined to navigate them with wisdom, courage, and the support of my newfound allies in the harem.

And so, with renewed determination, I closed my eyes, ready to face the next chapter in my journey, filled with hope and excitement for what lay ahead, but also mindful of the lessons I had learned about the consequences of indulging in forbidden pleasures.

The next morning, Lady Vexia gathered the harem members for a meeting to discuss the events of the previous night and the importance of upholding the rules of the harem. Kara, who had faced disciplinary measures for her actions, stood beside Lady Vexia, looking contrite.

(Lady Vexia)

"As you all know, our celebration last night was a special exception, and indulging in forbidden pleasures should not become a regular occurrence. Kara has learned this lesson the hard way, and I hope her mistake serves as a reminder to all of us."


"I deeply regret my actions, and I apologise to all of you."

"I let temptation cloud my judgement, and I have learned my lesson."

(Lady Vexia)

"We forgive you, Kara, but it's crucial to remember the consequences of our actions."

"Now, let's move forward and continue to uphold the rules of our harem."

The harem members nodded in agreement, and Lady Vexia's words resonated with all of us. We were determined to be more vigilant and avoid the allure of forbidden pleasures in the future.

In the days that followed, we returned to our regular routines in the harem, but there was a newfound sense of camaraderie and understanding among us. We supported each other, learned from each other's strengths and weaknesses, and grew as individuals and as a collective.

One day, as I was practising my dance moves in the courtyard, Selene approached me with a mischievous smile.


"I have an idea. How about we have a little friendly competition among us?"

(Me)"What do you have in mind?"

(Selene)"A dance-off! We can showcase our skills and have some fun."

(Me)"Sounds like a great idea! Count me in."

We quickly spread the word among the harem members, and soon enough, a dance-off was organized in the courtyard. Lady Vexia agreed to be the judge, and we eagerly awaited our turn to showcase our talents.

One by one, we took the floor, dancing to the beats of the music, showcasing our unique styles and skills. The atmosphere was electric, and the harem members cheered each other on.

(Lady Vexia)

"Well done, everyone! It's clear that all of you have been diligently practising."

Finally, it was Selene and my turn to compete against each other. We gave it our all, performing intricate moves and twirls, lost in the rhythm of the music.

(Lady Vexia)"Bravo! You both were exceptional."

After a tough decision, Lady Vexia declared Selene as the winner of the dance-off. We hugged each other, grinning from ear to ear, knowing that the competition had brought us closer together.

"I'm proud of all of you for showcasing your talents, but also for upholding the rules of our harem."

"Let's continue to support and uplift each other, and remember the importance of self-restraint and wisdom in our actions."

As I reflected on the events of the past few days, I realised that forbidden pleasures might be alluring, but the true essence of our harem lay in the bonds we formed, the lessons we learned, and the wisdom we gained. With renewed resolve, I looked forward to the next chapter of my journey, knowing that I had grown stronger, wiser, and more resilient in the face of temptations and challenges. The harem had become not just a place of indulgence, but also a sanctuary of growth and camaraderie.