
Suffering in the dark.

Title: "Echoes of Torment" In the darkest corners of a tormented soul, pain reigns supreme, an insidious entity that entwines itself around every thought and heartbeat. It is a relentless tempest, a relentless force, tearing through the fragile fabric of existence with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, carving scars that run deeper than flesh, deeper than bone. Its malevolent secrets whisper in the stillness of sleepless nights, offering no respite, no salvation, only an eternity of suffering. The story follows an individual who awakens in an enigmatic and harrowing world, cloaked in darkness and devoid of memory. With every step they take, they uncover cryptic messages that torment their mind, driving them to the brink of agony. As they strive to navigate the mysterious and pain-ridden landscape, they must confront not only the physical torment but also the enigma of their own existence. With each revelation, they uncover a system that bestows pain points upon them, promising a sinister reward for endurance. But what is the ultimate purpose of this painful journey?

Bagelly · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Meeting divinity

As I passed by a dilapidated building, the atmosphere transformed abruptly. The destitution was palpable, with people sprawled on the ground near the structures, their desperate pleas for sustenance echoing. It was unmistakable, the slums.

Continuing down the street, sword in hand, I harnessed my mana. A sudden tightness in my chest accompanied a noticeable increase in the amount of mana I could manipulate. While the augmentation was modest, estimated at around 15%, it made a perceptible difference.

[You have advanced your magical abilities!]

[New Rank: Foundation Apprentice 2]

Absorbing the message swiftly, I manipulated fire mana, weaving it through the ramshackle buildings before igniting it. Flames erupted in a violent spectacle, and instantaneously, anguished cries emanated from within as I employed wind magic to seal the exits. One by one, notifications chimed into existence as crimson mists converged upon me with each passing second

[+1 kill]



With each cessation of the anguished cries, I advanced to repeat the process on another structure. The relentless pounding of doors resounded, a desperate clamor as groups of people sought to escape the impending devastation. After decimating approximately twenty buildings, a gnawing pain constricted my chest, prompting a heavy sigh to escape my lips. 'Is this my limit?' I pondered.

With a weighty heart, I turned away and bolted, the clamor of the imperial police trailing close behind. Seeking refuge behind a nearby building, I settled into a concealed spot and sat in contemplation. Retrieving my quest log, I monitored it closely as the incessant chimes gradually subsided.

[quest: Succumb to Bloodlust 

 Conditions: 3121/10000 kills. Reward: Race change [Law]

I gazed upon the notification with astonishment. Three thousand? Hadn't I only incinerated twenty buildings? The realization dawned upon me - some of those structures were shelters for the homeless. I rose to my feet with caution, concealing myself for the approaching night. The last thing I could afford was to be discovered in this place.


As the final building ignited, my mana unfurled in a fiery display. Abruptly, the imperial police became aware of the inferno and gave chase. Panic surged within me. He had spotted me. I sprinted down the street, his vociferations trailing closely behind. 'Stop!' he bellowed, his voice echoing through the night.

A fireball hurtled toward me, and I reacted swiftly, evading the searing projectile. The question weighed heavily on my mind - why had police patrols intensified in recent days?"


Unbeknownst to him, stories amongst players were circulating everywhere about the mysterious psychopath burning down the slums. Some believed that it was some deranged serial killer, some believed it was just a common arsonist. Only a few believed it was anything bigger.


I contemplated my quest with a weary sigh, having dedicated approximately a week to this relentless pursuit. The endeavor had grown wearisome, yet there were some silver linings. My magic proficiency had soared, elevating me to Foundation Level 8, merely two steps from the coveted rank of Foundation Mage. The players who achieved that distinction with ease instilled a sense of envy in me, although they began as mere Mage Apprentices, considerably weaker than their NPC counterparts at the same level.

[9961/10000 kills. Reward: Race change [Law]]

The quest prompted a partial smile. 'I doubt I can continue hunting in the slums. It's time to search for a more promising location,' I mused. My gaze turned to the distant forest, and I set forth. The transition was swift, leading to my first encounter - a diminutive rabbit, effortlessly vanquished and left lifeless on the forest floor. I proceeded to my next target...

I gasped for breath as I surveyed my quest board.

[9999/10000 kills. Reward: Race change [Law]]

Then, an otherworldly voice pierced through the woodland, resonating within my head, causing my ears to slowly bleed. "Child," the voice intoned, and my mind trembled under its influence. I fell to the ground, stuttering with trepidation, "W-what kind of deal do you seek to make with me?" While the entity's identity remained shrouded, I could only imagine one being capable of exerting such profound pressure - a deity. 

"Do not complete that quest. I sense a profound malevolence. In exchange, I shall bestow upon you a fraction of my power," the voice asserted before abruptly ceasing, replaced by a faint, unsettling laughter that seemed to reverberate through the surrounding trees. "It appears you have already been graced with some of my abilities." A new interface materialized in my mind."

[an external force is interfering with the system..]




[Previously locked system is now unlocked]

[Life [Aspect] / Fate [Law]..]

I gazed at the screen within my mind and couldn't help but smile. Was this game toying with me? The deity had just unlocked it for me? Well, they had made a grave mistake by striking a deal with me. Looking down at the nearly lifeless rabbit in my hand, a sinister grin played on my lips. 

'Don't you dare, mortal,' a commanding voice thundered from above. I responded with defiance, plunging my sword into the rabbit. 'Screw you!' I yelled at the heavens as my world descended into darkness. In that final moment, a solitary notification chimed in my mind.

[Race change starting]


[Race chosen: Demon]


[Congratulations you have gained a unique lineage]


[Race type: Progenitor Demon]


[You have gained access to the [Chaos] Element!]


[You have gained the Demon Gods legacy]

and my vision went dark.