
Suffering in the dark.

Title: "Echoes of Torment" In the darkest corners of a tormented soul, pain reigns supreme, an insidious entity that entwines itself around every thought and heartbeat. It is a relentless tempest, a relentless force, tearing through the fragile fabric of existence with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, carving scars that run deeper than flesh, deeper than bone. Its malevolent secrets whisper in the stillness of sleepless nights, offering no respite, no salvation, only an eternity of suffering. The story follows an individual who awakens in an enigmatic and harrowing world, cloaked in darkness and devoid of memory. With every step they take, they uncover cryptic messages that torment their mind, driving them to the brink of agony. As they strive to navigate the mysterious and pain-ridden landscape, they must confront not only the physical torment but also the enigma of their own existence. With each revelation, they uncover a system that bestows pain points upon them, promising a sinister reward for endurance. But what is the ultimate purpose of this painful journey?

Bagelly · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

First kill

The following morning marked my departure, a decision I had conveyed to my mentor. I expressed the need for some solitary training, and as I ventured into the city, I donned my hood. A unique aspect of this game, which had stirred considerable controversy during its initial years, was its pain setting. While players possessed the option to attenuate it, the reduction could only extend to approximately 80%, ensuring a semblance of fairness. For instance, when a player selected the full 100% pain setting and encountered another who was immune, the victor became evident, provided their strengths aligned.

Contemplating the task before me, I exhaled audibly, a sigh of introspection. How could I possibly accomplish the daunting feat of eliminating ten thousand people? As I navigated the city's labyrinthine streets, I sought refuge within a concealed alley, positioning myself discreetly around a corner."

(A/N Book is gonna get a lot more gruesome from here on out so viewer discretion is advised. Congrats! You made it past the foundation stage of the book. Welcome to my story.)

A distant cry reverberated from the depths of the alley, prompting an instinctive turn of my head. 'It's time,' I murmured with a subtle grin, a disquieting chill rippling through me. My footsteps quickened, leading me to the source of the commotion. There, amidst a chaotic tableau, I found a young woman besieged by several assailants, their weapons drawn and crimson pooling around her. Six individuals encircled her, and a sense of foreboding welled within me.

Approaching with measured steps, my gaze remained resolute, and the smile returned to my face. As I emerged into the open, their voices became more distinct. "Is she deceased?" inquired one man with a sinister undertone. "Please, boss, allow us our turn with her," another implored, his words dripping with reprehensible desire.

'Disgusting,' I thought, disdain coursing through me. The apparent 'boss' redirected his attention my way, his features contorted with ire. "Who are you? Face away and leave," he commanded with a scowl. 

I continued my approach, and when he attempted to lay hands on me, I swiftly severed his fingers. Agony contorted his visage as crimson flowed from the now amputated digits. A piercing scream pierced the air as he clutched his maimed hand. A shiver of satisfaction washed over me as I gazed upon the notification with a sense of grim delight.

[16 pain points earned]

"As he lay prone on the ground, I decisively brought my foot down upon his head. Blood and cerebral matter erupted in a gruesome spectacle, eliciting gasps of shock and horror from the onlookers within his group.

[+1 kill]

Certainly, I can help you rewrite this passage to give it a more professional and refined tone. Here's a revised version:

A faint crimson mist seeped into my being as I exhaled. With determined grace, I advanced and swiftly dispatched the first man with a fluid stroke of my sword. A crimson fountain erupted from his carotid artery, drenching me in a scarlet cascade. Another assailant approached, met with a gruesome fate as I seized his abdomen, exposing his visceral contents. Organs spilled forth in a grotesque tableau, and his life swiftly ebbed.

Pressing onward, I deftly cleaved the fourth adversary from crown to pelvis. The final two opponents, gripped by fear and cornered, gazed upon me with trepidation. A sardonic chuckle escaped my lips, for this was a feeling I had yearned for. In the world I once thrived, I was notorious, bearing the chilling moniker 'Bloody Swordsman.' Though a mere second-rate warrior, my reputation was forged in the cruelty of my kills.

Employing wind magic, I drew one of them near and subjected him to a nightmarish confluence of fire. His flesh melted, and bone emerged from the molten ruins. Swiftly, his head too fell before my blade. The last assailant met his demise through the impalement of an earthen spike. Contemplating my handiwork, I wore a grim smile.

Amidst the carnage, a fragile voice emerged, amidst the gore and viscera. She was unexpectedly beautiful, her physique and countenance graced with delicate charm. Fox-like ears adorned her head, her tail stubby and severed. "Thank you, Savior," she whispered amidst her tears, "I never thought, after all that... I would be rescued by..." Her words were cut short, her head severed from her shoulders.

Distractions could not be entertained; my thoughts were focused as I departed from the gruesome scene. Foremost among my concerns was the need to find a location where my deadly talents could be exercised without fear of retribution. Suddenly, a place of opportunity materialized in my mind as I continued my journey through the streets. My visage, stained in the ruddy hue of my actions, attracted some curious glances from onlookers, though most quickly averted their gaze, likely assuming it was merely animal blood.