
See you again...

A long while later...

Luffy came back with Zoro and Coby.

"Hm? She said she'll wait here?" Luffy said when she didn't find Rin.

"Who?" Zoro asked.

"My big sister. She supposed to be here." Luffy answered.

Rin got out of the bar's kitchen. She were cooking with Rika and her mother.

"Oh, your here." Rin said when she sees Luffy. "You were taking soo long so I had Rika's mother teach me some recipes." She continued.

"Wait. She's your sister?" Zoro asked while pointing at Rin.

"Yeah." Luffy answered.

"I thought you're a bounty hunter." Zoro said to Rin.

"I am." Rin answered.

"Do you know he wants to be a pirate?" Zoro asked Rin while pointing at Luffy.

"I knew." Rin answered.

Zoro and Coby look at each other. Zoro sighed and said "You know what, let's just eat. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in weeks."

"Yeah! I want meat! Meat!" Luffy said.

After lots of free meal from Ririka and some questions about Rin.

"What a meal! Not eating anything for days sure make a guy hungry." Zoro said after eating a bunch of food.

"Huh? You're done already?" Luffy asked.

"I don't see how you can eat more than me!" Zoro said frustratedly.

"Cause it's good! Right, Coby?" Luffy asked.

Coby nodded. "I'm sorry. I helped myself too." He said to Ririka.

"It's quite alright. You help save our town." said Ririka.

"You were great back there!" Rika said to Luffy.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good. And I'll get even better I'm gonna become the Pirate King! I've got a new nakama too." Luffy said.

"So, how many shipmates do you have, apart from me?" Zoro asked.

"Hm?" Luffy confused.

"I remember you saying that you were looking for crew members. To become the Pirate King you probably have a crew already." Zoro said.

"Nope, just you." Luffy said.

"Wha?! Then... just you and me..." Zoro asked.

"Yep, just the two of us!" Luffy said.

"Can we be a pirates with just us two?" Zoro asked.

"Why does it matter, we're strong." Luffy said.

"Ship, where's our pirate ship?" Zoro asked.

"Right over there." Luffy said while pointing towards a dinghy, from the window.

Zoro look a it from the window and asked "That?"

"It's small now, but I'll get us a really big one!" Luffy said.

Zoro sighed and asked "How?"

"I want a jolly roger too. It'll be awesome!" Luffy said.

"I think Luffy-san was born without the ability to think things through." Coby said.

"Well... he can't think things through but he got incredible luck so you guys might get a big ship soon." Rin said.

"Really..." Zoro said.

"We'll find more nakama too!" Luffy said.

"Where are you guys going next?" Rika asked.

"We're going to the Grand Line of course!" Luffy answered.

Coby choked on the juice he were drinking and coughed. "With a two-man crew?! That's impossible! No matter, how strong you are!!" Coby said.

"Is the Grand Line really that dangerous?" Rika asked.

"Of course it is!" Coby said. He explains how dangerous the Grand Line are.

Ririka also said that the people who goes there never comes back.

"But One Piece is somewhere along that route, so that's where we're going." Luffy said.

"Well, I guess we have no choice." Zoro said.

Rin giggles and said "Well, I think it's time for me to go."

"Eh. You're going already, Rin?" Luffy asked.

Rin nodded and said "Yeah." She smiled and said "See you again, Luffy."

"See you again, Rin!" Luffy said with a big dumb grin on his face.

Rin gets up from her seat and leaves the bar.

Rin stretches her arms as she walk to the forest to get to her puppet eagle that she hide.

"There it is." Rin said when she found her wooden eagle.

'Time to go back to Akiko.' Rin thought.

She flew away from the island towards Baratie.

About half an hour later,

Rin arrived at Baratie and landed on her ship. She absorbed the wooden eagle before searching for Akiko in the restaurant.

'There she is.' Rin thought when she sees Akiko eating a big serving of strawberry shortcake. 'I wonder how much that cost...' Rin thought.

Rin took the in front of Akiko.

"Hm?" Akiko look at the person sitting in front of her. "Finally... you're back." Akiko said with an annoyed look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm back." Rin said. She look at the shortcake Akiko's eating and said "You should eat something less sugary."

"I eat what I want." Akiko said in a upset tone.

Rin sighed and said "Suit yourself. Anyway we're going to stay here for a little longer."

Akiko look at Rin with a confused face and ask "Why?"

Without hesitation Rin answered "Cause I kinda wanna see Arlong for a personal reason, so this is the best place to stay for the time being."

Akiko sighed and said "Sure, whatever..."

Rin smiled and said "I'm gonna take a nap on the ship after asking Chef Zeff about docking the ship here for a little longer."

Akiko only answered with an "Hm."

I'm sorry this chapter is short and sorry for the late update.

Sleepy_Head_creators' thoughts