
Luffy Arrives!

At the ship,

"What are we going to do now?" Akiko asked.

"Arlong won't listen so I'm guessing he's useless now." Tomo said.

"For now, we'll wait for Luffy. If Nami ask Luffy for help, he won't be satisfied if someone else beat Arlong." Rin said.

"You're not fighting?" Akiko asked.

"... I have my own way of fighting." Rin answered. "Anyway Tomo, please go to the harbours, sea shores or anywhere else that Luffy and the others might show up." Rin said.

"Okay." Tomo said before going.

"What about us?" Akiko asked.

"... Want a drink? I can go and make something at the kitchen." Rin change the subject.

Akiko sighed before saying "A smoothie would be nice."

"Ok, I'll go and make some." Rin said.


"Hm?" A screen pop up in front of Rin.


Tomo: Luffy's ship crashes into the rice field...

Rin: So, Luffy arrived, wait there I'll come.]

"Looks like Luffy finally came." Rin said.

"Get going then." Akiko said.

"I know. I know." Rin answered.

Rin left the ship and went to where Tomo is.

Rin arrives at the place where Tomo is waiting. She look around but couldn't find Luffy anywhere.

"Where is he?" Rin asked.

Tomo pointed towards a direction and said "There."

Rin turns her head and saw a ship crashes into the rice field.

"Okay, everyone should be here by now." Rin murmured. "Tomo, you go keep an eye on Akiko. If she do anything reckless it'll be problematic for me."

"Kay." Tomo answered.

After Tomo left, Rin walk towards Luffy's direction with a smile.

Once she sees Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Yosaku she shouts "Luffy!"

"Hm?" Luffy heard Rin and look around for her. "Rin?!" Luffy said after he found her. "You should've said something before leaving!" He shouted before stomping his way towards Rin.

"..." Seeing Luffy's behavior, Rin became silent.

'...I forgot he's the type of person who would get angry about me leaving without telling him rather than asking why I'm here...' Rin thought.

"Sorry, I had something to do so I had to leave." Rin said to Luffy.

"Rin-chan? What are you doing here?" Sanji asked.

"I had a little business here. What about you guys, why are you guys here?" Rin asked.

"We're searching for a beautiful goddess named Nami-san." Sanji said.

"..." Rin became speechless from Sanji's words.

"What business? You were never someone who would involve herself in too much troubles." Zoro asked

"You know her?" Sanji asked Zoro.

"She's our stupid captain's older sister." Zoro answered.

"... WHAT?! This beauty is this idiot's sister?!" Sanji said from shock.

Rin can only hold her laughter from Sanji's expression.

"Ah!" Zoro said remembering something. "I forgot about Usopp! He's gonna get ki-!"

"He's already dead!" said Johnny who's walking towards them with a sorrowful expression. "Usopp-aniki was killed by... Nami-aneki!"

Everyone except for Rin was shocked by what Johnny said.

"Are you serious?!" Zoro asked.

"I saw it with my own eyes! That woman is a witch!! She's only after a hidden treasure in Cocoyashi Village. She have been fooling all of us!!" Johnny said with anger.

Luffy stomp his way towards Johnny grab him by the collar and shouted "Say it again and I'll KILL you!"

"Stop it Luffy! Johnny didn't do anything!" Zoro said.

"Don't believe me if you don't want to but Usopp-aniki did get killed by Nami-aneki!" Johnny said.

"You're lying! Nami will NEVER kill Usopp!! We're friends!!" Luffy screamed.

"Who is your friend?" Nami who came out of nowhere, asked. "Why are you here-" Nami realized Rin is among them and frustratedly ask "You still haven't left?!"

"... I'll set sail tommorow... maybe..." Rin answered.

Nami frowned before asking "Is it soo hard for you all to get off the island?! No matter how monster-like your strength is, you can't win against a real monster!" Nami look at Luffy with a serious face and said "I'll return the ship so take it and go search for One Piece for all I care."

Luffy suddenly lay down on the road and said "I'm gonna sleep."

"What?! Now? In the middle of the road?!" Yosaku asked.

All they could hear from Luffy is him snoring.

"I don't think Luffy will wake up anytime soon so you should give up on telling him to leave, Nami." Rin said.

Nami got frustrated and screamed "Do what you want! I couldn't care less!!"

After that Johnny and Yosaku argue with Zoro because Zoro didn't want to leave even after being targeted by Arlong. Seeing Zoro insisted on staying, Johnny and Yosaku decided to leave without Zoro. Moments later, Luffy woke up when Usopp shows up and told them Nami didn't killed him but instead saved him. They talk for a while before Nojiko came.

"Leave Nami alone. I'll tell you why she's with Arlong. Once you heard it, leave." Nojiko said.

"I'll pass." Luffy said.

"No you won't." Rin said while pulling the back of his collar.

"I don't wanna hear it!" Luffy said.

"But I want you to hear it." Rin said in a kind but scary tone.

"... Rin, I don't care about her past." Luffy said.

"..." Rin sighed and said "Fine..." She let go of Luffy and let him leave. "Then I'm going to." Rin said.

"You're not gonna listen?" Zoro asked.

"Nope, cause I already know." Rin answered before leaving.

'Now, what should I do...' Rin thought. "Oh, right! That rat will come." Rin said to herself. 'Hmm... maybe I should go to Nami's house...' Rin thought before heading towards Nami's house.