
Change Of Plans.

Rin went on a walk at Cocoyashi Village.

"The Marines won't help..."

"There's no getting away from Arlong..."

"How much longer do we have to live like this..." muttered the residents of the village.

'They all sound and look soo dejected... but then again, a Marine ship that looks like hope to them did just sank because of the fish-men. It's almost like, life is telling them you'll never get out of Arlong grasp.' Rin thought.

"Wait..." Rin mumbled as she saw a bunch of Marines coming her way. 'Isn't that the rat that's under Arlong control... I better hide, if he sees me now it'll be bad for me.' Rin thought as she hide in between the buildings.

"I guess I better go the long way. I don't really want to came across the Marines, especially not when I'm still a bounty hunter." Rin whispered to herself as she hasten towards Nami's house.

Moments later, Rin still running towards Nami's house.

As soon as she arrives, she sees the Marine rat about to shoot Nami and Nojiko. She rushes towards the marine captain and give him a kick in the face causing the marine to miss the shot and fall to the ground.

"How- HOW DARE YOU KICK ME!" said Nezumi. "You- You're a bounty hunter aren't you?! What do you think you're doing, kicking a marine?!"

"What do you think you're doing, ignoring Arlong and bothering yourself with a petty thief." Rin said. "No offense." Rin said to Nami.

"Grr.. If you still want to be a bounty hunter, you better leave now before I make you a criminal." said Nezumi.

"If "you" still want to be a marine, you better leave before I report you. I don't mind being a criminal but what about you?" Rin asked in a innocent tone.

The marine captain got angry at Rin's words and starts shooting her.


Rin dodges the bullets out of reflex. Rin pull out her gun to shoot Nezumi but the other marines starts pointing their guns at her.

"Hahahahaha you think you can fight against all of us?!" Nezumi said as he stands up. "Now put your gun down before my men shoots you."

Rin slowly puts her gun down. The second it touches the ground, Rin pull out a katana and slashes Nezumi's legs making him fall.

"AAGHH!!" Nezumi screamed. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?! SHOOT HER!!"

Hearing Nezumi's order, the other marines starts shooting Rin but no matter how many bullets they shot Rin didn't flinch. She starts walking towards causing some of them to feel scared and starts running away. Rin pick up her gun and starts shooting the marines legs, shoulders and arms causing most of them to be incapable of moving.

"IDIOTS!" Nezumi screamed to the other marines. "YOU CAN'T EVEN HANDLE A SINGLE GIRL?!"

"Says the person who got his legs slashed by that "girl"." Rin said. "Now, go to sleep." Rin said before she knocked him out by hitting him with her gun.

"Nojiko, Nami. I'm sorry for causing a mess at your farm." Rin said.

"It's... okay..." Nojiko said.

"I'll clean it up." Rin said. She take out a whistle and blow up. Seconds later, a bunch of puppets appears and carry the marines away. "I'll be on my way now."

"W-wait!" Nami yelled.

Rin stop and ask "What is it?"

"Arlong... Is Arlong the one- I mean, do you know anything about Arlong sending the Marines here?" Nami asked.

"... Do you really think he would let you go?" Rin asked. "Without you, he can't control the sea. That's why he send the Marines to take your money. It's to keep you within his grasp." Rin said.

"Arlong..." Nami clench her teeth out of anger before dashing out of there.

"Nami, wait!!" Nojiko screamed as she blocked Nami's way. "If you're going to Arlong then we're going together." She said.

"What?! There's no way I'm bringing you to Arlong!!" Nami said.

"I'm going, wether you like it or not." Nojiko said.

"... Ugh... fine! Do whatever you want!" Nami said frustratedly.

"Then, I'm going too." Genzo said.

"No!" said Nami and Nojiko.

"... I can't let you two go alone." Genzo said.

"So, if we go with her, it's okay right?" Nojiko asked.

"Wait. Who said I'll go with you?" Rin asked.

"If you go with her, then I guess it's okay." Genzo said.

"Are you guys ignoring me?" Rin asked.

"Alright then, let's go." Nami said.

"Fine..." Rin sighed before she follows them.

At the Arlong Park entrance,

"ARLONG!!" Nami screamed.

"What's wrong my skilled surveyor? Why do you sound soo angry?" Arlong asked with a grin.

"The Marines that you bribe stole my money! You said you'd rather die than broke your promise about money!!" Nami said furiously.

Arlong grab Nami by the neck and ask "When did I break our promise? So, your money got stolen? That's a pity, but I'll keep my promise. If you bring me 100 million berries, I'll let you and your village go."

"Arlong! Take your filthy hand off of my sister!!" Nojiko yelled.

"Who's this?" Arlong said.

"Nami's sister." Rin answered. "By the way, I never thought you're a coward, Arlong. You're basically admitting you can't do anything without Nami by stealing her money." Rin said.

Arlong throw Nami aside out of rage before walking towards Rin.

"Nami!" Nojiko screamed as she went to see if Nami is okay.

"Are you saying I need "help" from a HUMAN?!" Arlong asked.

"Isn't that the case?" Rin asked. "If not, then why are you "desperately" trying to keep Nami by your side? It's cause you NEED her." Rin said.

"GRR you're gonna regret saying that!!" Arlong said before throwing a punch at Rin.

The punch was powerful enough to throw Rin to the walls and breaking it.


'Ugh... Change of plans. I can't run away now.' Rin thought

"Sheesh... Your getting riled up over a couple of words." Rin said with a grin. She uses her ability to grow trees under Arlong and entangled him. "You should sit still and calm down."

"Do you really think this can hold me?!" Arlong said before destroying the trees with his immense strength.

"What an annoying fish." Rin said.

"I'm going to beat you to a pulp, you pathetic human!!" Arlong said.