
Sudden Marriage

Selena's happiness in marrying a man she has admired for a long time must disappear, when she finds out the reason Aldric married her. Her loyalty is again tested when the problem of children is present. *** Aldric Dasha Anderson is a successful businessman who leads the company started by his father. Behind his success, he secretly has a secret failure in having the love of his life. Aldric harbors feelings of love for Rania. Love that should not be present in his heart, because Rania already has a fiancé. The unrequited love continues to grow even though Aldric has tried to eliminate it. Selena, a fashion designer who works in a boutique. The woman did not expect it at all when Aldric invited her to dinner one day. How could she not, all this time Selena could only stare and admire Aldric on TV. Selena falls in love with the man, even though Aldric didn't have any feelings when he proposed to her.

Daoist5lr8bG · Urbano
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5 Chs

2. Date Invitation

Falling in love is beautiful. That saying is not always true. In fact, Selena was tormented by falling in love with a man she couldn't reach. Sad, isn't it? 

In the week since her meeting with Aldric, the girl has looked like an insane person. Smiling to herself while looking at the collection of photos she has on her wall. Yup, Selena is desperate to steal Aldric's photos from social media, then prints and makes them a collection. Not just one or two, but more than ten. 

Not to mention the collection of articles she got from the newspaper. Edited and made into a clipping. Everything related to the young entrepreneur always looked interesting in Selena's eyes. Luckily, Aldric was not a lingerie model. You can imagine if that happened, maybe Selena would also collect Aldric's hot photos. Okay, this time Selena was too much. 

Selena rubbed her face roughly. Even to work she lost focus. She looked at the piece of paper on which she was supposed to draw a sketch of a wedding dress. The result was nil. Indeed, the white paper was no longer blank. 

However, instead of the design of the dress displayed there. Instead, a sketch of Aldric's face was on the paper. God, what would happen if David saw Selena's work? Maybe the man as the owner of the boutique would fire Selena that very second. 


The door to Selena's study opened. The girl stammered, hurriedly hiding her papers in the desk drawer. That was a close call! 

"Yes, sir? Can I help you?" Selena smiled stiffly. David sat down opposite Selena. "Just wanted to ask about the latest wedding dress designs." 

"Uh sorry, sir. I haven't had time to finish it yet." Selena pretended to be busy organizing the various sheets of design paper. Huft, she was finished! Looks like David is going to scold her. Remember what Dea said about the designers who didn't like working for David because he was grumpy? 

"No problem. Don't rush, the important thing is that the results are good." David's answer was beyond Selena's expectations. 

Breathing a sigh of relief, Selena took a fresh sheet of paper and prepared to start her work. "Yes, sir. I'll get it done as soon as I can." 

"Ah yes, perhaps you need some refreshing. Do you have time tonight? How about a movie night?" 

A tempting offer, but unfortunately Selena wasn't interested in dating David. Actually, David wasn't a bad guy. He was handsome, although his level of handsomeness was below that of Aldric. Perhaps Selena should advise David to do fitness to have a perfect body like Selena's favorite man.

"Sorry, I have an appointment with a friend tonight," Selena subtly refused. 

David had a disappointed look on his face, but the 27-year-old covered it with a smile. "Okay, maybe another time." 

"Once again, I'm sorry, sir." Selena made a sad face, pretending to be sorry for not being able to fulfill David's invitation. Even though she was secretly screaming inside, if only the one who asked her out was Aldric. 

"Just relax. Okay, I'll go first. When the design is finished, quickly give it to me." 

Selena nodded and sighed with relief after David left her room. She hurriedly opened the desk drawer and took out the paper with Aldric's face. She smiled as she rubbed the sketch. Ah, the encouragement of her life! 

Her reverie was interrupted when the nearby cell phone vibrated. A text message from Dea.

Hey, Selena! Eye vitamins coming! 

Eye vitamins? Who else if not Aldric? Selena came out from behind the desk, walking towards the window that connected her room to the main room where the clothes were sold. She pulled back the curtains slightly. 

Selena circulated her brown eyes, searching for Aldric's whereabouts. She cheered inwardly when she found a tall, well-built man picking out women's accessories. Ah, just by looking from afar, Selena's heart almost jumped out of her chest. 

The girl touched her left breast, feeling an irregular rapid beat. Oh my, Selena! What happened to you? She stared at Aldric with a sad face, staring and not blinking as if hypnotized by Aldric's charm. Oh, Prince of my heart!


Rayhan put down the white shirt he had just tried on. Then, he approached Aldric in the women's accessories section. 

"Do you have a secret admirer here?" he asked, elbowing Aldric lightly in the ribs. 

"It's common knowledge that almost every woman on earth worships my good looks," Aldric said indifferently. His hand was busy touching a seashell-patterned hair clip. Rania would definitely look cute with that. 

"This one seems to be different. She doesn't blink at you." Rayhan slurred his words. "Look at the girl behind the curtain." 

Aldric shifted his gaze to follow Rayhan's pointer. Finally, his eyes crossed with the girl from the other day. Yes, the girl who helped pick out Anna's clothes. Only for a second, because the next second the girl rushed to close the window curtains. Hiding in her hiding place. 

So, what does it mean to peep secretly there? A secret devotee like Rayhan said? 

"If you look closely, that girl looks like Rania. It's just that this one's beauty is more perfect." 

"You mean Rania isn't beautiful, is that it?" Aldric made a sour face.

"No, that's not it. I mean they have different versions of beauty. If Rania likes her style a little tomboyish, then this girl has a feminine style and seems graceful."

"Then, what's the problem? What do I care about that weird girl?" 

"Gosh, you don't understand either. Forget that you're looking for a wife? I've already made the news public that Aldric Dasha Anderson will be getting married soon. So what happens if you haven't found a candidate yet, huh?" 

Aldric chuckled, putting the hair clip back to its original place. His arms crossed in front of his chest. "Finding a future wife is not as easy as buying clothes. Just pick one, wear it if it fits, throw it away if you're bored." 

"You'll never find the right one. Why? Because your heart is only focused on Rania. Come on, Dude! You have to end that love."

"I need time to find a suitable girl. And most importantly, I only want a girl who has never been touched by any man." 

"Gosh, your requirements are too tough. Can't they be changed?" 

"I'm not willing to touch someone else's scars." 

"Whatever. But you have to select the girls from now on." 

"I'm the one looking for a wife, why are you bothering?" 

"It's a sign that I care about my best friend." Rayhan looked back at the window, which now had its curtains closed, and snapped his fingers. "I recommend that girl. She's pretty, plus she looks like Rania. I think you'll move on quickly if she becomes your wife." 

"I'm not sure." 

How could he marry a girl whose body trembled around him? 

"Try it first. Get to know her better. You'll never know if you don't try. If it's a good match, we can move on to the next stage. If not, we'll look for another girl." 

Rayhan did not stop persuading Aldric. He felt sorry that his friend had to be trapped in an unrequited love for so many years. Aldric loved Rania, while Rania already had a fiancé and the plan was for them to get married next year. 

"I'll try your crazy idea." 

Aldric stepped up to the counter with some pearl-accented hair clips. The waitress smiled and nodded respectfully at him. "Do you remember the girl who helped me find clothes for my sister yesterday?" Aldric asked. 

"Yes, sir. Her name is Selena," Dea replied. 

"I saw her in the next room. And as far as I know, that's the designer's office. Is she the new designer at the boutique?" 

"That's right, Selena hasn't been working here for long."

"Okay. Can I have a piece of paper?" 

"Sure." Dea handed over a white sheet of paper. 

Aldric took a pen from his coat pocket and wrote down the name and address of a five-star restaurant. Then, he handed the paper back to Dea.

"Give this paper to her. Tonight, seven o'clock. Don't be late." 

Dea widened her eyes, amazed. Aldric asked Selena out on a date? Gosh, what a lucky girl! Ah, wait a minute! Or maybe Aldric was looking for a designer to design his wedding dress? I don't know. Selena will definitely be happy to hear this news. Dea hurriedly finished her work.

Wrapping the hair clip and giving it to Aldric after he paid her. Uh, she couldn't wait to give this paper to Selena. 

"Thank you, beautiful!" Rayhan winked, rewarded with a gentle fist bump from Aldric. "You flirt with all the women. How could I possibly accept you as my sister-in-law?" 

Rayhan chuckled, walking after Aldric. Meanwhile, Dea hurried from the cashier's desk and snuck into Selena's office. Selena would have been shocked to read the writing on that piece of paper.