
The Beginning

A long ago 6 royal families were introduced to World. They were powerful and trust worthy people .... The 6 families called themselves by names and had mark which was pass from century to century.... They were known as.....

1.Dark knights 2.Red dragons 3.Faint guardians. 4.Blue moon

5.Day kingdom. 6.Crystal kingdom


After 18th of birthday of family kids the current heir chooses the future heir... Every kid had to pass the tests to be a heir .....but ' dark knights ' was having a different rule.... Thier kid has to be in normal environment till he/she be 18 and then get introduce to royalnes ...

' In DARK KNIGHT palace '

Servant 1: chief our master is no more the reports shows it's an murder! We have to bring her.

Chief: I know it's a planned murder! And did you tell 'bella' school for admission ?

Servant 2:Chief I am going to bring her as you said i send the admission form too!

chief: okay we should depart and bring her back ...

'after 2 hours journey of plan chief landed in an small city and went to a building where a girl was watching television'

Chief:(knocking on the door).

Claira: who is there?

Chief:open the door ma'am.

"A Black headed girl whose eyes were light blue with elegant beauty opens the door to greet"

Claira: who are you old man? I guess you came in a wrong place!

Chief: I am the chief of "dark Knight" and i came to take you there.