

[18+ ONLY] In the year 2064, 5 years after the GGT apocalypse, 20-year-old Raina Everstein, finds herself in a dire situation in a misogynistic world where magic is common, whilst law and order was something of the past, and only the strong have a future. With no powers of her own, venture with Raina as she survives being captured by her mother's killer and slowly unravels the true power kept within her. ~~~~ Contains: Sex, Rape, Violence, and just generally dark themes. ~~~~ Word Count: 1000+/chapter Current Release Schedule: Uhhhh.... yeah...about that.... Update: currently writing and stockpiling chapters.

Melody_May_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 6 - Newcomer

[Absorbing Essence]

[Essence Absorbed]

[Level UP 5 → 6]

[Level UP 6 → 7]

[Warning! SP has entered the 180% threshold]

[New Skill Learnt: Mental Fortitude]

[New Skill Learnt: Manipulate]

Wiping sweat from her forehead, Raina slowly stood up and stared at the man below her, giving him a hard kick before focusing her attention back on the screen floating in front of her.


[Name: Raina Everstein

Level: 7

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Ability: Succubus


SP: 183% (24hrs)

HP 100/100







Absorb Essence | Charm | Dreamwalk | Metal Fortitude (Passive) | Manipulate



[Mental Fortitude (Passive)]

[Reinforces the brain to prevent illusions, manipulation and mental attacks to affect you.]


[Able to create suggestions on those whose essence you have consumed]

"It's still not enough..." Raina muttered, checking her status as the void around her suddenly disappeared, causing her to reappear back in the collection room.

Taking another look around, the soft pink sunrise from the slim skylight shone into the room as a quiet groan rang out from a few metres away,

"Rise and shine, assholes!" The man muttered, stretching and yawning, yanking all his buddies by the shoulder, "Wake up, wake up. Breakfast time."

The other men began to stir as Raina quickly slipped her consciousness back into her body, her eyes slowly opening as she also yawned,

"You slept like a pig," Ivanna's voice called out behind her,

"You're awake?" Raina stretched as a sudden pain in her stomach caused her to groan, "Oh fuck,"

She touched her stomach, now considerably larger,

"You'll get used to it," Ivanna said, "It's equivalent to being 5 months pregnant." Her own stomach bulged out even more than yesterday.

"You should wake Vera-"

"Oh my god!" A sudden shout from outside the incubation chamber suddenly interrupted her words as they both turned to see what the commotion was, "He's dead. Oh, for fuck's sake,"

"Someone's dead? Who's dead...?" Vera suddenly groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes,

"Reynald's dead! He's got no pulse," another voice called out, as Raina slowly walked over to the glass and raised an eyebrow at the dead person in question. It was the same dude she had squeezed all the essence out of last night.

"No way," She slowly muttered, a small smile forming on her lips,

"Who's that?" Ivanna walked up beside her and peered outside at the dead body, "How do you think he died?"

"Too much sex, probably," Vera replied, letting out a scoff, "Serves them right, anyway. Karma's a bitch isn't it."

Raina turned to Vera with a smile, "They're getting what they deserve. It seems justice is being served."

"Where's the fucking doctor?" the voices of panic and desperation rang out in the collection room as the men began running around the place.

"Stop." A sudden low voice thundered above the chaos as Argos stood by the entrance, his eyes glaring around before focusing on the dead body, "What's with all the commotion?"

"We don't know, boss. We found him dead this morning." Oran replied beside him,

"Is he the bastard that killed mum?" Vera whispered as she stared at Argos, her hands clenched to a fist,

"Yeah," Raina nodded, turning around and sitting back in the room, no longer interested in the drama,

"Toss the body. Breakfast has started." Argos announced, his eyes suddenly turning to the incubation room, a sudden snicker formed on his lips, "Seems my favourite toy's really made herself at home," he said before letting out a chuckle and walking out,

"What'd he mean by that...?" Vera's eyes widened as she turned to Ivanna, "He was staring right at us, wasn't he?"

Ivanna' eyes squinted as she slowly turned to Raina with a raised eyebrow, "Was he talking about you?"

"Raina?" Vera spun around and stared at her sister, "What's he talking about? Favourite... toy?"

"No way..." Her eyes widened as it suddenly clicked, "You... slept with..." She shouted in disbelief, pointing at where he stood previously, "He killed mum! You slept with her killer?!"

"Vera, stop." Ivanna held her back, "You know how that's not true. Calm down!"

"Of course it's true!" Vera snapped back, "She had a choice! If it was me, I would've just killed myself instead! I'd rather die than let that bastard touch me!"

"Vera! Stop!" Ivanna yelled back, slapping her on the cheek, "Sit down!"

"Ivanna!" Vera frowned in surprise as she put a hand on her cheek,

"I said sit down and think about what you just said," Ivanna repeated, annunciating each word slowly,

"Fine." Vera huffed, plopping on the ground in annoyance,

"Now apologise," Ivanna said with her arms crossed,

"I'm sorry." Vera muttered, finally calming down, her eyes lingering on the ground, "I don't know what happened…"

"I bet it's mood swings," Ivanna muttered, "Just blame it on the pregnancy,"

"When do we get our breakfast…" Vera suddenly muttered, wiggling her toes as she sat there, bored, "Do we even get breakfast…"

"Yo." A sudden knocking on the glass turned their attention towards the voice, "Food," He opened a hatch and slid over a small white plastic plate of scrambled eggs,

"Just 1 plate?" Vera frowned, "How is that enough for 3 people?

"It's not." The man replied, "It's for her, not you," he pointed at Raina, "The boss said that he can't starve his property,"

"Then what about us?!" Ivanna exclaimed in disbelief,

"Dunno, not my problem," he shrugged, walking off without a care,

"What do we do…" Ivanna muttered staring at the plate.

"You two can have it. Honestly, I'm rather full right now," Raina smiled,

She wasn't lying. It felt like she had just finished a full course meal, plus dessert, after the plundering last night,

"Raina…" Ivanna muttered, staring at her sister with slight sorrow, "You don't have to lie, we can share it among us three,"

She grabbed the small plastic spoon and began dividing it into thirds, each getting around a small spoonful.

"Ivanna," Raina sighed, slowly getting up and grabbing the spoon, "Take it," she divided her portion into half and split it amongst her sisters,

"Remember, I'm the oldest here. I'm meant to be the mature one." She gave Ivanna a flick on her forehead and sat back down, "You twins just sit down and eat,"

The two didn't answer. They just nodded and took their portions, eating silently as they stared outside into the Collection Room and watched the body being carried out, the metal door locking behind them.

For the remainder of the day, the three simply sat in the chamber, the majority of the people from the previous night didn't return, causing most of the girls in the glass chambers to let out sighs of relief as they sat down and rested.


[Name: Raina Everstein

Level: 7

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Ability: Succubus


SP: 45% (10hrs 48mins)

HP 100/100







Absorb Essence | Charm | Dreamwalk | Metal Fortitude (Passive) | Manipulate



"What time is it...?" Raina suddenly asked, staring at her SP tab with slight confusion,

"Uh, I'd say around 5ish..?" Ivanna frowned peering through the skylight, "Not too sure,"

"5ish and we've still not had lunch-" Vera groaned, lying on her back as her hand rubbed her stomach, her pregnancy having grown a substantial amount since the morning, "Fuckinggg Starving..."

"Stop being a pussy and go in there already," a voice suddenly echoed out from behind the metal door of the collection room, immediately drawing the attention of everyone inside, the girls stuck behind the glass instantly got to their feet in fear,

The door immediately swung open as a crowd swarmed in, a young man with short black hair, around 176cm, in his early twenties followed nervously as he looked around in slight caution, instantly avoiding eye contact as soon as he saw the naked girls around him,

"Stop being such a virgin," one of the men laughed, "Come on, pick one. We're gonna celebrate your first time with a bang! Both literally and figuratively!" they sat down together on a long leather couch, opening a bottle of champagne,

"I-I uh..." The newcomer glanced around, his slightly baritone voice echoing across the room as his eyes darted around in surprise,

"First time seeing so many girls in one place, huh?" the man laughed, "I'll help you pick," He stood up and began walking up to the glass cages,

"This one's pretty, but her pussy's really loose. This one makes some cute sounds when you fuck her real hard..."

"This is disgusting," Vera growled, clicking her tongue and walking away,

"Yeah," Ivanna muttered with a deep frown sitting back against the wall, however, Raina simply stood there and watched,

"Raina?" Ivanna stared at her sister, "You okay?"

"Hm? Yeah," Raina turned around and nodded, sitting alongside them, her eyes still focusing on the newcomer, "I wonder how that kid got caught up with that group. He doesn't really seem like the type..."

"I bet every single one of them was like that in the beginning, but the moment they walk into this room, they all become twisted and disgusting," Vera muttered with a scoff,

"What about them?" The newcomer's voice suddenly turned towards them, as they spun around and looked at him in surprise,

"They'll be available in about a week's time," the man chuckled, "But one of them's a perfect fuck. Too bad she got knocked up so quick,"

"Oh..." the newcomer simply stared into the chamber, straight at Raina before turning his attention back to his group, "Maybe I'll just have some champagne instead..." He held out his glass and chugged it down,

"Well, your choice, man," The men shrugged pouring themselves a glass and taking their own pick for the night.

"He's... interesting...?" Raina muttered, walking over to the glass and tilting her head in confusion,