

An average boy gets chosen by the creator to inherit his Legacy. It's all you can eat buffet for the boy, Skills,Abilities,Bloodlines and items. So read about his journey through the verse where he matures slowly as he gains powers gains allies and fights all the baddies. If you want a MC that can blow planets from chapter 1, this novel is not for you. I only own my Original character and do not claim to any other characters. Whiteink, Over and out

Whiteink · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

5. The long nosed liar

Ethan, Luffy, Zoro and Nami were travelling on their boat in the sea.

"I think we need a cook and Musician next." Luffy said while eating apples.

Ethan was sitting on the boat thinking what to do. He wanted to learn the flying thunder god technique it was proving to be difficult as he didn't have space affinity. He also found out that reading the fan-fiction had warped his knowledge about the anime worlds.

He figured out even if he learnt the flying thunder god technique it will use a huge amount of chakra and he would not be able to use long distance teleportation in succession without taking time to recover.

He was stuck now because for the plans he had made he needed the flying thunder god technique and to be able to use it in succession for long distance teleportation he would have to buy some things from the shop and it will take more time.

He looked at the shop in the system trying to figure out what to do.



Space manipulation

Gravity Manipulation

Time manipulation


Indra Otsusuki

Asura Otsusuki

Nara Clan

Akemichi Clan ]

He wanted to have Bloodline of Indra and Asura combined who were the progenitors of Senju, Uzumaki and Uchiha Bloodlines and the combination of these two bloodlines will help him to obtain Sharingan and Rinnegan as well. He would also gain all elemental affinity as well as yin yang release by mixing these two bloodlines and he would be able to unlock Mangekyo Sharingan that will not give him blindness. He will have huge chakra, greater vitality , wood release and so on. The benifits were endless.

He could have taken Hagoromo's Bloodline as well but he didn't want to develop horns and a third eye so he set that aside.

He also wanted to take the Space manipulation ability as it would give him Space affinity as well as ability to manipulate space.

But if he does this he will have to work on many things at the same time.

From now on he will encounter many strong enemies like Klahadore,Crocodile and so on and he doesn't have enough time to train.

He thought of what to do then finally he selected Indra Otsusuki as well as Asura Otsusuki bloodline and Space manipulation.

It will help to protect his life so he finally chose it.

"Ethan, Ethan" He heard Nami call out to him and he looked at her.

"Huh, what?" He replied to Nami.

Nami looked at him with a frustrated expression and then said to him.

"I was telling your Captain that it is too early to go to grand-line. As the vice captain what do you think?" Nami asked to him.

Ethan looked at Luffy and said

"We need a bigger ship first. I have heard that the seas on the Grand-line are very brutal. They can easily break a ship like ours."

He looked their faces and seeing that they were listening, he nodded then continued

"Second, We also need a navigator because none of us three can navigate the seas." Ethan said while looking at Zoro and Luffy.

"We have Nami as our navigator.' Luffy said while laughing.

"I already said I'm not a part of your crew. I am just temporarily teaming up because you guys are very profitable for me."

Nami said looking at Luffy with frustration visible on her face.

"We also need a marksman to man the canons and a chef to cook our food because without proper nutrition we will die in the seas."

Ethan said looking at Luffy and Zoro.

Luffy kept cheering saying " Cook, Cook" and Ethan smiled wryly seeing it.

"You are a good marksman so you could man the canons." Zoro said to Ethan.

Ethan shook his head and said

"Yes I am an okay marksman but I cannot man the canons. Look at our captain. I think I should fulfill my role as vice captain and take care of the crew. We all know Luffy won't be handle the crew like a captain should."

"No I can do it.' Luffy said and both Zoro and nami laughed.


Days went by while they were travelling on the boat where Ethan kept meditating and training.

He figured out a way he found that he could alter the time in his personal universe and he could travel there with his body as well as only using his spiritual body.

So he decided to learn all his techniques inside so he made the time flow of 1:10, meaning one hour on the outside meaning 10 hours on the inside.. He would sit in meditation and his spiritual body would enter his universe. He was god there, even then he trained his techniques there. Even then he didn't spend more than 10 hours a day inside his universe. He felt that if he keeps using this method to train it will harm him more than it would benefit him.

They finally arrived at a island to which they had decided to go when they came to a conclusion that they needed a ship.

"Finally on land after so long." Zoro said after landing on the island while stretching his arms.

He then lied on the ground trying to sleep, on the other hand Luffy was pestering Nami whether he will find meat to eat on this island or not.

Ethan was looking around because knew Usopp will pop out very soon.

When they heard noises from the bushes Zoro got up from the ground and said

"Be careful"

Suddenly black flags started to pop out from the bushes and Ethan saw Usopp standing there with a flag on his hand.

"So cool, So cool" Luffy started to shout while seeing the flags while being impressed.

"I am Captain Usopp, leader of the great pirates that reign over this village.

People praise me and then praise me more.

As Captain Usopp."

Usopp started to brag.

"Yeah yeah, tell the kids in the bushes to come out already." Ethan said to Usopp.

He liked Usopp but he hated when Usopp started to brag and lie.

[He is an expert marksman and has potential to become strong but is too much of a coward. If there was a cure for cowardliness I would have bought it and fed it to Usopp.]

Ethan thought to himself.

{Just to be sure. Raven is there a cure for cowardliness in the system shop?}

{I'm afraid not} Raven replied to Ethan.

[AN: From now on I'll use {} to show the conversations that happen internally between Ethan and raven.]

"Wh-What are you talking about i have great a men in my command."

Usopp said.

"More like three kids." Ethan said to Usopp.

The three kids came out of the bush saying "We've been found." and ran away.

Usopp took out a slingshot and pointed it towards Ethan and the crew.

"Now that you have pointed your pistol towards us, you have to put your life on the line."

Luffy said to Usopp looking very serious while Zoro also unsheathed his katana.

Ethan also materialized his rifle and pointed it towards Usopp.

The situation got very tense and Usopp could not fire the slingshot.

Then he dropped to his knees and said "Real pirates have power in thier words."

Ethan, Zoro and Luffy started laughing and luffy said " I borrowed those words."

"Borrowed?" usopp asked.

"Yes, I borrowed those words from Shanks." Luffy said to Usopp.

"Shanks, The great pirate?" Usopp asked looking shocked.

Luffy nodded and said "You are yassop's kid aren't you?"

Usopp looked surprised and came tumbling down from the cliff.

''He came near luffy and asked "Do you know my old man?"

Usopp asked Luffy.

Then they talked about Luffy and Usopp's dad and walked towards the village.They entered a tavern and ordered some dishes.

"Usopp do you know some one who can pay for our ship?" Nami asked Usopp.

Usopp avoided Nami's eyes and said.

"This is a small village so ..." Usopp was deflecting the question when Zoro asked

"What about the huge mansion up the hill?"

Usopp shouted "Don't go to that mansion." And said "Oh, I forgot I have something important to do."

He said that and ran away.

"He is hiding something." Ethan said while Zoro and Nami nodded.

While they were sitting the three kids from before came to the tavern in front of Ethan and asked

"What did you do with our captain."

Nami looked at them and said "We ate him."

The kids ran away shaking in fear and Ethan and the rest laughed.

They caught the kids outside and told them that they were joking and told the kids usopp went somewhere.

The kids told Ethan and the crew that Usopp goes to visit a sick girl named Kaya and tells her made up stories to cheer her up.

"yosh, let's go ask he for a ship.' Luffy says while raising his hand.


They walk with the kids towards the house where they see guards at the gate.

"They won't let us in. We have to look for another way in." Ethan said to the crew.

They go to the side of the manor and there luffy grabs the wall and stretches his hand to fly inside like a slingshot. To prevent him from doing so the kids and Zoro as well as Nami grab him, then Luffy and the rest fly up high.

Ethan climbs the wall like a normal person and gets in.

Inside the wall Usopp is sitting in a tree branch talking to Kaya when when Luffy and rest fall from the sky land crash land into the ground taking Usopp along with them who was witting on the branch of the tree.

Kaya seeing them asks who are they and Usopp replies saying that Ethan and then rest are the new recruit to Usopp pirates.

"No not me, i wanted a favor from you. I want you to provide us with a ship." Luffy says.

"Who are you people?" Ethan hears a voice and turns to see Captain kuro who is masquerading as a butler.

"We are here to ask Kaya for a ship." Luffy says to Klahadore.

'Klahadore, they are Usopp's friemds."

Kaya says to Klahadore but he says to kaya " Not now I'll listen to you later,

"Usopp kun" klahadore calls out to usopp and usopp comes out from hiding.

'I am captain Usopp says Usopp."

"Captain usopp huh. I have heard a lot about you from the villagers and also about your dad.'

Klahadore says to Usopp and starts to mock usopp's father 'Yasopp.'

Usopp listening to this gets angry and runs to Klahadore and punches him in the face.

Kaya seeing this feels sad and asks Usopp and the rest to leave.

They all leave and Usopp and luffy go towards the shore and Ethan also leaves telling he is going to train.

He goes to a quiet place in the forest and crating 5 clones he starts to train.

One clone trains in swordsmanship, one on parallel thinking, one on marksmanship, one on flying thunder god technique and one on obervation haki.

While his clones are training on those he is training on strengthening his body to make it ready for learning armament haki. He is wearing the training suit as well as wights and doing push ups, Sit ups as well as running.

He wants to get stronger as soon as possible. He wants to get to the level of a warlord of the sea then olny he will take it easy. He has noticed on the quality and the quantity of the chakra after he has taken the two bloodlines.

He also takes less time to recover from fatigue showing his increased vitality. He will have to see how much it has improved later on, for now he continues his training. Her could have gone inside his universe but he has already spent 10 hours inside today so he will not go for today.

A fight is coming and he is hoping he will learn the flying thunder god technique before then.


In the next chapter a fight will happen between The strawhat crew Vs the black cat pirates so keep waiting.

Stay safe in this time of pandemic and keep reading this novel.

Whiteink, Over and out.

Whiteinkcreators' thoughts