
How am I alive?

In the midst of the desolate forest, there stood an extaravagant mansion seemingly looking out of place.

" Julius, The headmaster is asking for some coffee. "

A girl who appears to be in her early twenties approaches a man standing in the middle of what seems to be the living room of this mansion, judging from the sheer amount of space and expensive furnitures filling up the entire area.

The lady who approached this man named Julius, was wearing the clothes of a maid. Showing that there's even servants taking care of this place.

It's quite rare for there to be a mansion of this stature in this present time. The fact that there's these many people serving under it, shows that whoever owns this is someone who has a lot of money.

Though this place was incredible Julius had already grown used to this sight that he didn't pay no mind to such details. He's seen them enough that he could casually stroll around with his eyes blindfolded.

How? Well, judging only through his clothes, it would be obvious why.

White long sleeves, layered with a blazer on top of it, paired with fit slacks and leather shoes. It was already obvious what his role was in this place.

Another servant.

" It seems like the lord had taken a liking to your brew. How do you even think of such recipe? I didn't know adding milk to thos beans would make it taste so good. " The lady says with a soft smile on her face. Her small round head, and cute features amplified her smile. Showing her innate beauty.

" I make them when I think of you. That's why they're so sweet. " Though it's not like Julius was vulnerable to just a pretty face, that he casually let out a smile himself, just as appealing as the lady. 

" You naughty man. " The lady chuckles as he looks amused at Julius's handsome features.

Julius casually chuckles before turning himself away despite receiving quite a strage reply to his smile. He didn't mind it, as after all it wasn't like the cute lady was trying to appeal to him and he knew that.

It wasn't something she can control after all. 

Although it wasn't visible at first, as the lady walks off on her own way, there was the tail of a demon on her back. A succubus. 

A creature meant to be charming and appealing.

A creature that looks human yet isn't one. A sentence that applies to almost every single intelligent creature in this mansio- no in the entire world.

" Hey Julius! Have you seen Jane? " A woman who was translucent appraoched Julius.

" Yep, we just passed by each other. So she should be right behind me if you continue that way. " 

" Okay. Thanks! " She runs off floating, making Julius laugh a little. 

Despite seeing such scenarios everyday, he couldn't help but feel absurd about everything surrounding him.

Subterra. The realm of monsters.

Also what people call " Hell " back in Earth. A world where no humans exist, yet everyone looks human.

Although this place is "hell" it's pretty much just an exact replica of Earth. The buildings and the progress here, in terms of technology, are quite different but not different as in behind in terms of science. It's just more advance in terms of fiction.

Science isn't focused, due to the other elements present. Science as in advance technologies that only Earth has. Nuclear technology and such aren't studied here, but there's also things that are studied here and not on earth. 

That's why the architecture looks as if they were on a fantasy world.

Some might say this is a little tame to call Hell as it's just Earth. But was earth really that tame?

Imagine earth but people have powers, and some can't survive without killing and eating someone else. In a place where everyone has supernatural abilities, power is bound to be in the hands of evil.

All in all, unique traits, skills, magic and every single thing that you'd think exists in a fantasy world exists here. The only difference is that fantasy worlds have humans. This place, doesn't.

Well, except for Julius. 

Regardless, he doesn't care about any of that. He just wants to make it home as soon as possible. Although he doesn't know why and how he found himself in this place, he's got some leads on how to escape. 

But first, he needs to take care of the matter at hand.

Julius enters a room which was heavily guarded. It looked more extravagant than the others, and it was clear as to why. 

The room that the head of this house spends their entire day at. The office.

" Your coffee is ready, sire. " Julius was currently carrying a cup of coffee in his hands, while slightly bowing in front of a middle-aged man.Wel, it's a little hard to say man, as he was not human at all. 

An ogre...

Hilak Helfistin, the one Julius had been serving. He's the main reason as to why Julius had lived a semi peaceful life. He had white hair and sharp features, giving the vibes of a general. His reddish skin tone and sharp serrated ears doesn't help with his already scary atmosphere at all. 

Although he was grateful that Hilak had helped him sober up and figure out what was happening safely, he doesn't plan on staying.

"... " Hilak took a short glimpse at Julius before going back to his work without saying anything.

He then mindlessly grabs the cup off of his table and continued on working for a minute before finally speaking to Julius.

" Have you been doing your training. " He said nonchalantly.

" I have sire. " Julius replies. 

" Good, I'll make sure you'll become a highly sought out product " Hilak replies without batting an eye.

Hilak is an owner of a brothel. That's why most of his staffs are succubus. They have innate beauty and charm, and they also benefit from his business.

The reason why, despite having no background yet Julius still got picked up, was mainly because of this. He's planning to sell him off.

Thanks to Julius's face, he was able to escape his first days in this world. That was also why he was able to hide his biggest secret. His human identity was mistaken as that of a vampire. His features were an exact copy as that of someone who has vampire blood with his snow-white hair and pale skin.

But he doesn't plan on staying here at all. He has one goal and only goal in mind. Come back to Earth.

But first, he has to make sure he doesn't become some slave working away to please some ladies.

Though Hilak is clearly someone who's capable of killing anyone back in earth. In this wretched place, he is just a flea in the midst of the real monsters. Despite this fact, Julius is still someone who could die to this flea.

Thus he needs to escape this manor without Hilak knowing. A monster. An ogre with the power to snap his neck off at any moment.

No words were exchanged between the two after that, as Julius stands in the corner of the room, while Hilak do his paperworks.

Silence had filled the room, turning every single second a lot longer than they actually are. Julius was bored out of his wits, but he couldn't do anything but stay still.

As Hilak continues to do some of his work, someone suddenly pushes the door to his office open, stopping the silence between Julius and him.

' Finally... The long wait has come to a stop. I can finally rest. ' Or so Julius thought.

The long wait did stop. But it wasn't really the best way to stop it.

" Sir Hilak! The fucking bats! " An incubus who looked so ragged, that no one would think he's one of the good looking incubus.

" What? " Hilak stands up from his seat, seemingly confused by the whole ordeal.

It didn't take long for him to assess the situation as the shine of red started to enter his vision from the narrow doorway where the incubus was standing at. 

His arm was missing...

" That vampire bastard atta- " Before the incubus could explain, however, his head explodes into paste as his body crumbles to the ground with no resistance whatsoever.

" What!? " Hilak jumps up from his seat and rushes outside, trying to look for the cause of his subordinate's death.


Whoever it was, it clearly didn't want Hilak out, as a bright red beam made out of blood hit the door frames just before Hilak was able to go out.


Blood gushed everywhere as the red beam destroys the wall. 

" Come on now, is this the calmness of a ruthless businessman? " A tall handsome man with long white hair, all the way to his waist, comes into vision as he walks inside the room where Hilak was at.

A vampire.

" Who the fuck are you?! " Hilak who was burning in rage shouts at the vampire in rage, as his body starts to grow bigger, with his shirt tightening and tightening until it starts to rip apart.

" You don't need to know that. What's important is why I'm her- " The vampire walks into the room, but as soon as he took a step inside, Hilak rushed at him with a punch.

Although he had the physique that would demolish ten of the best fighters in Earth at once. It was still obvious what would happen next.

A beam of blood crashed into the rushing Hilak, pushing him backwards against the wall, breaking it in the process.

" Don't be so rude. Let me speak, little ogre. " The vampire looks at Hilak in annoyance. He was playing with him. He clearly didn't see him as a threat, but as just a little annoyance.

" Urgh... " 

It was evident that he didn't need to see him as one as Hilak struggles to move withblood dripping from his stomach. The blood beam had pierced his tough skin, causing a hole to form in his stomach, mixing his blood with that of the beam.

" Why are you bleeding? Do you want me to kill you that much? You know that as long as you bleed, the more I can do? " The vampire smile sadistically.

" Wh... Why are you doing this. " Hilak struggles to speak as blood splurts out his mouth and chest.

" Wha- " The vampire looks at Hilak with a dumbfounded look. 

" Are you serious? " He asks him before letting out a maniacal laugh.

" Is it because you're trying to save your kin? " Hilak points at Julius, who was crouched in a corner, hiding from all the commotion.

" I'll give him to y- " Hilak points at Julius, trying to ease up the vampire's anger.

But that was of no use, as before he could even finish his sentence, another beam of blood was sent out of the vampire's hand. And this beam was heading straight to Julius's head.


As if it was made out of jelly, blood splattered everywhere as the headless body of Julius collapse to the ground.

Silence filled the room.

" What fucking kin. Do you think I care about such thing? The moment you entered this business. No... The moment you thought of even looking for those artifacts. It is the moment you send yourself to death. " 


Hilak couldn't speak. Not because he was too weak to say anything, but because he knew he couldn't do anything else.

" You knew that, every single creature in this wretched place. You knew that monsters, beings that are way stronger than both of us, are venturing out to get their hands on that god-damn fruit. Yet you, a weakling, dares to flaunt all their wealth in front of us? " The vampire grabs Hilak's head as his body continues to deteriorate.

" Hey. Nothing personal man. I just needed money to go to the new continent. "

The vampire mutters before crushing Hilak's head with his bare hands.

" Tsk... what a dirty head. I guess this is what happens to people who own disgusting places such as this. " The vampire then shakes off the blood of his hands as he walks outside immediately seemingly satisfied with what he had done.


A few minutes passed, and complete silence surrounded the place. A mansion, once bustling with life, had now become eeriely silent.

An eerie silence showcasing the event that had just occurred here. 

A place filled with the smell of death slowly crept through the forest, catching the attention of wild beast looking for some easy meal.

Food that doesn't run nor fight back? It was a feast for them.


As the looming footsteps of the creatures creep towards the ruins, noise, albeit incredibly silent escaped from the middle of the ruins, the area where the office was suppose to be.


It wasn't anything significant and loud, as it seemed like it was just stones falling off the rubble, but how come there's a lot of them falling at once.

In the middle of the quiet place, movement seems to be present.

" Ughh.. " Hair as bright as snow patterned with the color of blood, slowly escaped the rubble.

A face... torso... arms.... feet.

Someone seemed to have survived the ordeal.

" Urgh... Fuck this place. "

His head was still intact, and there were no wounds on his body at all, despite the earlier events. 

HIlak is dead, everyone's a corpse. Yet here he is, standing as if nothing had happen at all.

The only human in this world turns out to be a little more special than most would assume...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Uzillacreators' thoughts