
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Michael's Project (5)

As long as I could remember I have been able to communicate with snakes. It sounds far fetched but it was so true. I feel like I need to find out why. I started this project with no funding but now I find I need funding to get answers. I need a real lab, an assistant and snakes. Lots of snakes. I need snake tanks, food and everything to help them be happy until I can return them home.

What else can I do? I talk to them so what does that mean? Am I part Snake? Why won't my dad talk about my mom? Was she part snake? I need answers and I need them faster now more than ever. How can I marry Bri if I don't know who I am? I want pups with her. What kind of dad will I be? I need to fill out every grant I can locate. Plus I need to contact my dad. He might help now that I have a mate.

I pick up the phone, sit it back down. I do this 3 times before I actually call him. "Hello?", I hear my dad's voice. "Dad, I need help, please. ", I hope my voice is smooth. I don't want him to hear the fear. "Dad, I've found my mate. I need to find me before the wedding date. Will you help me?", I hold my breath. "Son, it's good to hear from you. Your future in laws contacted me about the upcoming nuptials. You know I am sworn to secrecy on behalf of your mother about her background. She said you had to do this alone because your power will be unique to you. I'm sorry son. I love you, I'll be there the first of June but I can't do anything else. ", he hangs up before I could say another thing.

Funding from grants. I can do this. I sit down and start filling in line after line. I write essay after essay. I finish the last one at 4. I haven't had any food. My stomach reminds me by growling at me. I bet Bri would be happy to eat lunch with me. I dial her number, "Hello you have reached my answering machine, you know what to do." Beep. "Bri, hi it's Michael. I thought we could grab a late lunch. I see you are busy. Maybe next time."

Well I guess I'll walk to my apartment. When I get to my apartment I hear a female voice humming inside. I slowly open the door. I walk on the pads of my feet until I see her. Before I make a sound I watch her. She has on ear buds, yet I can tell the song playing is Luis Fonzi's Sway. She is swaying back and forth. I reach out to touch her but just as I reach my hand to her hip, she yelps. I laugh as she punches me on the arm. She has a really good punch. I can't help but think about how good she will be in bed because she is strong. My body gives up all my secrets because my manwood has a plan for us that I can't control around her.

"What are you doing love?", I ask as she turns her attention back to the table. "I'm trying to finish dinner so we can eat. If someone who shall remain nameless will let me.", she smiles as she tries to pout.

My apartment is small but neat. I'm not the typical guy. I like my space to be neat, not exactly clean but not a pig pit. I don't have a lot of furniture because it's always just me.

I turn to go to the bedroom but she squeals at me. "Noooo! Sit down and take your shoes off. I have surprises in there.", she is wound up tight. I follow her command, it feels good to have someone to come home to. I've been alone for far to long.

When I first came to the states I had to prove I could pass the high school exam, the college entrance exam and within 2 years the medical school exam. Yes some have said that I'm far to smart for my age. They also said that a 21 yr old couldn't handle the stress of an internship. Yet here I was one yr away from my full Medical license. I've had to live, breathe and sleep with the goal of becoming a doctor. The birthday party had been my first outing in 3 years. I didn't have time for parties or women. When Bri said she was a virgin it surprised me because I thought I was the last of my kind. I only went to the party because my fellow students said I could make connections to money for the project.

Now here I sit, mated to the beautiful young woman in front of me. I felt glued to my seat as I watched her. She was going from the kitchen to the dining room carrying steaming bowls of food. The table was set for 2 and we had wine glasses beside our plates. She isn't old enough for wine, where did she get that? I see her carry a bowl of ice with a wine bottle into the room. I want to question her but I don't want to ruin this mood.

Finally she motions me to come over. She pulls out my chair and moves around to hers. We sit at the same time. She has made a bolognese sauce, spaghetti pasta, pesto sauce, meatballs, bruschetta, a caprese salad with grilled zucchini and asparagus. I'm rendered silent. I can't believe my young mate can actually cook. It smells amazing!

"My parents sent the wine, I hope that's ok?", she suddenly looked shy. "Ok? its perfect love. ", I still don't know what to say. "Good, I didn't know if you would want to drink or not. Honestly I have helped my mom out with cooking several times because of my siblings so I wasn't too nervous about cooking. I was more nervous about what you might like. That's why the two sauces.", she held her head down for a minute. "Love this meal looks like something from a 5 star restaurant. It looks perfect.", I hope she could tell how genuine I felt.

She explained each dish as we ate. It truly was a taste of Italy unlike any I have experienced. She was showing me the proper way to eat spaghetti with a fork in one hand and a spoon in the other. She put her fork into the pasta, then brought it over to the spoon where she twirled it until the fork was loaded then lifted it for me to see before she put it in her mouth.

"This way it doesn't get on your clothes and no one will accuse you of being a piglet.", she is absolutely the most beautiful woman ever. I love the way I feel around her and how relaxed she is when we are together.

After our fantastic meal she takes my hand in hers and leads me into the bathroom. I'm very confused by this. She has a white bath sheet ready, a scrubbing cloth and blue soap. "It will help you relax because it has eucalyptus in it and it leaves your skin clean. Just rinse well or you will be blue.", Bri giggles. I'll wait in the bedroom.

Bedroom? Ok, I know she asked to wait until June. So I know that this isn't about sex. I shower as fast as I can. With water still running down my skin I walk into the bedroom. The lights are off except for the light by the bed. I see her surprises and I have to smile. She has brought a dressing chair, a vanity, plus in my closet are 3 new pair of shoes that don't belong to me as well as a few clothes and I see a new white silk robe laying across the foot of the bed.

I walk over to where she is brushing her hair and pull her up to me. "Thank you for this more than perfect night love.", I whisper as I lean down to kiss her. My lips brush hers softly as I make my way down her neck to where she bares the promise mark. I lick it gently when Luther begins to purr. Her wolf purrs back in response and it's all I can do to restrain myself. She leans into my embrace and kisses my earlobe, down my neck to where her mark will go. Suddenly I feel a nip at my skin, with a lick after. She has given me the promise mark as well. My wolf goes insane trying to get out. He wants to mate Zafiro now.

I pull away from my mate. Panting and sweating profusely. I have to turn away. I can't even look at her perfect body in the white silk gown. My manwood is so hard I can barely take the pain of desire. "I'm so sorry love. I just need a minute. Why don't you get in bed. I'll be right back. Bri, thank you for everything you did tonight it is perfect."

I go out of the room, I get some cold water to drink. I pull on a pair of boxers before returning to our bed. Our bed sounds heavenly in my head. At least tomorrow is Saturday so we can sleep in. I slip into the bed, turn off the light and snuggle up to Bri. She is sound asleep. I listen to her breathe for several minutes before the darkness engulfs me too.

I wake up to the smell of coffee. When I open my eyes she isnt in bed. Her robe and gown are on the vanity chair. I get up and make my way to the bathroom, which has been cleaned. Then I continue on to the kitchen where I find my mate. She is standing by the oven watching what is cooking inside, while eating a blueberry Greek yogurt. I see two coffee cups, one has coffee with cream and the other is empty. I fill my cup and say, "Good morning love."

"Good morning babe. Did you sleep well?", Bri is still watching the oven as if the ingredients were going to hop out any second. "Actually I did love, The best sleep since I came to the states.", I replied. " "What have you captured in there?", I point to the oven. "Bagels.", she looks up with a smile before reaching to get them out. They smell devine.

I watch as she puts them on a plate and walks to the dining room. I follow and sit across from her as we both eat our breakfast. I notice how clean everything is. "Bri, love, you don't have to clean so much. I'm kinda used to my nasty little ways. I feel bad you cleaning all the time.", I really don't want her to be my maid. "I understand. I just like it clean. I hope its ok.", she looks up at me through her lashes. This woman makes me want to take her now. My manwood is hard again. This is going to be painful.

"I thought we might go to the GA Aquarium and then go for a run. I have a picnic basket we can take with us. The state park would be a good place to run.", Bri says to me. "I agree, it sounds like a good day.", I replied. I get up to go get dressed and she cleans up.

At the Aquarium we talk for hours taking turns telling each other about growing up. I suddenly get lost talking about my project. I find myself telling her about communicating with snakes. I tell her how I want to explore this. How I plan to experiment with the world of snakes. "Michael I fully support you on this journey and will do everything I can to help.", she shocks me as she holds my hand in hers looking up into my eyes so earnestly. I lean down to kiss her. It starts out soft but turns passionately as she leans her body into mine. I take her mouth like I'm trying to possesse her. My teeth pulling her lip, my tongue exploring her mouth, fighting with hers for dominance. I have never kissed like this, it's like a crazy man.

"I think it's time to head out to the park.", she says trying to gain composure. I nod my head yes and pull her out of the Aquarium. We make our way to my truck. I open her door before getting into the driver's seat. I lean over for one more kiss before we leave.

The run is perfect, we have an amazing picnic after and we talk for a long time. She vows to help me with my project but little do I know about just how invaluable she will be. Things begin to move faster than ever with my mate by my side. Our weeks fly by with progress higher than I dreamt possible. She went to school from home M-F and Friday night until Sunday was spent by my side. Before I knew it we had reached June first.