
SUBNAUTICA:LP15-GR41 Life Report

[REQUEST:ACCESS AURORA FILE] [SCANNING...] [ACCESS:CONFIRMED] [WELCOME,ADMIRAL.] [SYNOP:It seems only one has survived on this deep hell of a planet. His files have been kept as he has not returned,but there is ongoing data detailing his lifestyle here. His name is unknown,codenamed 'Grayson' by Alice.] (My own view of the Subnautica Game,a bit of a Captain's diary.

Studio_10XT · Videojogos
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4 Chs

Personnel Report:GR41 || #2 "There Be Predators"

Receiving pre-recorded distress call. Playing back...

This is Lifepod 3, uploading our co-ordinates. We're plugging some holes in our emergency Seaglide, so if we're late for the rendezvous, don't panic.

Also, don't go home without us. Seriously. 3 out."

"Alice,can you establish some kind of uplink with the pod?" I asked,using the pod hull to keep weight off of my injured leg.


"Lifepod 13 currently 50 meters below surface,emitting a damaged SOS signal. Setting location to diving mask."


I look to my leg wound.

"Alice will Hydrotherapy work for my injury?"

"It is always best to maintain a healthy regiment of exercise even injured. Note that your wound may bleed into open water without waterproofed or hermetically sealed bandages,it is advised to plan ahead in case of predatory attentions."

I sigh softly,and look into the pod's storage.

What little I had managed to collect was enough to craft something.

I approach the fabricator and check through the tools menu.

I began crafting a survival knife.

As soon as the fabricator finished,I picked up the knife, Alice spoke,"Weapons were removed from standard survival blueprints following the massacre on Obraxis Prime.

The knife remains the only exception due to its basic applications of harvesting and self defense. Aggression is ill-advised."

"Because Id totally want to fight a shark with this toothpick you call a weapon..." I said in a bit of a sour tone.

I made sure my mask was tight,and my wound sealed from open water. I open the pod and drop into the water.

A notification pops up;

"Warning:Nightfall imminent. It is ill-advised to explore open water without proper equipment due to the risks of predatory interaction. Time to night:5 hours."

With no time to waste I began to explore the waters surrounding lifepod 15. I approched a slightly dense kelp forest,the SOS becon emitting its gentle ping.

I surface,only briefly as my O2 tank hissed gently and refreshed my air.

Refreshed I dove back down,to find the pod had been torn open,no survivors,and a lot of damaged equipment. Much of it was useless.

I checked inside the pod,to find instructions for a Seaglide,a small,red seaglide clearly for emergency and a few other small bits and bobs for survival. I packed as much as I could carry,and swim over to a panel of the lifepod. I open it and pull a small waterproofed box,and turn to leave,as it began darkening.

I push off of the hull and leave the pod.

Using the emergency seaglide I surface to gather my breath,then go back down to rush back to my pod-

It suddenly goes pitch black,the only light being a shred of the seaglide's small flashlight,and the glowing fruit of the Creepvines...

Thankfully my mask's HUD had the location,about 100 meters away.

Something quietly growls. I attempted to use the seaglide,when it fizzled and shut down.

Losing the seaglide I began swimming,pulling the survival knife from its sheath in case something got too close. The pod was within reach-

A creature locked its jaw around my leg and started dragging me back toward the Creepvine forest-

In response while being dragged I pulled myself close and began frantically stabbing at the creature-

Not too long after I started the creature releases me,swimming in fear as I shouted many unintelligable curses after it through my mask.

I swam back to the pod and climb in,checking my calf.

No teeth,or blood. My bandage had been lost to the water in the rush,but my wound was relatively unresponsive thanks to the meds.

That thing wanted me alive....

My blood chilled at the thought of what awaited me in that kelp forest...

After redressing my wound,I stared at the hatch until I could see daylight...

And even then,i sat there,almost locked in fear.

Motivational note. Craig McGill crash-landed in the acid swamps of Boreal 9, fought off arachnid kidney-poachers, and hijacked a tame starwhal.

If he can do all that, you can survive one more day."

"Ya know,I think I'm starting to hate it when you have a point." I sigh,looking to the hatch.

I spent the rest of the required heal time pondering that note.

At around day 4,when the wound was fully healed,I disembarked the pod to explore the Creepvine forest.

Scanner ready,i noticed a particularly strange,longnosed creature..

It brandished fresh stab wounds on its side...

The creature turns its attention to me,almost in sour recognition. It charged me,and I began swimming,cutting out sharp turns and brief scans on the creature.

Once the analysis was finished I quickly abandoned the presence of the creature,and it soon returned to its business of the hunt.

I climb back into the pod,panting slightly to open my PDA and get the readings of the creature.


A streamlined predator encountered in the kelp forests in wait of prey leaving the safety of the shallows to feed. The stalker likely carved out its evolutionary niche at the sweet spot between speed and size millions of years ago, and may be one of the oldest species on the planet. These dangerous creatures move in pods of similar number to wolves,making the Kelp Forests a dangerous spot to swim.

Their teeth are a useful source of naturally occurring enamel,primarily used in reinforced glass,alongside other applications.

"Oh,thats useful to know..." I gently remark.

I saved the entry,and paged over a few photos i have managed to take of the creature. It almost resembled one of the ancient dinosuars..

"I wonder if you share a similar heiritage..."

I pondered in thought for a while..

Opening my notepad I began to write down my report.

TITLE:"Day 4;There Be Predators">


GR41:So...its been a few days,my wound has fully healed,and ive discovered a dangerous animal on this blue hell Alterra calls a planet. Alice said it was a Stalker. A wolf of the sea I like to call it. The last time I recorded anything there was a radio call about 5 hours from sundown. It was Lifepod 3. No survivors,(thank the gods no remains),some broken equipment ,an instruction manual for Seaglides and a little food and water. Id add the emergency seaglide but it stopped working at nightfall,which is what led me to my encounter with a Stalker. The strange,possibly even terrifying part...It wanted me alive while it was dragging me back to wherever it was going. I plan to put a little distance between myself and that kelp forest..

A-as for the remainder of this recording,ill be looking into plans to build a suitable shelter,this pod is already getting claustrophobic and musty. If I dont update next...well...you get the idea.

<END >