
Chapter 12

Holy shit I've just touched him . What is wrong with your self control Adriana ?!

"Well I'm attracted towards you either , just 59 times stronger ," he held my hands near his mouth , I could even feel his breath brushing against my knuckles . I gulped , my mind were a wide field of blankness . "I .. I don't know why I have the urge to touch you John , this is new to me . I feel like a creepy molester that can't seemed to place my hormones in place near you . " I placed another hand at his chest , which is totally automatic-ly . WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY Adriana ?! I can't seemed to keep my hands off him . "Then you have no idea how much you drive me insane when you're just so beautiful every glimpse I take . " He whispered into my knuckles , with me blushing my tomatoes off by the way he called me beautiful .