

Beatrice_2 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Ep01 #Poopy pants.

Kim Ji-Ho's POV.

"Stop! Don't do it please! I'll do ANYTHING. Just give me back my BOOK!" I yelled as I run towards Ji-hoon . He just promised that he was going to dump ' Her little jerk', the novel Cho-hee gave me . About five minutes ago . I wouldn't have believed him but he winked and smirked after he said that and then few minutes later the book got missing ..So I went to his room and saw the book there,I almost took it but he was fast, he took the book and ran, so I started chasing him and... AND HE HAS MY BOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!

Weird right?Duh!

Hi I'm Kim Ji-Ho , a nerd and an A-class weirdo .I have the world's most annoying brother.. not just brother TWIN BROTHER and trust me when I say he can win an award for it.

One time, he placed a dead COCKROACH in my bathtub and it almost got me TRAMATIZED , Next he painted part of my favorite pink dress BROWN ! and it made me a laughing stock at school they thought it was POOP!!

Another time , out of anger, he deleted the story I was writing online.Ugh!!!

I just don't understand why crushing his framed picture would let him try to dump the novel, I mean we all agreed it was gross...

"Ji-hoon stop!" I yelled after finally catching up with him while we stood around the dustbin area.We glared at each other. I was really angry and I don't know if Ji-hoon was .

He suddenly smirked. No he wasn't angry at all .And that smirk,oh that smirk.... made me more irritated by him.

"No"he finally broke that silence. I scoffed, widening my eye and tucked a strangle of my brown hair behind my ear angrily.

"Why should I? Can you at least give me a reason why I shouldn't?"he said grinning .... This boy ..... this boy was playing with my anger button.

"Sure..I need it,it was given to me by my best friend, the first page is intriguing , I've heard many people rating it-"


He shut me up completely and I thought of giving him 'Kim Ji-Ho's' perfect ponch, but I couldn't,All I could do was to roll my eyes at him.

"I said one"he said .

"No you didn't specify"I replied .

"I used 'a' "he shrugged, placing emphasis on the word 'a'

"Oh"I instantly relised . I was being such a dummy.

Ji-hoon place his hands in his pockets and I stared curiously . He suddenly brought out a lighter .... dad's lighter which got missing a few days ago .

"Dad's LIGHTER!!"I yelled .

" You know what I'm about to do with it right?" He asked with the smirk that irritated me .

"Don't you dare you punk!!"I yelled.

Seeing him turn on the lighter , I yelled


"Good nerdy, now apologize properly"he said The lighter was still turned on, burning part of the book .

"Sorry"I bowed

"Sorry what?"

"Sorry brother."

"Who am I to you?"

" brother?"

"No Boss!"

What the-?

"Since when?"

"Since forever.. Don't you want your 'Her little jerk' novel?"

"I'm sorry bo-boo-bos-boo-sss"

No I can't call him Boss, I can't....


Writer POV

A week ago....

"Remember I'm never calling you the boss.You know why? huh!"

As Ji-Ho stared at her brother,tied with a rope on a chair, she felt more than the word POWERFUL.

Without him answering for about 30 seconds , she hit him with her all and when he groaned, she let out her evil chuckle

"Haaa ha ha he he ha ha ha he ho haaaa he he hooo ha he!"

" weirdo"he mumbled.

"Who? Who is the weirdo? me?"she hit him, once again, with her all.

"I am the queen and then main boss.And the day I'll call you boss,call me poopy pants for a month, you know why I'm not scared? because there's no - read my lips - way I'LL CALL YOU BOSS"with a smirk, the boss Ji-Ho called herself cat-walked to the door.

"I wonder who would untie you Ji-hoon.....Haaa ha ha he he ha ha ha he ho"she cleared her throat and left.

"Ji-Ho! Ji-Ho! untie me please, I beg!!"Ji-hoon yelled but Ji-Ho cared less.

End of flashback.

Kim Ji-Ho's POV.

"I'm listening.. can't wait to call you poopy pants....Haaa ha ha he he ha ha ha he ho." Ji-hoon laughed , almost like my wicked chuckle.

I can't call him that ...nooooo he's going to call me poopy pants for a month, I can't call him that not I CAN'T !!!

" I'm listening , unless you don't want to see your so called novel."He said.I was going to kill this dummy,ugh!!!!!

" I'm sorry bo-ss "I managed to say.

"I can't hear you"he teased.

"Sorry boss"I said and avoided eye contact with him.I can't believe that this dummy was about to call me poopy pants for a whole month.Ugh!!!!!

"Here take your book poopy pants."he said handing the book over. I snatched it angrily and my eyes widened after seeing the part that was burnt.

"What is wrong with you Ji-hoon?! Look at what you have caused!" I cried, making the sound that irritated Ji-hoon, not only Ji-hoon and Ji-Min...

Infact, everyone who knows me. Except mum, I actually inherited it from her .

"Poopy pants, I guess I'm your little jerk"he said and left me standing outside, crying...

"I hate you Ji-hoon!"I yelled

"I love you too poopy pants"I heard him yell back.

I entered while crying and making that same sound while walking to my room . Ji-hoon was so annoying. Ugh!!

" Ji-Ho please don't start"Ji-Min said while entering the kitchen, like she was busy, she's always like this.

"Do you( sniffs) know what (sniffs) Ji-hoon did to my book (sniffs)"I Then continued with the crying, making the sound of irritation.

"I don't want to know, just stop already."she replied and I frowned.

I just took two steps on the staircase when the bell rang.I turned to Ji-Min and she turned to me.

"Go "she commanded .

"You go. I'm not in a good condition at this moment (sniffs)."this time, the sniffing was on purpose. I just really hate to open the door for visitors, especially in my bad mood.

"Go!" She yelled

"You go!"I yelled back

"Ji-Ho go!" She yelled

"Ji-Min go!"I yelled forgetting she was older.Who cares? it's just a five years difference.

"Ji-Min if i get there.."

"What will you do? If you hit me, I'll report you to Mom."I said.


Seeing her walk towards me angrily, I started hatching a plan,to run for my dear life.

I turned to see Ji-hoon walking towards the door and so I yelled;

" Stop!"

" I should stop huh! you've grown horns eh? There's no mommy or daddy to save your sorry butt NOW. There not at home"she said.

I shallowed and fixed my glasses.She lifted her hands to hit me.

"Look!" I yelled pointing Ji-hoon who was opening the door.


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