


We had finally arrived Uncle Luca's mansion and we drove in, as I greeted Flavio, the gatekeeper. I and my Men entered the sitting room and looked around, but didn't see anyone. Then, I heard Voices from the dinning room. Bingo

On walking to the dinning room, I heard Lois' voice. I was so happy within, she was conscious already. I halted my steps and listened to her conversation with Uncle Luca.

"I can't fall in love....I have been through a lot Lois, and I can't drag any innocent woman into my mess." He said to Lois.

"That's not good enough reason not to experience love, Uncle."

"I am a man with a dark past, a scary present, and a dangerous future. I am....."

And I decided it was time I announced my arrival, I cut into the discussion.

"Don Luca" I said looking towards Uncle Luca. He looked up, broke into a huge grin and said in his deep Italian accent.

"Oliver, my boy. You arrived already? As naughty as usual......."

The rest of what he said fell on deaf ears, because someone else got my attention. Lois. Our eyes locked with each other's. Oh, how much I missed seeing those Icy blue eyes of hers.

"Oliverrr" She croaked out. Before I knew what was happening next, she was already off her seat and running towards me. Since the distance between her seat and where I stood wasn't so long, she was already close to me when I made for her and grabbed her by the waist as her face hit my chest softly.

"Oliver!" She called again, and in no time, I could feel my shirt getting wet from her tears. She was crying and it made me so sad.

"I thoug...ht you were....." 'hiccups'

"I thought you were hurt" She said admist tears.

"Shhhhh... I'm fine Mi Amore. I'm fine"

"Shhhhhh, it's okay now. I'm here"

I cooed, as I slowly pat her on the back. I could tell her knees were getting weak, because she was now standing unstably. I quickly carried her bridal style and walked towards the dinning, and took a seat with her on laps, and her hands wrapped around my neck.

I could see Uncle Luca grinning from ear to ear. Nice view huh.

"Hey guys, have your seats." He motioned towards my men. There were 5 of them.

"There's a feast for you guys. You have done a nice job"

I diverted my attention back to Lois, who was still sniffling in my arms.


"Huh? Babe. When did you start calling me that?" She chuckled in between sniffles.

"Today, and I intend to keep calling you that. I'm sorry"

"For what?" She looked up at me now. God! Her eyes were so swollen. I hated to see her sad.

"For acting like a douche lately"

"Oh, you mean for acting like an asshole lately?" She giggled now. I smiled at her.

"Yeah, for acting like an asshole" I agreed.

"It's fine Olly. I know you just had so much on your plate. And you were trying your hardest to keep me safe. Thank you" She clutched unto my shirt firmly.

"Babe, you're welcome. Come on, let's eat."

"Okayyy" She whined, as she came off my laps.

"Good evening Uncle"

"Oh, so now you notice me? Not like I didn't like the show though" He grinned and Lois blushed furiously.

"Come on, of course I noticed you. How are you doing, Uncle?"

"Good, as you can see. I'm very good"

"Good, single and childless" Lois spat. I couldn't help it, I had to laugh. The look on Uncle Luca's face was priceless.

"Lois" He called out feigning hurt

"Oh please, Uncle."

"I don't want to suffer this everyday Oliver. What do I do?"

He asked me.

"It's simple. Go get married" I replied matter of factly.

"It would be worse when we get back to the US. I'm not going to hear the end of it from Debbie and Ashley. I'm so done for" He cried out.

"You are coming with us to the US?" Lois asked and Uncle Luca looked towards me.

"Yes he is. Don Luca and his soldiers would be heading back to the States with us."

"Really?" Lois asked and I looked towards Uncle Luca

"She doesn't know yet?"

"Of course she does. I just haven't told her about the challenge" He shrugged.

"What does he mean 'challenge'?"

Lois quickly asked.

I heaved a sigh.

"The Marcolinis dared to challenge the The Dark side. We've declared war on them, and there would be no escape for Marco this time around." Her demeanour changed immediately. She was pissed.

"I and Harrieth can't cope with this war and fighting. We are Doctors for crying out loud!"

"I had no say in this. Our Parents and Don Luca did." I quickly defended myself.

"Are you guys kidding me right now. Look, let's just forget this all happened and go on the low, like we always have been"

"That could have been the case, but the biggest slap to the face of any Mafia, is being challenged a gang you are by far superior to. We need to teach them a lesson, they need to get their asses whooped. They even had the guts to try and hurt you. I won't let that slide Lois. I won't."

"Let's eat first. We would talk about this issue later."Uncle Luca ordered, and we all knew better than to defile him. My men were strangely quiet the whole time, why?"

"Guys, why the silence?"

"You mean us?" Ricardo asked.

"Yes, you guys. That was the same question I was about to ask" Lois chipped in and smiled at Ricardo. I noticed he tensed, and then shyly smiled or rather, blushed. That was a first!!

"It's just that it's the first time we get to be graced by the presence of one of the mafia princesses. And she's really pretty too" He said with a bowed head.

Was he kidding me right now? Openly flirting with my wife.

"She's my Wife Ricardo." I made sure my voice was Stern enough to pass the message.

"I'm sorry Boss" He visibly gulped. Good.

"Hmmmm, laying your claim, Oliver. Possesive much. "Uncle Luca Laughed.

"It's fine.....Ricardo" Lois replied as she flashed him a wide smile. I can't believe this! "And thank you. I don't get much of this kind of compliments everyday, you know." She winked and he smiled sheepishly. I couldn't blame him, who wouldn't smile back at Lois? Her smiles were just so enchanting.

"I can't believe this!!" I blurted

"What, Oliver? Do you have a problem?" Lois gave an innocent look

"Of course not" I glared as she returned it with a hotter glare.

"Just eat your food" She ordered.

I could see Uncle Luca and my Men grinning. Why the fuck were they all grinning? I was so pissed, and I didn't fucking know why!!


I walked out of the bathroom, after having a nice and cool bath.

Lois was just sitting on the bed and reading a book.

I was still not talking to her after our little drama at the dinning. Not that I was Ignoring her though, she hadn't spoken to me either.

I went to the bedside table, still only in a towel wrapped securedly around my waist, took the deodorant spray there and applied to my armpit. I looked at the mirror on the table, it reflected the bed and I could clearly see Lois was having quite a view.

"Could you put on something decent, Oliver?" She muttered. I didn't reply her. I just strolled into the walk in closet and changed into a pj trousers.

I walked out only to see Lois standing directly in front of me, with an angry look on her face.

I made a face, in a bid to know why she was standing in my way.

"Seriously!? Are you going to do this, Oliver?"

"Do what?"

"Ignore me."

'I'm not ignoring you, Lois"

"Then why haven't you said a word to me?"

"Because I have nothing to say"

I looked away from her face and that was when I saw what she was wearing. The white knee length night gown she was putting on was completely see through, and it wasn't helping my sanity at the moment.

"Oliver!!" She snapped, and I quickly took my eyes off the red thong that I could see, through her night wear.


"I have been talking for a while now, and you just black out? Nice!!"

"Sorry...I'm sorry" I heaved a sigh and facepalmed myself. Only if she knew what she was doing to me right now. She seemed quite Oblivious. She sighed too, and I felt her coming closer.

"Is there a problem Oliver? You can talk to me about it." She suddenly appeared so soft. Lois was such an Angel, caring so much about me, when I was behaving like an ass. "Come on Oliver talk to me. I'm worried about you" I froze when I felt her hands on my cheeks.

At that point, I wish I could just scream and say, 'Lois the problem is you. You are just to wonderful and hot as fuck!!'

I placed my hand on hers, that were still lying on my cheek, as I looked down, deeply into her eyes. I didn't even know what to say at this point. "Babe"

Few months ago, I asked myself why God brought her into my life. Why it had to be Lois I married. But it was that moment I realized that even if she wanted to go, I couldn't let her go. I needed her in my life. And I would make her MINE. That was all I thought before I smashed my lips on hers. Sealing my vow.