


Raymond Reynolds's POV


/"What do you think you are doing Ray? I saw it. I saw you kissing that little bitch in the classroom./" Ellen yelled at me as she was standing on my porch.

I was still standing there, confused. What should I say to her? She is my childhood best friend, but I don't know what got over me that moment and I did such a stupid mistake. This wasn't the plan. Ellen knew my plan. I never planned to kiss Soaf.

I stood there. Quiet. Not able to say a word because I knew it was my mistake. Not even this plan but everything and now all I can think about is her.

What are doing to me Sophie Esinberg!

/"Why are you quiet? Huh? What happened to your mouth now?/" she said as she pushed me inside and I stumbled backward.

/"I don't know,/" I replied. I don’t know what happened to me. I felt this sudden urge to claim Sophie mine and that's what I did.