
Stuck to Go Home

I'm just a stranger here. I don't need to make a memory here. One day I will leave here. For the author. This is a story among a collection of stories. Sharing the story of a girl's experience trapped in a world. The girl's ultimate goal is to be able to return to her original world. Light stories and heavy stories side by side. This is stuck to go home. Sweet Letter to Arayalism. Ah of course, fairy for reader's. -- Arayalism

Arayalism · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

[1] BAB I : good things

The water drips slowly and regularly. A dark view of gray with a dim blue light between the thick fog. Calm that can kill anyone.

("There is no more time, hold on until you meet me again.")

Those were the last words I heard from Ruu, my best friend, before everything was very dark again in my vision. I woke up, it's been a long time that dream didn't come to me and now it's coming back. It's been ten years thinking about my best friend's words. And it's been ten years that I have survived here, in a body and world that is not mine.

That incident happened ten years ago in this world. I made the mistake of underestimating my enemy that time too much. Countless fights always haunt me. 'He' managed to tear me into tatters and lock me up somewhere. There's no way out of there unless you kill the culprit who made the seal from where I was locked up. Ruu, my best friend tried to get me out of there with the last strength he had. Ruu transferred my soul to a little girl who was just born in this world so that I could kill my enemy later. And here I am, in the body of a ten year old girl with the title of royal princess, Valencia Esther Royaley.

Between the large window and the thin cloth covering the window that was blown by a gentle breeze. The sun really dazzled my eyes that morning. I woke up for a moment and sat on the edge of the bed.


"This is annoying, so weak!" I cursed.

I released aura into my hands and it wrapped around my body like a blue scarf dancing in the wind. During these ten years I trained my magic aura to get back as strong as it used to be. But the different bodies greatly affect my aura usage capacity. And also the system circle that I made for myself until now is still adjusting itself. There wasn't even any news about system notifications coming from the world I came from. Somehow my bad thoughts felt like I was thrown away to undergo a punishment.

Knock knock.

"Come in, Rasya," I ordered.

I knew it was my servant named Rasya, because I could feel her excited aura even though it was blocked by the large, beautifully carved door. The girl's aura looked like balls of bright orange and snow-white.

"The princess, the king and queen are waiting in the dining room," said Rasya.


I got up and walked slowly to change clothes, assisted by Rasya. The girl excitedly told some funny incidents that happened while she was working. I'm quite happy because then I don't have to bother expressing my feelings. Just shut up and smile listening to every story that comes to me.

After finishing, I rushed to the dining room. It's been like a daily morning tradition that I've been following for the past ten years. I always think that repetitive activities like this continue to bore me. But on the other hand I also feel that one day I will miss this boring activity. Although there's really no need for me to get too close to the people of this world if I'm going to leave them in the end.

"Good morning my little girl!" said the strong of Freya Adesya Royaley, my mother or more precisely the mother of this Valencia body.

The large door of the dining room had just opened but in an instant the greetings rushed at me.

"Come closer here, mom wants to kiss you repeatedly first!" she continued.

Save me...

I walked closer like it or not and Freya immediately hugged me tightly. This is a tradition, yes, a tradition.

"Ugh let me go mom I can't breathe..." I whined while trying to escape from Freya's tight embrace. If it wasn't for me in her daughter's body, I would have immediately refused on first order even though she was the queen of this world.

"Honey, it's time to eat. Let go of our daughter, the food will get cold," Aldrich Donovan Royaley said softly, he is Valencia's father, yes he is my father.

"Hmm okay okay," said Freya finally.

Thank you so much dad…

The two of them were kings and queens who ruled over a kingdom on the southeastern continent called the kingdom of Angelise. With the king the swordsman and the queen the strongest magician in the southeast continent. They are the leaders as well as the parents of their two children. In my opinion, their impression when leading is something that quite amazes me with the firmness of the strength they have. But now that I am their daughter, I can see where the differences in their attitudes towards work and family are. Yeah I'd say really quite different.

After a short hug that made it tight, my family and I ate quietly. Many things can be told by them at this dinner table to me because this is their free time when they are busy. This family is a very warm and loving family. Very much different from the original story in the world I came from. In a way, during these ten years I'm still quite awkward with the affection they give. Because actually they show affection for their children, not me.


I turned and found my little brother pointing his spoon of porridge at me. Venus Neil Royaley, Valencia's younger brother. The boy smiled sweetly at me with narrowed eyes like crescent moons. I agree if someone says that he is very cute. When his birth there was an extraordinary uproar. And that happened three years ago.


Thunder rumbles came one after another without rest. The black sky in the middle of the night was dotted with wisps of gray clouds without a faint light shining on the expanse of black ash overhead. I feel I need to return to the palace right now.

Today Freya, my mother, is pregnant with her big belly. There was a little baby there and I thought that soon I would be a big sister for the first time. Actually I have assigned someone to watch over my mother. And also father should have returned to the palace from his duties in the capital soon. But I feel like this time it will be a bit troublesome without me.

Lily, a winged white wolf, my friend from my original world came flying to me from the dark sky. To be honest, I'm a little grateful that I can still summon it even though most of its power is sealed. Even the size that should have been as tall as two adults, was now only the size of an ordinary white wolf. Luckily, because my body is still small, Lily won't find it difficult to fly me.

I rushed back from my practice site which was in the middle of the forest. Right, I can say that right now I'm running away from the palace. Because if I train in the palace, the magic explosion that is generated will affect Freya's magic balance. So I thought, I'd better stay away a bit. And I really did not predict that the birth would occur at noon today.

"Shit, if I had known at least I wouldn't have left the palace," I grumbled.

From the top of the castle hill, I could see that many blood-red magic auras were emitting from the back wall of the palace. And I could also see that the soldiers standing guard there seemed to be unconscious. They were smart enough to think that behind a palace that meant a garden of labyrinths, there would be few guards standing guard there.

"Apparently you're the one who managed to make me have to return to the palace immediately." I said straightforwardly while watching someone who was trying to break into the palace.

Lily lowered her altitude towards them. I jumped down and assigned Lily to help hold off a friend of the people trying to kill Freya and Valencia's sister. I could assume there were three people in total, and the person I assigned seemed to be dealing with two people at once. And their location was already near the palace because there was white smoke gathering around the western palace door. I do not understand what the task of someone who is now in front of me.

"I hope there is a little calm in this world," I said again casually by walking slowly toward the person in the black hood.

"To think you would come here... You are a failure who should not live in this world! And the body inside the queen's belly is a hindrance to a bright future--"

"You will see something bright after I kill you."


<Fire Bomb>

A huge burst of flames exploded towards him before he continued his speech. Because I know it's just nonsense. It should be his level, he wouldn't die instantly just from that explosion.

"An seven year old child like you possessing such great power is one of the future calamities that must be exterminated!!" shouted the man who apparently managed to avoid the explosion.

I chuckled softly. I wasn't laughing at him saying that, but I was laughing at myself for not being able to kill him in just one strike. If they had expected me to come here, then they would have sent strong people to fight me. Moreover, the queen's unbalanced condition due to her big pregnancy and the king who was not in the palace. It was truly a situation that had been in the making for a long time. I raised my right hand up.

"Let's see who perishes first," I said, I lowered my hand pointing it forward.


<Single Lightning Root>

The impact was so loud that I felt tremors in my legs. I cupped my hands forward.

<Root Path>

Plant roots emerged from the ground and crawled towards the hooded man.

<Windswords >

A magic circle appeared in front of me and I swung my two hands that were closed down.


The barrage of attacks was enough to drive me crazy because it required quite a lot of magic aura.

Thick red liquid flooded the ground, mixed with rainwater that was pouring down. I took a deep breath. Luckily the barrage of attacks had killed him because I was aiming for that person's neck and heart. At least because of the sharp concentration, my magic aura drains a lot to cause a critical hit.


The sound of the explosion echoed sending chills through the air around me. I looked back and saw a faint puff of smoke rising between the roofs of the capital's houses. I don't know why there's smoke there. Maybe they did it on purpose to distract Aldrich since Aldrich was still in the capital.

"It's troublesome," said I'm tired.


Now there was the sound of breaking glass and from the broken glass, a wolf was biting the neck of a person wearing a hood. Lily literally tore the man to pieces quite brutally.

"Princess, I'll take care of the rest."

I looked up and found Kris, the butler of the palace looking at me with a friendly smile as usual. That's right, the person I've assigned to keep watch around the queen these few days besides the soldiers and maids is that old man. I have quite a bit of faith in him since he's been serving from when the previous queen was still presiding. To be honest, I found the butler to be quite a mystery because now I can see if he managed to incapacitate one of these people. Also he was the first to know of Lily's whereabouts, and was willing to keep his mouth shut until I told everyone myself.

I nodded to him in understanding as a thank you. I looked back at the capital, waiting and staring silently at the wisps of smoke from the fire that was being extinguished by the rain. I looked down to find the red liquid splashing onto my black training shoes.

Deg… haha!

<Ground Teeth>

Silence. there was only the sound of the rain still bursting with a black magic circle rotating under my feet. Curse magic. They are blood relatives, that's why I can use curse magic just by stepping on the blood of another sibling. I don't know if the magic worked or not because it's quite far from the palace. But now my aura is completely drained when I cast that curse magic. Right now I can only stay silent while staring blankly at the dark sky.

After that incident, Valencia's younger brother was born. Freya asked me to name the baby boy with azure hair as her older sister. Venus Neil, I broke up. I put an oblong crystal earring on Venus's left ear the same color as the boy's hair. I made the earrings from the remnants of the aura that I managed to collect back after the attempted assassination of the queen and future princes in this kingdom.


And the earrings still glisten bluish to this day. I smiled faintly and approached while opening my mouth, willing to accept a mouthful of porridge from this two year old boy. Actually who should be fed.

"Very good, littel boy Valencia," I said happily. "Thank you."

"Hehe yes, sis!!" Venus said.

"Geez!! You guys are so adorable!!" Freya said, she felt exasperated now.

"Oh yes, mom remembered something. How about today we go sightseeing and see what's on sale in town? I'm sure you will like it if you come there," Freya offered.

Ughh.. traveling? I'm already planning to run away tonight!!

"Sure mom, that sounds really interesting!" I said excitedly.

Damn, this must be boring...

"Okay, we'll leave at noon!!" Freya said no less excited.

"Then what about me?" asked Aldrich in a sad tone.

"Don't forget your meeting with the councilors today," Freya replied.

I can see from the man's face that is getting gloomy with his lips slightly forward. I prefer not to get involved directly by continuing my meal.

"Me! I'll bring something for you dad."

Venus said very cutely. The child still has the small spoon in his right hand, raising his hand as high as he can. Because of that the father and mother laughed because of their son's behavior. Yeah, another quiet day today.
