
Stuck in TVD

Alexander wakes up in The Vampire Diaries. What will he do?

Westley86 · TV
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Well the party was slightly interesting I suppose, by the time I got back to the girls with the drinks, I noticed Stefan already worming his way into Elenas life. I figured I would do something somewhat petty and bring his secret out in to the open so that Elena has a chance to make her own choices without the lies and hidden meanings and assumptions.

"Hey ladies! What did I miss?" They all three just looked over and smiled or waved. "Hey, have you met Stefan yet?" Elena asked cheerily.

Stefan was standing close to her as I walked into the group. "I don't believe we have technically been introduced yet but I do believe I know a little bit about him from a few journals I read." They looked curious about what that could even mean as it was a bit weird and vague.

"Stefan, I didn't know you were famous?" Caroline asked in amusement. "I'm not." He said almost bitterly, probably knowing or guessing where I'm going with this. "Do you want to come clean or do i need to show them what you are?" I asked him and he grimaced. "I have no issue with you specifically but you being here will draw your monster brother putting them all in danger. They need to know." I tell Stefan bluntly, no room for arguments allowed.

The others just look curious at the byplay not really understanding what we are talking about. I just raised my eyebrow and he just shakes his head in a negative.

"Very well." If he won't do it I'll have to force a show and tell. I put my hands behind my back and summon a small ice dagger and cut my palms much to Stefans dismay.

As I put my hands out in front of me, a pool of blood in my palms, all the girls look at it in shock and Elena grimaces as she turns to look at Stefan which soon turns into a look of shock as she sees his eyes changing, going veiny and slightly demonic looking.

The other girls notice quickly as well and begin to panic a bit. "Ladies calm down, Stefan isn't going to hurt anybody, are you?" I ask as I look him directly in the eyes. "Good now go find a Bambi or whatever it is you eat and you can explain yourself to her if she wishes to listen." He flashes away much to the shock of the others as they were still looking in his direction.

Once he is gone they all 3 look at me almost simultaneously. Elena is the first to recover a bit. "W-what the hell was that Alex? What do you know?" She asked me her lips pressed in a firm line. She is clearly scared but still cognizant. The others though seem to be listening raptly especially Bonnie.

"He is what you would call a vampire Elena. If you would all like to join me at my home, I can explain what I know about such things, I will include my own story I suppose, such as it is anyways. It's not overly complicated though.

Until then, call or text me when you want to meet, you all have my number and know where I live." I tell them as I begin to walk off. This was going to be a long walk home without a car. Thankfully I got the vamp speed.


"Damn, I forgot about Vicki!" What a waste, Alex thought to himself in annoyance. Well at least she survives the night.