



The wolf's howl brings Nikhil's thoughts back together as he continues running forward.

Wheather or not I have really transported to another world will have to wait, first of all I need to do something about this beast.....

Turning his head, Nikhil saw that the beast was closing the distance between them at a rapid pace.

Dammit of course it's faster than me.


Something....there's got to be something I can use.....

Nikhil's mind continued to work at maximum capacity while the distance between the wolf and him continued to decrease.

Remember about the evergreen forest. It is the very first stage of the tutorial..it has four guardians..yes! The four guardians!!!!

A glint passed through Nikhil's eyes as he remembered information about the Evergreen Forest from the game.

Instead of running in a straight direction, he started running zig-zag.


From behind him, Nikhil could hear the sound of the wolf crashing into trees, But that did not stop him as he kept running.


Spotting a familiar section of the forest, he ran straight for it.

Nikhil's fists involuntarily clenched up as he saw the wall made out of green leafs.


Clenching his teeth, he decided to not change direction and kept running towards the leaf wall.

Almost there.



Putting force on his feets, Nikhil jumped, passing right through the screen of green leafs.

While mid-air, Nikhil looked down as a thought passed through his mind.

...just why did I choose this method?....

Unfortunately it was too late to regret as his body started falling down.

Suppressing the urge to scream, Nikhil straightened his body and looked down at the beautiful blue lake below.


A splashing sound rang's out as Nikhil drops in the water.

Movung his arms and legs as he swim towards the water surface.

*deep breadth*

As soon as his head comes out, Nikhil takes in a mouthful of breadth.


A curse escapes Nikhil's mouth as he looks at the shadow of a figure covering him.

With fanatic movements, he moved his arms and legs in order to get out of the way.


A giant fountain comes flying out as the figure makes contact with the water.

Without even looking back to see if the figure survived or not, he quickly makes his way towards the shore.


A familiar sound comes from behind, As the giant wolf pops its head out of water and starts swimming towards Nikhil


Nikhil's back turn cold as he hear the sound of the wolf getting closer and closer.

Come on make it

Nikhil said in his mind as he put more force in both of his arms and legs


'Almost there....'


I made it!

Cheering in his mind Nikhil places his foot on solid ground

Turning his head he look behind, But surprisingly the wolf was no longer there all that was left was a weirdly calm lake.

It's definitely the water guardian.....let's get out of here first....

Seeing the eerie lake, a feeling of deja vu stuck him as he remembered some bad memories.

But just as Nikhil was about to walk away.



Giant splashes of water forms on the surface of the lake as the painful voice of the wolf rangs out.

Hearing the sound, Nikhil jerked his head backward.

Turning his head,he saw the giant wolf struggling to get out of water, it seemed like something was pulling him in the lake.

Is that......

Taking a closer look at the wolf he saw that his body was getting entangled by the giant green rope like thing.


The angry voice of the wolf comes out as it bites down at the green thing entangling its body.

Weird blue coloured liquid starts coming out of the place bit by the wolf.


Once again the wolf gathers the white ball in it's mouth as quickly releases it.


A small explosion happens as the green thing around the wolf breaks down in two and the wolf regains it's freedom but unfortunately it also received the blow head on and thus its lower jaw seems to be dislocated.


Suddenly a angry hissing sound comes from underneath the lake as a giant almost 5 meter snake with green scales and ruby like red eyes comes above the surface.

The wolf and snake stares at each other like meeting their mortal enemy and then once again start fighting.


A stray wind attack from the wolf lands right next to the tree near Nikhil,cutting it down in two clean halves.

Yup, let's get out of here

He didn't have to think twice before he started away from the terrifying scene.

After running away for a good distance, Nikhil stops as he sits down while putting his back against a tree.

I can't believe I'm not feeling even a bit of exhaustion after all that....

Now that the situation has calmed down a bit, Nikhil started thinking about some things which were obviously not right.

Not only that but I didn't feel any pain even after jumping down from a height of fifty some feets.....


Moving his hand, Nikhil plucked one of his hair out.

Since when did my hair turned golden?

The corners of his mouth twitched as he clearly understand that this is definitely not his body.

While Nikhil's thoughts were wondering around, A melodious voice comes to my ear.

"My my I really didn't thought that you would actually survive but...I suppose that survive isn't quite the right word to describe your situation.

Nikhil's eyes enlarges as he looks at the figure which has suddenly appeared in front of him without any prior notice.

"Well I'll keep my curiosity aside for now and introduce myself first"

A beautiful girl with blue coloured hair and dark blue eyes, with fair skin....

But Nikhil's attention was not on her otherworldly beauty but on the pair of snow white wings behind her back giving out a holy feeling.

"My name is XXXXXX but since you won't be able to pronounce my name you can just call me Elisia"