
Stuck in a Chinese novel

An amazing world of cultivation. A majestic world where miracles happen. There is a warrior who defies destiny and forge his own path facing innumerable difficulties ahead. Come and join the life of the person who will go against the set destiny of the cruel world and become something extraordinary. ===== Extraordinary my foot. What is this illogical cr*p? Does it even make sense? If you are doctor, then work in a hospital. What the hell are you doing going after girls? If you are a commander in the army, then bring your army to get revenge on those who wronged you. Why go through the trouble of pretending to be a weakling. You are a useless son in law? Your wife's family thinks you are good for nothing? Then how the hell did you score her in the first place?!!! If they like money so much and you are a hidden millionaire, then why in the name of sanity would you hide this fact and be berated every day?!!! The hell is all this?!!! The more I read it, the more illogical it becomes. Like this all came straight out of someone's as-- [Host, why don't you calm down?] 'You shut up!!! You're the reason I'm stuck here in the first place!!!!' [Host, you need anger management] 'THE FU*K DID YOU SAY?!!!!!' ===== Hello everyone! This is my second novel and so far, nothing is decided. This is just an idea that has been plaguing my mind for quite a long time and I decided to let it out and let you guys decide whether or not I should work on it. Give it a proper read and let me know. You guys will decide the fate of this novel. Also, I would like you guys to come up with proper genres for this story. Bonus chapters: 150 PS for one chapter 300 PS for another chapter 20 GT for two chapters 50 GT for another two chapters 1 Review of 4 stars or above, 1 extra chapters Maximum extra chapters per week: 7 ===== The cover is A.I generated and is not mine. If the real owner would like me to remove it, let me know in any chapter comments. That's it. Enjoy!

Bad_Wolf_7811 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
201 Chs


Chapter 15

"There you are." Wei Jun said with a smile as he pulled out the shining stone from the wall. It was green in color and there were veins inside of the stone. The stone seemed to be pulsating with power.

'Does it have any use for me?' Wei Jun asked his system.

[You can absorb the Qi inside to increase your own but seeing as you have no Qi, storing it inside your inventory would be a good idea]

'I see.' Wei Jun nodded and put it inside his inventory. Then he waited and waited but the desired message wasn't showing up.

'Why haven't I received the EXP for this?' He asked the system with a frown.

[The item still exists]

[It might end up with Run Long some way so until it isn't completely depleted of power or destroyed, the opportunity still exists]

'That doesn't make sense. How will he obtain something from my inventory?' Wei Jun annoyingly asked.

[The world works in mysterious ways]

The reasoning given by the system somewhat made sense. If the world could somehow bring a plane when Run Long was falling from the building, then anything could happen.

'I can't believe I just thought it made sense.' Wei Jun, a little disheartened, opened the shop and searched for something and after a little while, he found it.

[Blue Fang dagger: 5000 gold]

Wei Jun still had about four thousand gold left in the shop after he bought this dagger. The reason to buy this dagger was simple, the people waiting outside this room had dangerous intentions regarding Wei Jun. If they knew who Wei Jun was, they wouldn't do it but since they didn't, their greed blinded them.

[Blue Fang dagger

Tier: E

Description: A dagger made from the venomous snake known as Blue Calamity. The dagger made from its fang has poisonous properties. The dagger makes the user swifter compared to normal. It also has a few interesting effects that have a random chance of applying


Attack +30

Agility +5

50% chance of bleed effect applying

50% chance of poison effect applying

5% chance of a critical hit

Additional information: The poison effect would depend on the opponent's Qi level. If the opponent has Qi, the special effects will apply every time]

Wei Jun carefully read the description and effects of the dagger. He was very pleased with the qualities and effects of the dagger. Just for five thousand, the dagger was very good.

It was very well crafted as well. The sharpened blade was purple in color while the hilt was dark. Both the blade and hilt were held together by some kind of metal. There were also some inscriptions on the dagger that Wei Jun suspected applied the effects of the dagger.

Even after reading the description, Wei Jun remained in his spot, motionless for a while. Ten minutes passed and he didn't move. The people standing outside the door finally became impatient and opened the door.

"And here I thought you would never enter." Wei Jun commented as three men barged into the room and stood some distance away from him.

Although it sounded like he was saying that to no one in particular, the three men knew it was directed at them so the man at the reception replied, "So you knew about it? that's good if you already know. Hand over everything you have and we will let you go."

Wei Jun didn't reply. He simply turned around and stared at them.

'I don't need their names, just tell me their stats.' He commanded his system while he simply just stared at them without saying anything.

[Strength: 13, Agility: 7, Stamina: 11]

[Strength: 8, Agility: 15, Stamina: 4]

[Strength: 10, Agility: 10, Stamina: 9]

The stats of all the men were higher than Wei Jun's but he could tell that they had no fighting experience. All they knew was how to brawl. None of them knew proper fighting techniques.

[Strength: 7]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 8]

Wei Jun equipped the dagger and his agility increased to thirteen. He felt lighter on his feet as if weight had been removed from his feet.

Just as a dagger appeared in his hand, the three men became wary as one of them said, "We don't want to end this in blood. Just give us everything you have."

But Wei Jun wasn't in the mood to listen. The three men were murderers. An experienced man like Wei Jun could tell so he decided to kill them anyway.

Wei Jun didn't reply and turned his gaze to the one in the middle, the receptionist. He was the one with the lowest stamina but the highest agility among all of them.

Without a word, Wei Jun leaped at him, his dagger prepared in his other hand. The man moved to guard himself as the rest of the two men leapt at Wei Jun but mid-way through, Wei Jun stopped himself effortlessly but the rest of the men couldn't.

It was a feint. Wei Jun changed his target to the one who was most unstable at the moment. The third man with balanced stats. Wei Jun leaped at him and before he could even react to the speed displayed by Wei Jun, a small cut had already appeared on his cheek, Wei Jun hurriedly stepped back and the receptionist who had jumped at him missed.

Wei Jun ignored the receptionist and the man who he had just nicked and targeted the last man with the highest strength but low agility and as expected, he couldn't keep up with the agility shown by Wei Jun along with the techniques displayed by Wei Jun.

In just a moment, Wei Jun was behind him. "Watch out!" The receptionist warned his companion but it was already too late. Wei Jun had already driven his dagger through the man's heart.

The rest of the goons stood there, horrified as they couldn't believe how easily a boy half their size and probably half in age as well, so cruelly killed one of them.

"What are you so surprised about? If you guys started this, you should have the guts to see this through the end as well." Wei Jun spoke while retracting his dagger from the man he had just stabbed who slowly slumped to the floor.


If you find any grammatical errors, please highlight them because I couldn't proofread this chapter. I had a long day at the university.

Also, the three chapters for the second review are shifted to tomorrow for the same reason.

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