
Stuck in a Chinese novel

An amazing world of cultivation. A majestic world where miracles happen. There is a warrior who defies destiny and forge his own path facing innumerable difficulties ahead. Come and join the life of the person who will go against the set destiny of the cruel world and become something extraordinary. ===== Extraordinary my foot. What is this illogical cr*p? Does it even make sense? If you are doctor, then work in a hospital. What the hell are you doing going after girls? If you are a commander in the army, then bring your army to get revenge on those who wronged you. Why go through the trouble of pretending to be a weakling. You are a useless son in law? Your wife's family thinks you are good for nothing? Then how the hell did you score her in the first place?!!! If they like money so much and you are a hidden millionaire, then why in the name of sanity would you hide this fact and be berated every day?!!! The hell is all this?!!! The more I read it, the more illogical it becomes. Like this all came straight out of someone's as-- [Host, why don't you calm down?] 'You shut up!!! You're the reason I'm stuck here in the first place!!!!' [Host, you need anger management] 'THE FU*K DID YOU SAY?!!!!!' ===== Hello everyone! This is my second novel and so far, nothing is decided. This is just an idea that has been plaguing my mind for quite a long time and I decided to let it out and let you guys decide whether or not I should work on it. Give it a proper read and let me know. You guys will decide the fate of this novel. Also, I would like you guys to come up with proper genres for this story. Bonus chapters: 150 PS for one chapter 300 PS for another chapter 20 GT for two chapters 50 GT for another two chapters 1 Review of 4 stars or above, 1 extra chapters Maximum extra chapters per week: 7 ===== The cover is A.I generated and is not mine. If the real owner would like me to remove it, let me know in any chapter comments. That's it. Enjoy!

Bad_Wolf_7811 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
194 Chs

Going Shopping

Chapter 2

Xu Kang and Chen Xian slowly opened the door to see their young master sitting on his bed, completely naked and huffing like an angry bull. This was a sight they had never seen before.

As soon as their presence was announced even lightly, the eyes of their young master turned to them. A shiver ran through both of their spines. Xu Kang was understandable since she was a normal human but the same couldn't be said for Chen Xian who was a Qi master at a fairly high realm.

Yet looking into those eyes overflowing with anger, all they could see was coldness and freezing coldness that froze them down to their souls for a tenth of a second.

"Who are you?" Their young master asked, noticing both of them standing there at the door, frozen out of fear or something else.

Both of them forgot to reply because the earlier image was still fresh in their minds. However, the lack of reply made their already angry young master, angrier.

"I SAID WHO THE HELL ARE BOTH OF YOU?!!!!!" A shout that would even rouse the dead hit both of them and knocked them out of their trance.

"Apo… Apologies, Young Master Ruan. We are your loyal servants." They both replied in sync in a little louder than usual voices. It was nothing compared to the shouts of their master though.

"Then say that without spacing out." Their young master replied scoldingly and settled back down in the bed, still naked.

Seeing his state of dress, Xu Kang spoke, "Young master, if you sit like that, you will catch a cold."

She wasn't concerned about her young master's health but concerned that if something happened to him under their watch, it would be their heads on the spike even if their chairman was a kind-hearted person.

Only then did the Young Ruan lower his head and see that he was completely naked even without underwear. He heaved a sigh and stood up, still naked. He didn't even bother to cover himself and walked over to the walk-in closet that was full of clothes.

Both the servants saw their young master head in and soon, another shout followed, "WHY ARE THERE NO DECENT CLOTHES TO WEAR?!!! DO YOU WANT ME TO DRESS LIKE A CLOWN?!!!"

Xu Kang felt like her eardrums were in pain from that shout. Their young master waltzed out of the closet in underwear and a pair of sandals and addressed Chen Xian, "Take me to a good tailor. A very good one."

It was a wonder, many of their young master's acts were wonders but they didn't have the time to question that because they were completely overwhelmed by the shouts of their young master.

Chen Xian nodded hurriedly and led the young master to the outside of the villa. Every servant in the villa bowed when their young master passed but they were taken aback by his state of dressing, however, from the looks of it, the young master didn't care.

He was loaded into a car and the car left with the driver under a lot of stress because of his master's unusual behavior. Usually, he was just worse, today, he was unpredictable. Chen Xian was personally in the passenger seat because he was also baffled at their young master's new antics.

While in the back seat of the black luxurious limo, the young Ruan alone sat while staring into empty space with anger seething in his eyes. The good news was, he wasn't shouting at least.

'Explain in simpler terms.' He asked the voice in his head.

[Ye.. Yes]

The voice in his head stuttered but began to explain itself nonetheless.

[Currently, host, you are in another world]

[A world of novels]

Young Ruan didn't say anything for a while but the voice braced itself for another shout because the anger of the young Ruan seemed to be increasing.

'Continue.' The young Ruan simply thought which was meant for the voice in his head.

[Your objective is to survive in this world without dying for fifty years]

'Who would kill me?' He asked next after the voice's latest reveal.

[The world]

[The will of the world will try to kill you one way or another since you are destined to be the stepping stone for the protagonists]

The voice paused to let the situation sink in inside the host's hot head. The young Ruan said nothing for a while, his anger levels kept going up and down with each passing second.

'What do you mean protagonists?' He asked next, picking that one detail that many might have missed. The voice had said protagonists which signified there was more than one protagonist.

[You are the villain of the first novel but if you manage to clear the first novel, you will automatically become the villain of the second novel]

'What if I choose not to be involved?' The young Ruan asked next.

[You… You cannot. You have to be.]

The young Ruan said nothing in reply and asked, 'How would I know what to do? I have never read such novels before.'

[The host has never read novels?]

The voice asked astonished at the young Ruan's reply.

'I run ten different world-level companies across seven different time zones of different countries. Do you think I would have time for something like this? I don't even have time for a girlfriend.' The young Ruan replied in his head.

The voice was astonished once again but chose to entice its host.

[Then you can have all the girls you want in this world]

'DO YOU THINK I CAN'T GET ONE IN MY WORLD?!!!! I JUST CHOOSE NOT TO!!!!" Young Ruan yelled in his head which made the voice tremble once more.

"Young master, we have arrived." Just then, Chen Xian informed, opening the partition of the driver section and the back of the limo.

'We will continue this conversation later.' Young Ruan said in his head and got out of the limo.

"Do you intend to go inside like this, Young Master?" Chen Xian asked. Even on the road, the people were glancing at young Ruan weirdly. Some were even taking pictures.

Young Ruan didn't reply and simply walked up to the entrance of the glamorous and luxurious-looking shop.


Let me know what you think of the characters. Unfortunately, I can't and won't make any changes to the MC.

I can, however, make changes in how the others are to him. Allies, enemies, whatever you think, let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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