
Strongest Superhuman System

Four years ago, the first-ever Armageddon Class Anima appeared on Earth, destroying everything that it touched and threatening the lives of the entire world's population! But along with it came Superhumans that had the blessing of mana. They rose up to fight against the Armageddon, and leading them was the strongest Superhuman, KING. After two days and three nights of nonstop battle, KING gave his life to stop the Armageddon and give the Superhumans a fighting chance against the invading Anima, and everyone in the world remembers his good deeds and sacrifice! ... Mark was just an average Superhuman living in City A. His daily routine was skipping classes and hanging out with his only two friends while hunting for Anima in secret whenever he could. But this easy life was not going to last for long as the hidden power he sacrificed a long time ago began to awaken once more! [Initializing Superhuman System...] [Recognizing Host... Host Recognized.] [Parsing Constitution. Host Fully Healed. No Traces Of Residual Damage.] "Hello once again, Mark Vanitas. Has it already been four years?" ... Posting Schedule: Two chapters a day everyday, except days when extra chapters are posted along with the regular ones.

Legioneer_1000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
533 Chs

New Skill Tree

Fiona jumped away from the area just as a large flame began to surge around Tylor, and a massive storm of fire erupted around his body to signal the beginning of his attack. The monsters would not stand a chance against Tylor, and Fiona was sure that Tylor would not leave any of them alive, so she could leave this place and go toward the area where she sensed the Calamity Class and Mark were.

Fiona landed on top of a building and looked down on the area where Mark fought against the Calamity Class, and she could only raise her hand to her mouth in shock.

"Oh my~ This is far beyond what we expected~! Did that vigilante really cause all of this~? I already disregarded him, but maybe I should reevaluate his worth. It might not be so bad to have him in the Artemis guild~"

Fiona began to talk to herself as she looked at Mark's handiwork, and she knew that he would not be a bad addition to her guild. There were already two S ranks in her guild, but from the amount of destruction here, Fiona could tell that Mark was on a different level from those S ranks. They needed strong people if they were going to stand out from all the other guilds out there!

The entire area was a wreck! The buildings were destroyed, and flames were surging to life because some of the gas pipelines in the buildings were starting to burst and leak. There was going to be a very large uproar about this incident, and it would probably take months for them to properly fix the damage that it caused!

And standing in the middle of the wreckage without a care in the world was the man who caused all of it. Fiona narrowed her eyes at him curiously, and she wondered what sort of person GHOST was. She could tell that he was just a teenager from how young he looked, but that was all she could tell. Well, as long as he was a teenager and a man, things would be easy for her. He is just another person that she needs to get under her control~!

[User has successfully completed the mission: Crush the Calamity Class Anima without suffering any more damage!]

[The Calamity Class Anima has dealt significant damage to the user, and the user's Durability level is less than half of what it should be. Crush the Calamity Class and win this fight without suffering any more damage to your body!]


+50 Stat points

+50 Skill points

The user will gain a new skill tree.

[The User has gained the new evolvable Skill Tree: Taunting!]

[Current Taunting Variation: Call of The Shadow Wolves [F rank]]

[Taunting [F rank (1/100)]: This Skill lures enemies with a lower Rank towards the User, diverting their attention from all distractions and encouraging aggressive engagement! At the current level, the skill has a 20% chance of working on opponents one rank lower than the user!]

[Comment from GoG: Be careful with this one. It can be a blessing and a curse!]

Mark read through the system notifications and he agreed that this new skill tree could be both a blessing and a curse. If Mark used it properly, then he could gain more power by taking all the kills for himself, but if he didn't use it well, then he would end up biting off more than he could chew!

Mark closed this tab, and another tab came up immediately after!

[Due to constant action, the user has unlocked a new evolvable Skill tree: Blunt Force Trauma!]

[Blunt Force Trauma [F rank (1/100)]: This skill heightens the probability of landing a critical hit as the user delivers consecutive successful punches to the enemy, harnessing the cumulative impact for devastating effectiveness! At the current level, the chances of landing a critical attack increase by 1% with every consecutive punch. Critical Attack deals +100% extra damage to the enemy!]

Wait! I can get skills just from repeating actions! This was an amazing discovery for Mark! He didn't know that he could make a skill just by doing one thing over and over again! The possible applications for this were endless! Mark could learn how to use a weapon and practice with it over and over again until it becomes a skill! Or he could learn a martial art and repeat the actions until the system recognized it as a skill!

[The Superhuman System can only create skills from actions that are done during battle! Actions carried out outside of battle will only improve stats and existing skill points.]

Mark deflated in annoyance as the system sent this message, but he didn't stay down for long as he recognized that this was still an amazing development! The possibility that Mark could make a Martial art into a skill was still high, but Mark decided against trying to make a weapon-based skill. Learning how to use weapons was too tedious and time-consuming, and Mark would rather use that time to learn a martial art since he loved fighting with his fists more!

Mark looked at the skill that he got, and he could immediately tell that this skill was amazing just from the description that he read! The skill would allow Mark to land more dangerous punches the longer he fights against his enemy! The longer he fights, the higher the chance that he would be able to land a critical hit and the higher the chance of him winning! The skill was awesome!


Name: Mark Vanitas

Race: Human

Title: [He Who Perseveres Through Hell. (+10% increase to all stats.)]

Rank: A [1900/3000]

Affiliation: True Good

Unused Stat Points: 50

Unused Skill Points: 50

Strength: 750 (+75) (+70)

Stamina: 600 (+60) (+58)

Agility: 550 (+55)

Durability: 400 (+40)

Mana: 170 (+17)

[System stats are greatly unbalanced, and the User is advised to improve the lacking stat to ensure proper growth.]


-> Full Body Constitution: This is a unique skill tree enabling the user to systematically enhance and fortify every aspect of their physical form, elevating strength and resilience to unprecedented levels!

Current Full Body Constitution: Soldier Ant Constitution: 1/100

[Soldier Ant Constitution: This skill endows the user with the ability to enhance their physical strength to levels proportionate to that of a soldier ant, enabling them to withstand power that is ten times higher than their current physical capability!]

-> Mana Circulation: Mana Circulation is a skill enabling the user to enhance the efficiency of mana distribution throughout their body, optimizing energy flow for heightened senses and greater strength.

Current Mana Circulation Stage: F Rank [11/100]

[Stat Improvements Due to Application of Mana]

Strength: +4%

Stamina: +4%

-> Taunting: This Skill lures enemies with a lower Rank towards the User, diverting their attention from all distractions and encouraging aggressive engagement!

Current Taunting Variation: Call of the Night Wolves [F Rank [1/100]]

Probability of successful Taunting Based on Level: 20%

-> Blunt Force Trauma: This skill heightens the probability of landing a critical hit as the user delivers consecutive successful punches to the enemy, harnessing the cumulative impact for devastating effectiveness! Critical Attacks deal +100% extra damage to the enemy!

Current Rank:

 F Rank [1/100]

Probability of landing a Critical Attack: +1% for every successful consecutive hit.

[Comment from GoG: I just checked and I saw that you're still a fucking virgin! Hahaha! All these skills and yet you have no bitches!]

Mark felt his eye twitch in annoyance as he read the message from Sozin. What the fuck does he mean by he checked!? How can you check if a man is a virgin or not!? 

Does Sozin mean that he went and watched Mark's life!? Or wait... did he go through my memories!? This fucking bastard! How can you go through someone's memories looking for something as stupid as that!?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Legioneer_1000creators' thoughts