
Strongest Superhuman System

Four years ago, the first-ever Armageddon Class Anima appeared on Earth, destroying everything that it touched and threatening the lives of the entire world's population! But along with it came Superhumans that had the blessing of mana. They rose up to fight against the Armageddon, and leading them was the strongest Superhuman, KING. After two days and three nights of nonstop battle, KING gave his life to stop the Armageddon and give the Superhumans a fighting chance against the invading Anima, and everyone in the world remembers his good deeds and sacrifice! ... Mark was just an average Superhuman living in City A. His daily routine was skipping classes and hanging out with his only two friends while hunting for Anima in secret whenever he could. But this easy life was not going to last for long as the hidden power he sacrificed a long time ago began to awaken once more! [Initializing Superhuman System...] [Recognizing Host... Host Recognized.] [Parsing Constitution. Host Fully Healed. No Traces Of Residual Damage.] "Hello once again, Mark Vanitas. Has it already been four years?" ... Posting Schedule: Two chapters a day everyday, except days when extra chapters are posted along with the regular ones.

Legioneer_1000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
533 Chs

Be Grateful

Mark stopped stomping immediately when he heard this, and he looked up to see a boy floating in front of him. The boy was wearing blue shorts and a red shirt, and he had a cap over his white hair! This was Sozin! The god of Games!

"It's you. I didn't think I would ever get to see you again while I was alive. It's been four years already."

Mark could only smile happily as he said this, and Sozin laughed in that jovial way that Mark could still remember from four years ago! Sozin was floating in the air and he spun around erratically in a playful manner while chuckling to himself.

It has already been four years, but everything still felt the same about Sozin. Mark might have felt like it was a long time, but to Sozin, it might as well have only been a second! Sozin has lived too long to consider four years as any time at all! Four years to him was barely a moment!!

"You're in a real mess right now, aren't you? I thought you had bad luck before, but now I can only think that you went behind my back and made a deal with the God of Bad luck! You're right at the God of Death's doorstep!"

Sozin laughed loudly as he said this, and he finally calmed down after a few seconds of this! Mark rolled his eyes because he knew that it was true! Both times that Mark has met the God of Games, he has been right at death's doorstep, and it felt like there was some sort of angel of bad luck following Mark wherever he goes! Or maybe it was even the God of Games himself that was the angel of bad luck!

Mark could only think like this while chuckling to himself at the strange thought! He glanced at his system and smiled as he saw the system tab that showed all his stats. There were some more messages that started popping up as the stats stopped loading.

[System has detected high levels of strength within the user.]

[The user was not idle during the four-year break, and many stats have been improved.]

[Recalibrating User stats to properly reflect the user's current state.]

[Recalibrating: 1%]

[Recalibrating: 5%]

[Recalibrating: 20%]

[Recalibrating: 75%]

[Recalibrating: 92%]

[Recalibrating: 99%]

[Recalibration complete.]


Name: Mark Vanitas

Race: Human

Title: Nil

Rank: A [1900/3000]

Affiliation: True Good

Unused Stat Points: 0

Unused Skill Points: 0


Strength: 750

Stamina: 600

Agility: 550

Durability: 400

Mana: 150

[System stats are greatly unbalanced, and the User is advised to improve the lacking stat to ensure proper growth.]



-> Full Body Constitution: This is a unique skill tree enabling the user to systematically enhance and fortify every aspect of their physical form, elevating strength and resilience to unprecedented levels!

Current Full Body Constitution: Soldier Ant Constitution: 1/100

[Soldier Ant Constitution: This skill endows the user with the ability to enhance their physical strength to levels proportionate to that of a soldier ant, enabling them to exhibit power that is ten times higher than their current physical capability!]

-> Mana Circulation: Mana Circulation is a skill enabling the user to enhance the efficiency of mana distribution throughout their body, optimizing energy flow for heightened senses and greater strength.

Current Mana Circulation Stage: F Rank [1/100]

[Stat Improvements Due to Application of Mana]

Strength: +2%

Stamina: +2%

[Comment from GoG: Hahahahahahah! You're so weak!]

[Due to the User's tenacious work ethic, the system has granted the User a gift. All hail the system!]


[Stat Points: +20]

[Skill Points: +10]

[The User has gained a new title: He Who Perseveres Through Hell.]

[He Who Perseveres Through Hell: The user never lost faith in the system through the four years of system shutdown. This shows great dedication and tenacity in the User! This title grants the User a 10% boost to all stats when the User is facing off against an opponent that is at least one rank higher than the User!]

When Mark finished reading all of this, he couldn't stop his heart from soaring in joy! He finally got his system back! He was no longer just an ordinary human, and he could now fight with his blessing! But there were a lot of things that Mark still didn't understand about his system, and he decided that he would have to ask Sozin about these things. The first thing that Mark found strange was the fact that he still had some of the skills that Sozin gifted him when he made a deal four years ago.

Skills like [Full Body Constitution] and [Mana Circulation] were not in the system when Mark first got them! They were just gifts that Sozin gave to Mark when Mark wanted to fight against the Armageddon class, so why were they still here!? Don't tell me that Sozin was going to allow me to keep them! That was awesome! Mark was sure that when he got back his system, he would have to start from scratch again because Sozin said that all the power he gave him was only temporary, but starting from this point wasn't so bad at all!

Mark then glanced at his Rank and he wondered what the numbers beside it meant. Mark was an A rank, but he had a counter that showed him how far he was away frm moving to the next rank. Was it some sort of addition of hi skills. Mark asked Sozin about this and Sozin floated around Mark and looked down at the system over Mark's shoulder as he said.

"I see you already saw the skills that you got from me. I thought about taking them away from you, but for some reason, I couldn't take them away. I know; it is strange to me too, but there are really things that even we gods are not capable of. The numbers beside your rank are from your stats. The addition of your three highest stats will determine how powerful you really are, so it's up to you to decide how you wish to distribute your stat points to grow stronger.

"Maybe you wan to put everything into Mana and become a mage, or maybe you want to add it all to durability so you can become as tough as a tank. It's all up to you, but remember that there are still restrictions. I'll leave you to figure those out yourself. You are my first and only champion, so I was surprised to find out that there are restrictions placed on me too! It looks like the system really likes you!

"But it seems that the system reset the skills you got back to their base state, so you will have to grind them just like any other skill and make them grow and evolve. If you can do that, then good for you for getting some free skills!"

When the God of Games said that he tried to take away the skill but couldn't, Mark was shocked! So there are some things that even gods couldn't do. Does that mean that the God of Games was weaker than the system? Or maybe the system was just able to counteract some of the God of Games' powers so that he couldn't interfere too much! Mark was glad about this revelation because he knew that the God of Games was a very eccentric person! Having someone as intense and crazy as the God of Games as his patron god was already insane enough, but it would be even worse if the God of Games could change anything and everything at his whim! That would be the worst possible situation! The god of games already told Mark that the only reason why humans were given so much power was for the entertainment of the gods, so Mark knew that Sozin would do crazy things just for his entertainment if he could!

"I don't know why you have so much distrust for me. I haven't even done a single thing to harm you since giving you my powers. All I've done is help you as much as I could since the beginning! You should be a little more grateful to your patron god!"

My sister moves in tomorrow and she sent me a long list of things that she would need while living with me. I had to leave my house for the first time in a while to go to the supermarket and ask what the hell a tampon is.

P.S. What the fuck?

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