
Chapter 2

Heading in a random direction, I just hope I can find something to kill fast. After being an assassin for over 100 years, I have a natural bloodlust about me that makes me have to kill things frequently or else I will go insane. Going insane is not fun at all. It happened once when I was only 21 years old and I went on a rampage killing anything in sigh for days. By the time I came to, I had already killed over 300 people and probably a thousand beasts. I was then hunted down by the powers behind those people I killed for over a year, which was annoying since I nearly died multiple times.

Anyway, let's just continue in this direction and hope for the best! I walk casually through the forestry surrounding me, seemingly not paying attention to my surroundings, but I am actively using my Spirit Sense which thankfully came back after a while to know if anything comes near me. The range of my Spirit Sense is only 50 meters now, which is a farcry from my previous 2500 kilometers, but what can I do when I was reborn as a weakling. Sigh, let's just get stronger quickly.

Oh? Something actually came near me only after a few minutes. Does that mean this forest has plenty of beasts? If so, that will be great for me since I can just kill them all to rapidly increase my level, which in turn increases my strength, which allows me to kill the stronger beasts and so on.

Silently heading in the direction I sensed the beast at, I found it was merely another boar, but this one seemed stronger than the one I killed earlier. Hell, I can even feel danger coming from it. Screw this weak body of mine, making me feel danger from a tiny boar.

It looks identical to the one I killed earlier, making it's parent? Not that I care since I am killing it either way. Since I am so weak I can feel danger from this boar, I decided to make use of my skills. Casting Shadow Cloak on myself, I could feel my Dou Qi form a shroud around my body, making me look like a cluster of shadows floating in the air, even though I am still on ground. Can't really fly just yet. Another bonus of Shadow Cloak is that it masks your presence, making it hard to sense you when you use it, making it perfect for assassins to sneak attack someone for an easy kill.

Slowly creeping behind the boar, I make sure not to step on any branches or anything that could alert the boar of my presence. When I am merely 5 meters away from it, I leap at it at my fastest speed and bring out the blades of my gauntlets, slashing them across the throat of the boar instantly, not giving it a change to react. Retracting my blades I roll on the ground and jump back up and look at the now dead boar in satisfaction. Sure enough, using my assassin skills again is such fun.

[User has killed a Level 12 Wild Boar and obtained 120 experience and 40 points.]

[User has leveled up to 3 and obtained 2 Attribute Points.]

'Status.' I thought.

[Name: Ren Frost(Takatsuki)

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 11(128)

Level: 3(75/100)

Dou Qi Rank: Apprentice Warrior Stage 1

Dou Qi Type: Shadow

Dou Qi: 108/120

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 10

Spirit: 12

Skills: Shadow Sword(Tier 1), Shadow Walk(Tier 1), Shadow Cloak(Tier 1)

Points: 50

Attribute Points: 2]

'Hm, I lost 12 Dou Qi, meaning I use 1 Dou Qi second with my Shadow Cloak. That's about what I thought it would be since it is merely Tier 1. Well, put both points into Spirit again, since it is very useful to increase when I can early on.' I thought.

[Spirit has increased from 12 > 14.]

'Good.' I nodded.

Looking at the boar, I am reminded that I need something to eat, so I conveniently cut the boar into thin pieces with a random dagger from the Space Ring, while also bringing out a matchstick to make a fire with sticks and stones I grabbed before placing the meat onto a sturdy branch and cooking the meat idly.

If I can cook meat, then I will. While I can eat meat raw, I prefer cooked meat much more than raw meat, since the taste increases greatly and loses the metallic taste of blood. A quick 20 minutes later and I am already munching on the perfectly cooked boar meat, easily filling myself up.

Done with that, I put the fire out with some dirt and continue on my way, looking for my next prey. Deciding to walk in the same direction as I was before, I continue my journey through the forest while killing anything I can sense.

8 hours later~

[User has killed a Level 14 Wild Leopard and obtained 140 experience and 35 points.

[User has leveled up to 8 and obtained 2 Attribute Points.]

'Status.' I thought.

[Name: Ren Frost(Takatsuki)

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 11(128)

Level: 8(20/6400)

Dou Qi Rank: Apprentice Warrior Stage 1

Dou Qi Type: Shadow

Dou Qi: 200/200

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 10

Spirit: 20

Skills: Shadow Sword(Tier 1), Shadow Walk(Tier 1), Shadow Cloak(Tier 1)

Points: 575

Attribute Points: 2]

'Hm, my Spirit is already at 20, so I should put these points into Agility now, so I can move more quickly.' I thought.

[Agility has increased from 10 > 12.]

'Still, after 8 hours I only managed to level up 5 more times. Sure enough this experience doubling each level is a pain in my ass.' I thought with a sigh.

Looking at the now dark sky, I decide to rest as I am very tired now. Hunting for over 8 hours after being sent to another world as a new gender has tired me out physically and mentally. Looking at the cave which I found the now dead leopard in, I decide to just sleep here.

A little bit of fiddling around and now the cave is blocked off by some large rocks with a simple alarm trap which can alert me if anything is moved instantly, so there is no problem with sleeping here now.

Heading into the cave as deep as it goes, which is a good 30 meters from the entrance, I plop onto the bedding I pulled out from my Space Ring and instantly fall asleep upon hitting the bedding.

??? Pov~

'Why are all of these beasts rushing like this? They seem as if something terrifying is deeper into the forest... I guess I should check it out, just in case a strong beast has appeared again.' I thought.

Walking over the dead bodies of dozens of beasts, I head in the direction all of these beasts ran from, wondering if there is a new strong beast that took camp in this forest once again. Such a tiring job I have, having to kill any really strong beasts that come here so they don't cause any problems for the nearby villages and towns.

This is the last chapter for today, it is shorter than the last one but that is only because I wrote two chapters in a row. Next chapter will be out on Saturday. Thanks for reading!

Ryusahucreators' thoughts