
Strongest sect Master

This is a story about starting a sect and becoming the most powerful sect master. Jiang Chen arrived in this fantasy world eighteen years ago and became a member of a small family with good talent. He also has a System, and he began taking disciples gradually, forming a group of strange disciples with extremely varied personalities and steadily built the most powerful sect in the heavens and numerous worlds, eventually becoming the most powerful sect master.

sleepingpeacefully · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
106 Chs

Secret Realm(Final)

Jiang Chen was not alone, as thousands of martial artists just like him are confused and trying to understand what happened.

He did not know where they were, as it seemed that they were all teleported by the golden light.

He just wanted to see the fun, but now he did not know, and it seems his curiosity had led him into this trouble. If he had not come to see the secret realm, he would not be in this trouble.

Sigh! Whatever he is already in the muddy water, he cannot do anything about it. What he really needs is to calm down and understand the situation and how he should deal with it.

With that thought in his mind, he started to look around to know where they were and what to do. After looking around for a few minutes, he had a little understanding of what really happened and where they were.

He looked at the martial artists and found that there are no spirit master realm martial artists in this teleported group, and all the martial artists are of the innate realm, so they might have teleported into the secret realm. And this secret realm is actually no different from the outside world; there is blue sky, fertile soil, and fresh air, but the only difference is that there is no sun.

Naturally, he is not the only one who understands that they are teleported to the secret realm; experts from the royal family and top forces of the spiritual kingdom also understand this.

After understanding the situation in which they are, neither the members of the royal family nor the top forces feel good about this, as they thought they would be monopolising this secret realm, but now it is quite difficult.

Although they are the elite group and stronger in individual strength, the number of rogue martial artists is many times greater than them, so they cannot kill all the rogue martial artists, and even if they try to do so, they will have many casualties.

They did not waste any moments, as they did not want any rogue martial artists to get treasure from this secret realm, so they started to move to find the inheritance, but a problem occurred, as within this half hour they had already understood the structure of the secret realm.

But this is a problem as this secret realm is small—too small—not like they thought or heard, and there is nothing in this secret realm. What inheritance of a strong king realm? treasure and weapons of the King realm, there is nothing.

Many Rogue martial artists also tried, hoping to find something, but the result was the same.

The royal family and the top forces still did not give up and tried to find the inheritance or something for an hour, but the result remained the same and they did not find anything.

Now the faces of the royal family and the top forces did not look good. The high hopes they had for the secret realm, many even fantasising after getting the inheritance that they had a chance to reach the legendary king realm and control many forces or rule over multiple kingdoms for thousands of years, but all that dreams and expectations shattered right now.

Not only did they not get anything, but they lost millions of spirit stones. Now they even think that the original owner of the jade key might have known that there was nothing in the secret realm and earned almost ten million spirit stones by swindling them.

But they now even face a bigger problem: how the hell do they get out of this secret realm? Originally, according to the record their family gathered using the key, it would open a gate or portal outside the secret realm through which they could enter or exist the secret realm, but this f**king shit! secret realm does not follow the rules, as it forcefully teleported all the innate martial artists in the vicinity of ten miles.

Creating this fucking mess where they are stuck in this empty secret realm, and many of them are starting to panic.

Jiang Chen also noticed the panicked faces of the royal family and top forces martial artists and understood that they might not know how to go out. He did not care about any f**king treasure or inheritance; he just wanted to get out of this secret realm, but now he is also struck here.

Just as Jiang Chen was trying to think of a way out, suddenly the whole secret realm felt a shock; the earth started to move, and a big earthquake followed. Then, at the centre of the secret realm, slowly, a stone tower rose from the ground.

After the stone tower fully came out of the earth, the earth quaked, and the shaking of the whole secret realm stopped.

Seeing that a stone tower suddenly appeared, everybody again felt hope and quickly moved towards the centre of the secret realm. And even Jiang Chen moved with full speed towards the stone tower.

As the martial artists arrived in front of the stone tower slowly, small words started to appear on the tower. Seeing this, everyone became attentive and started to read the words.

"Sigh, if you are reading this, it means you are the lucky ones who got this realm's secret key. Congratulations to all of you who are in the secret realm; now you all have a chance to obtain supreme treasure that can change your life."

After reading this, everyone's eyes started to glow with hope of getting a supreme treasure. But this did not stop, as the words are still appearing on the stone tower.

"I was someone who was born into an ordinary family and later became a rogue martial artist, but with perseverance and hard work, I slowly climbed the road of martial arts and reached an astonishing height, but there were many who were jealous of me as to how I, with no sect or strong clan, could become a strong king realm martial artist, and so many wanted to know the secret of how he achieved such strength. So one time when those jealous kings cannot wait and join together to attack him and try to kill him."

"But they underestimated my strength, and they fought for three days and three nights, and I managed to kill one and hurt three other kings, but I was also hurt badly and would not live for many years, so I created this secret realm in hopes that future generations will continue my legacy."

Every martial artist, mostly the rogue martial artist present here, now truly respects this senior for his perseverance and talent. But the royal family and the top forces of the clan became more interested in what supreme treasure could make a rogue martial artist reach such a level, and if they got the treasure, they would definitely reach an even higher stage. Thinking this, their eyes became ferocious, as they would not let anyone steal this treasure.

"If you, after knowing what happened and thinking about the supreme treasure I left behind, then..."

'What happened? Why did the words stop appearing? Where is the supreme treasure? All the martial artists were asking. But suddenly, the words started to appear again.

"You all f**king pus**es think highly of yourself; do you really think I will leave an inheritance here for some unknown brats? If you think that, then you all are idiots, and I am very sorry to tell all you pus**es and Di** heads as there is no inheritance here."

"To create a secret realm normally takes three to four years. If I have that much time, I can find an heir on my own. Why the fuck would I create a secret realm in the first place? So it can be said that I created this secret realm to let you idiots understand how the world works. You should feel honoured as you are understanding the real truth about how the treacherous world works".

Seeing the words, the glowing, happy, and excited faces of every single one of them changed and became sour, and they immediately understood that they were all f**king pranked by the creator of this secret realm. And they couldn't figure out why the hell such a big shot pranked a few innate realm kids. Did this king have too much free time? They did not know that.

Even Jiang Chen felt surprised: "Shit! This king realm martial artist has some crooked personality" ,but one thing is for sure: this king realm martial artist will definitely not have any friends with this kind of personality.

But the words appearing did not stop.

"Now all of you brats are thinking why such a powerful king would do that,

Truthfully, nothing personal, but I really did get attacked, but as I am supremely talented with my invincible strength, I killed my opponents, but due to the surprise attack, I was still hurt, so I was in a bad mood and wanted to let the others feel the same, so I created this secret realm when I was trying to recover."

"But do not worry, little brats, as I am still a generous supreme king, I still left a chance for all of you".

Knowing this, a little hope again ignited for everyone, but not as much as before, as they still could not believe this troll King's words, and the words still continued to appear.

"I get this treasure token in chaotic death land, so I do not know what you will get or what you all will face, as only below King realms can be sent, so you all d**kheads still can get the chance, but it might be dangerous or it might not be; all depends on your luck."

"So, if any of you pu**ies and d**kheads managed to survive and get something, remember me, and always remember that it is because of me that you have the chance. Remember me and worship me as the 'Heaven Sundering King, I who is so handsome and strong that your grandmas and great-grandmas might get wet seeing my otherworldly handsome face."

Then, without giving anyone a moment to understand 'what the f**k they just read, a mysterious aura covered everyone in the secret realm.

Jiang Chen and all other martial artists also felt something as Jiang Chen's head started spinning. F**k this again.....

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