
Discussion about Eevees evolution theory

"We already do that" Pinery stated

"What?" Jun asked taken aback

"We already given Eevee an evolution stone as a research. We basically do everything we could do but its the same, Eevee not evolve" Pinery said

"Why?" Jun was flabbergasted, 'Isnt it just simply gives Eevee the evolution stone and everything'd done?' Jun was bewildered, "Then about my research?"

Pinery smiled. "Now you understand why I asked if you are serious about being a trainer, breeder, and scholar all at once? The way a trainer thinks is different from that of a Pokemon scholar or breeder, and vice versa. Although they may seem to be aligned, their ways of thinking are actually quite distinct."

Pinery then grab Jun paper and show to Jun, " You said here about silent phenotype and Phenotypic Plasticity right? so I assume you understand this huh?"

"Yes" Jun nodded

"It's quite simple, really. All living things have DNA, which is composed of four types of smaller chemical molecules known as nucleotide bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. These bases can order themselves into countless sequences. In the case of humans and Pokemons, most of our DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA), which carries the genetic information to ribosomes. Ribosomes are like protein factories where, in a simplified sense, the mRNA codes for various proteins. Thus is the way life continues from DNA to RNA to protein, the Central Dogma of Biology of all living things include Pokemon." Pinery said

Jun was feeling a bit dizzy with all of this. Fortunately, he had his predecessor's memories, so he could somewhat keep up with Pinery's thoughts.

"However, in some organisms there lay regions of 'silent' DNA that are highly methylated, or in other words, are wound up too tightly to be transcribed, and thus remain quiet and unused" Pinery continued

"But, there are ways for this silent DNA, or heterochromatin, to unravel and be transcribed. Without altering any of the nucleotides, an organism's phenotype can change dramatically through epigenetics, the external modification of DNA. Once that silent heterochromatin is demethylated, the DNA can transcribed and the central dogma can continue, the resulting proteins being expressed as a new phenotype. A great example is this "

Pinery then lifted Jun paper research.

"Your theory about the dormant side of Eevee Plasticity is giving me an idea. What if the "silent" Phenotype itself is activated instantly when they are near or exposed to the condition that affect their Phenotypic Plasticity? But automatically dormant when they are not exposed to it? If this theory is correct then this is explain why may professor and scholar still not able to discovered Eevee evolution" Pinery proclaimed proudly

Jun understand what she walked about, but one thing make he confused, "Why do people not try to give evolution stone to Eevee while they are exposed?"

"Simple, there's a research about evolution stone and pokemon by Professor Oak, Professor Rowan, and professor Cedric Juniper. The result is mostly Pokemon are aware or potentially subconsciously, are fully aware that the stones have some kind of life-changing potential on them. This becomes especially apparent in many Pikachu, who seem to become highly anxious when in proximity with a Thunderstone. In an experiment conducted, only 15% of Pikachu took up the stone when presented with it and thus evolved into a Raichu."

She continued, "It is unknown whether Pokemon are fully aware of the consequences of close contact with evolution stones, but results do seem to indicate that there is something in a Pokemon's psychology that makes it wary of such stones. Studies done on the brains of Pokemon showed a 55% increase in neurological activity when an evolutionary stone was in sight. So they basically asked the some question."

Pinery suddenly became serious and asked, "If evolution can be found in the wild and there are so many wild Pokemon that have not evolved, does it mean that Pokemon do not want to evolve? And if that's the case, does a trainer have the right to force their Pokemon to evolve?"

Jun was stunned and thought, 'It's so complicated? I thought being a Pokemon trainer was just about collecting Pokemon and battling your way to become a Pokemon champion.'

Pinery smiled while looking at Jun's face. "But that's for later, we'll talk about it. For now, since you've given me an idea about how to start the research, let me finish discussing the Anticipation ability first before we move on to Evolution. Oh, by the way, do you want your name on it or do you want to remain anonymous?"

Jun snapped back to reality and replied, "No, just put my name as contributor. I don't want to attract too much attention. Just put it on my Grandma name and you can put your name as co-author"

Pinery nodded and put the documents in her bag, extending her hand for a handshake. "Happy cooperation."

Jun also shook her hand and said, "Happy cooperation."

No need for further ado for them, since they basically have a bigger and fantastic research waiting for them, this Anticipation ability basically is just appetizer for them.


We humans and all living things have traits and things we have in common. Those things are called Genotypes and Phenotypes

Genotypes: Refers to the genetic makeup of an organism. for example, in the pea plants, the possible genotypes for the flower-color gene were red-red, red-white, and white-white

Phenotypes: Are the traits like color, body parts and body functions, height, hair/fur, etc.

Silent phenotype: Some phenotype can be activated not from the day it is born but in different situations. The change can be drastic but one thing that makes it unique is that it is still the same species.


Explanation about the breeding scheme on Jun system or data panel

In the [breeding scheme] system, it includes methods for breeding, training, dieting, and more, so I don't separate them. Essentially, I expanded the breeding category to cover anything that can develop a Pokemon. Each trainer has their own breeding method, which is why I think the system would become too complicated if I separated breeding, training, and dieting. Therefore, I have combined breeding, training, and dieting as one system.