
The End Of A Fairy Tale [Part 1]

The days turned into weeks, and weeks into months.

Before Lux knew it, half a year had passed since the filming started.

At first, he was very worried about the time difference between Earth, Solais, and Elysium. 

He believed that after he spent a few months on Earth, several years would have already passed in Solais and Elysium.

Fortunately, on the day that he signed the contract, dozens of those glowing golden eyeballs appeared inside his room. 

"As long as you entertain me, and I am satisfied with your performance, you don't have to worry about the difference in time dilation. So make sure to do your best or else…"

Although Lux was still in doubt, he had no choice but to believe the being's words.

Since he could not go back on his own anyway, he decided to stay and help Luna make her first movie a success.

Lux wasn't an actor.