
Not All Treasures Are Silver And Gold

After finalizing the details of Nevreal's proposal, the Half-Elf went to look for Cai.

He had left the Boar to stay in Leaf Village because it was getting bored of Barbatos Academy. The Boar didn't like to be confined indoors and preferred being out on the fields, enjoying the sights and sounds of the scenery around her.

Since a day had already passed in Elysium, the Half-Elf deemed that it was time to check on whatever Cai was doing and ensure that it wasn't causing trouble for the villagers.

Fortunately, Lux didn't need much effort to search for the Boar. He could hear its laughter from miles away.

"Just what have you been up to, Cai?" Lux asked as soon as he saw the Boar, who was currently surrounded by several Dwarf children.

"My Daddy! You came at the right time," Cai said as it made a gesture for Lux to hurry up. "Come! Look at her. Isn't she the most adorable creature ever?"