

Renowned financial genius and adventurer, Fang Ye, during an exploration in the Bermuda Triangle, unexpectedly encounters a space tunnel, transporting him to the Marvel Universe. From that moment on, the real world loses a financial genius and a world-class explorer, while the Marvel world gains a financial king and a super villain claiming to have unrivaled power. He becomes the target of S.H.I.E.L.D., the number one wanted criminal in the Marvel Universe. And besides the Hulk, he becomes the second man capable of transforming into the green giant. He is bestowed with the title 'King of Power'! This is a journey across dimensions for the Green Giant, and the Marvel Universe is just the first stop. MC already have power of intuition and emotional control. MC will be first focusing on increasing his influence in the Marvel world MC is Evil and cold and ruthless [ can do anything to achieve his goal! ] Killed Professor X + Magneto + Laser EYe + Daredevil +....... many mutants + ordinary people + shield members + .....etc. Have his own evil or criminal army. Become enemy of X-Men + Mutants + Shield + Hydra + Hell Fire Club + Military +......... So a good evil cold calculative MC [ Go and read it! ] I own nothing in this novel [surprising isn't it?] It's a translated novel.

Mortimer_Darkbane · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs

Genetic Evolution


Fang Ye let out a gentle breath and gazed at the star in the void, a faint smile on his face.

The star's brilliance shone upon him, a sensation akin to soaking in a warm spring. A gentle warmth spread through his limbs and body. Fang Ye could feel every cell in his body, each one more active than ever before.

"Just as I speculated, it really requires absorbing stellar radiation to fully activate the genes..."

Fang Ye muttered to himself.

Indeed, as Fang Ye had guessed, after absorbing the Codex that day, he triggered the evolution of the Green Giant gene. Additionally, by devouring the genes of the Kryptonians, the Green Giant gene within him gained the ability to absorb stellar radiation.

However, just like the Kryptonians, without absorbing stellar radiation, the genes within him remained inactive.

But now, with the absorption of stellar radiation, his genes were fully awakened. If the previous Green Giant gene had defects, the current one was flawless.

Of course, the evolution of the Green Giant gene had both pros and cons.

The advantage was that Fang Ye gained the ability to absorb stellar radiation. By continuously absorbing it, he could endlessly enhance his strength and defense. He also acquired the power of flight.

The disadvantage was that due to the evolution of the Green Giant gene, even when Fang Ye transformed into the Green Giant and removed the emotional control, his rationality wouldn't be overwhelmed by anger, and correspondingly, his strength wouldn't be infinitely enhanced by anger.

The ability to unleash unlimited strength through anger was indeed formidable!

However, its drawbacks were significant. Not only would rationality be submerged by anger, but if the release of anger happened too frequently, it could even lead to the emergence of a second personality.

And the emergence of a second personality was something Fang Ye couldn't accept!

If given the choice, he would rather be like he was now, continuously enhancing his strength by absorbing stellar radiation.

After a moment of contemplation, Fang Ye rose slowly and headed toward the command room.

When Fang Ye found Zod and the others, he discovered that all the Kryptonians, including Zod, had excited expressions. Clearly, just like Fang Ye, they had also noticed changes in their bodies.

"General Zod, congratulations."

"Mr. Ye, did you recall the interstellar coordinates of Earth?"

"Not exactly. I congratulate you all on activating your genes. I believe you have also felt the various changes in your bodies."

"Do you know the reason, Mr. Ye?"

Fang Ye didn't hide anything and explained everything he knew, including the fact that Kryptonians could possess almost limitless strength and unparalleled power and resilience by continuously absorbing stellar radiation, as long as they didn't go overboard and create a second personality due to excessive anger.

Zod listened, initially showing a pleased expression, but then a somewhat melancholic sigh followed.

"If we Kryptonians had known all this earlier, perhaps Kryptonian civilization wouldn't have been destroyed..."

Indeed, as Zod said, had the Kryptonians known about absorbing stellar radiation and gaining immense strength and resilience, they might have had the potential to dominate the entire universe.

In Fang Ye's opinion, Kryptonians had more qualifications to call themselves gods than the Asgardians of the Marvel universe, who even proclaimed themselves as such.

"General Zod, perhaps you should consider changing the plan."

"Oh? I'm curious to hear your thoughts."

"The region where Earth is located is called the Solar System. Earth is one of the eight major planets in the Solar System, and the sun is a star much larger than the one before us. The Els on Earth can also absorb stellar radiation..."

"I understand now! Thank you, Mr. Ye, for the reminder."

Zod nodded, comprehending Fang Ye's intention.

According to the original plan, they wouldn't stay here. They would use Krypton as the center and continuously search for planets within a thirty-light-year radius in the hopes of finding Earth and reclaiming the ancient scripture.

However, after Fang Ye's reminder, Zod suddenly realized that even if they found Earth, the Els who hadn't absorbed solar radiation for years might not be a match for them.

As a result, Zod decided to change the plan. Besides Fang Ye, there were eleven Kryptonians in total.

Zod chose to divide them into five groups, taking turns piloting spacecraft to explore and search for Earth, while the rest remained on the newly modified planet to absorb stellar radiation and enhance their strength.

However, since they intended to absorb stellar radiation on this planet, the first step was to transform it.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think of this planet?"

Zod referred to the planet closest to the star, a planet that was only about one-third the size of Earth.

Fang Ye smiled and nodded.

"This planet is suitable. Its small size makes it easy to modify, and being so close to the star, we can absorb solar radiation more easily."


"Of course! Not only can Kryptonians absorb stellar radiation, but due to my unique constitution, I can also absorb it."


Zod nodded thoughtfully. Whether or not he believed Fang Ye's words, only he himself knew.

Fang Ye didn't expect Zod to believe him. It was just a casual remark. As long as Zod didn't delve deeper, that was fine.

Furthermore, apart from the deceased Kryptonian parents, no one knew about Fang Ye absorbing the codex.

At that time, Laila hadn't had the chance to speak, as she was shot by Zod. Al suffered severe injuries and couldn't speak either. Due to various coincidences, nobody knew that Fang Ye had absorbed the Codex.

Indeed, Kryptonian technology was advanced. In just a week's time, they transformed a planet.

Finally, Zod instructed his female adjutant to lead a Kryptonian soldier and continue searching for Earth by piloting a spacecraft. The rest stayed on the newly modified planet, absorbing stellar radiation to enhance their strength.

To conserve energy, the planet underwent only minimal modifications. After all, they wouldn't be staying here for long.

In fact, after Fang Ye informed Zod about certain aspects of the Solar System, Zod had a plan in mind. Earth was undoubtedly the most suitable planet for rebuilding Kryptonian civilization.

Earth's environment was superior to Krypton's, and it was situated close to the sun. If Kryptonians lived on Earth, they could absorb solar radiation from a young age and constantly strengthen their bodies.

However, due to concerns about Fang Ye, Zod hadn't shared his plans with anyone. If he were to modify Earth, the human race on it would undoubtedly face extinction. After all, in Zod's eyes, Fang Ye was ultimately a human.

If Fang Ye knew Zod's thoughts, he might find it amusing.

Zod's plan to modify Earth was of no concern to Fang Ye. This parallel universe's Earth had nothing to do with him.

However, Fang Ye also wouldn't lend a hand. He would just turn a blind eye to it. When the time came, the superheroes of the DC universe would naturally step in to stop it.